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Oh no, it is the teaching of the Bible. Since I am single, I am not a head of anything so that not my question.It's nothing to do with the man being the head is it? I mean your question.
You have to ask yourself, why not? If the woman is not exercising authority then she is not out of order. As a 69 year old, conservative male, I do not accept that women can be elders or have authority over men. At the same time, I have the utmost respect for Joyce Meyer. She knows what true submission is. She is living proof that God can transform the most broken life, male or female. She's been in ministry for decades and I've seen the transformation. Listen and be blessed.Is this okay?
You have to ask yourself, why not? If the woman is not exercising authority then she is not out of order. As a 69 year old, conservative male, I do not accept that women can be elders or have authority over men. At the same time, I have the utmost respect for Joyce Meyer. She knows what true submission is. She is living proof that God can transform the most broken life, male or female. She's been in ministry for decades and I've seen the transformation. Listen and be blessed.
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"I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. " - 1 Tim 2:12Oh no, it is the teaching of the Bible. Since I am single, I am not a head of anything so that not my question.
The scriptural Word about women teaching is a ref. to the Church. They are to be silent in the collective assembly. A female saint of God can surely witness to all she meets. She may be more Godly than some professing Christian men. Within the Assembly a sister in the Lord can be supportive and serve in many ways to encourage and help the gathering go on well, but she must not speak publicly in the meetings or be counseling other gathered saints. She needs to learn at home ---reading her Bible and/or speaking with a Christian about questions and issues. God values the dear sisters in the Lord and speaks of that often in His Word.
No one said a woman should not learn! The statement: 'learn at home' is a Bible verse, which means she can study also at home without speaking out in the Assembly; talk with other Christians anywhere, etc. Read all references in the Bible about the woman's place and you can learn the mind of God.
No one said a woman should not learn! The statement: 'learn at home' is a Bible verse, which means she can study also at home without speaking out in the Assembly; talk with other Christians anywhere, etc. Read all references in the Bible about the woman's place and you can learn the mind of God.