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Aug 10, 2006
Rock Hill, SC
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He’s hurting, he’s crying,
No tears on outside.
He’s injured, he’s stirring,
All now kept inside.

He’s failing for words
To say all that he feels.
He cannot express,
Cannot make his appeals.

His outside is inside,
Trapped now in his skin,
Knows not where to turn,
And his faith’s wearing thin.

He doesn’t know who to trust.
Who really cares?
And so he says nothing,
In space he just stares.

He’s built up his walls
To keep others outside
So they will not know
What is deep down inside.

I pray for him now
That he sees Someone cares,
Someone who sees him
Behind all the stares.

Someone who gave his life
For you and for me
So now from our sins
We could truly be free.

I pray, Lord, that you
Will get through to his heart
And show him you want
To give him a new start.

An Original Work / January 4, 2024