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Aug 10, 2006
Rock Hill, SC
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You use and abuse,
And you tell tall tales.
You promise to change,
But to no avail.

When you’re asked to change,
Then you raise your claws.
You rage and refuse
To give truth applause.

Then, you seem to know
Of what you did wrong.
You cry and confess,
Promise change, now on.

You seem that you work
On your attitude.
You seem to be kind,
And show gratitude.

But, suddenly you
Are back at the start,
With no evidence,
Of change of the heart.

You twist and you turn
All you said you knew,
To your advantage;
Disregard the truth.

The tables now turned,
You’ve the upper hand,
You’ve conquered your foe,
So you comprehend.

You put her in place.
You’re the victim, sure.
It’s her fault that you’re
the mess that you are.

But, if truth be told,
You are still deceived,
Believing the lies
That your pride do feed.

You keep repeating
All the same defense,
Proclaiming ign’rance,
And you don’t relent.

You don’t own up to
The reality,
For you are living
In a fantasy.

If you want vict’ry
Over all your sins,
Then humble yourself,
And to God, give in.

Let him have control
Over mind and soul.
His grace will cleanse you
And will make you whole.

An Original Work / April 16, 2018

P.S. The “him” and “her” can be reversed in this scenario.