North Korea Nuclear Threats: "no one can hope to defeat,"


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
United States
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(Emphasis, mine)
This quote! :ebil: :sigh:

"While the U.S. and its South Korean puppets are preparing a war of aggression against the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) the leadership of the marshal (Kim) has turned the DPRK into a nuclear power that no one can hope to defeat," the messaging goes according to the lecturer.

Major North Korean state-run organizations are reportedly holding mandatory lectures on the importance of nuclear weapons and a national focus on self-defense in the face of "aggression" from the U.S. and South Korea.

Yet the slogans promulgated by these groups—including the Socialist Women's Union of Korea, Socialist Patriotic Youth League, and General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea—are failing to reverberate with the new generation, who are more interested in improving their living standard, Seoul-based news outlet Daily NK cited a participating lecturer as saying.

Pyongyang is forging ahead with its United Nations-sanctioned nuclear weapons, which the Kim Jong Un regime views as necessary for its preservation, prompting a rare joint statement by China, Japan, and South Korea last month affirming their commitment to the North's denuclearization.

Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are at their highest in decades amid a spate of North Korean missile tests, trash-filled balloons Pyongyang sent south in response to anti-regime literature from the other direction, and the suspension of a key inter-Korean military agreement meant to reduce tensions near the border.

Lecturers cite the "war provocations" by Washington and its allies as justification for North Korean efforts to continue strengthening its national defense efforts, Daily NK's source said, speaking on condition of anonymity since Pyongyang strictly forbids contact with individuals outside the country.

"While the U.S. and its South Korean puppets are preparing a war of aggression against the DPRK (Democratic People's Republic of Korea) the leadership of the marshal (Kim) has turned the DPRK into a nuclear power that no one can hope to defeat," the messaging goes according to the lecturer.

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is North Korea's official name.

These lectures are reportedly ill-received by younger North Koreans, with some openly expressing apathy and even annoyance about being made to listen to the well-worn appeals to nationalism they grew up around.

"Nowadays, they can't help but smile when they hear that national defense is being stressed for the same reasons as a decade ago, despite the constant bragging about how North Korea has become a nuclear power," the lecturer said.

They added they'd overheard youths saying after a lecture they wished the impoverished country could be an economic heavyweight rather than a nuclear or military power.

Those who zone out during the propaganda sessions, however, risk punishment. The source cited as an example a man in his 30s who was forced to undergo a harsh self-criticism session after being caught listening to music with headphones during a lecture in the city of Pyongsong.

Newsweek reached out to the North Korean embassy in China with an emailed request for comment.

The American Federation of Scientists estimates North Korea possesses around 50 nuclear warheads.

The country, which has conducted six nuclear tests between 2006 and 2017, has threatened a seventh and in 2022 updated its nuclear doctrine to abandon its non-first-use policy.

In August, the U.S. and South Korea will hold an exercise simulating a North Korean nuclear attack. Pyongyang has warned of a "catastrophic aftermath" if the drill takes place.

(But those 50 nuclear warheads are special, and no one can defeat them, not even USA with 5000. Kim is no longer little rocket man, he is Big Bomb Man)
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