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La La Mermaid-My Story (with Anime-Style Illustrations!)


Beauty will save the world!
Apr 11, 2024
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Hi, everyone! A while back, when I first joined CF, I mentioned I was working on an original story that I hoped to share with you all here. The name is 'La La Mermaid', and I will be posting the chapters I have written thus far right here in this thread.

This story is intended for a female audience between the ages of 13-35, but, of course, anyone is welcome to read it! It has a literary style similar to those found in 'shojo' manga/anime stories (anime for girls). It is a family-friendly read with no offensive content. I'm open to hearing your thoughts on it if you wish to share them, but please be respectful as well as honest as this story has been a labor of love for me! Thank you, and I hope you enjoy it! :)


Beauty will save the world!
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Before I share the first chapter, I thought I'd post pictures and little summaries of the four main characters in this story! So here they are!

Crystal La Rey: Crystal La Rey is a 16-year-old girl who loves to paint the ocean. She is shy and is sometimes teased for not knowing how to swim even though her older brother is a skilled surfer. What most people don’t know about her, though, is her kindness and willingness to help those in need. Her rare inner beauty could be likened to a lovely pearl hidden inside an unassuming shell.

Celeste: A cat-like fairy from the magical, underwater land of Stelamarinus. She is caring and reliable, even though she can be impatient at times. She and her friend Stella come to Sea Star Village because they have a magical, mysterious task to carry out in the human world.

Stella: A jellyfish-like fairy, also from the land of Stelamarinus. She is stylish and bubbly, and, though she has good intentions most of the time, she can be airheaded and a little incapable.

Florian Marino: A water ballet performer and director of his own company, Water Lily Productions. Though slightly eccentric, he is also gentle and kind. For some reason, he seems to be somewhat secretive about his past…
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Beauty will save the world!
Apr 11, 2024
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Here's the first chapter of 'La La Mermaid'. In the next few days, I will post the second chapter. Enjoy!

La La Mermaid​

Chapter 1: Magical Treasures from the Sea…​

“Rosalia! You can’t walk out on my water ballet now! This is to be my masterpiece! How can you turn your back on such a thing of beauty as this?!”

“Hmph! As if you know the first thing about beauty! Listen to yourself! Without a thought of anyone else’s happiness but your own! I used to think your talent glimmered brilliantly like a lustrous pearl! But now…now you are nothing but an empty shell!”
“Look who’s suddenly the poetic one! You only became the editor of your own magazine because of family connections! You’re wasting a brilliant career as a water ballerina, Rosalia!”

“Well, at least…at least I’m not blaspheming the name of art by hiding behind the public mask of a benevolent creative! You are nothing more than a slave-driving tyrant of a director! And I refuse to stand by and take part in it any longer!”

“Rosalia…you were right…I didn’t realize it then, but now I know…”

A tall man sat bent over, his wavy, tousled head lowered in despair “…What should I do?”

A middle-aged woman, who had long, rippling hair and similar facial features to the melancholic man, smiled softly at him, then looked out a window at the crashing waves of the sea. “Florian, don’t give up hope! Remember what I have told you: ‘when burst forth the cry of a broken soul…all is not lost…for the people of Stelamarinus will rise from the foam…true to their custom and to their guardian’s role…”

Clutching a teardrop-shaped pendant, he closed his eyes and uttered a prayer in his heart. “…I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t want to come to my aid now, but…I need help! I…I believe it is not too late…!”

A shadowy silhouette of a cat and a jellyfish suddenly appeared on the sand.

The soft, musical tinkle of windchimes mingled with the distant crash of the ocean’s waves. Starfish, mermaid figurines, and a curious variety of shells displayed in a shop window glimmered in the light as the late morning sun filtered into it. Whimsical paintings of mermaids lined the wall as they leaped and twirled and swam. The fantastical paintings gave more the impression of enchanted windows than of paintings. The mermaids in them seemed to wave at the customers or, at any moment, leap out of the picture and into the shop, so vivid they looked. A middle-aged woman with long hair that rippled down her back bustled within as she straightened up the shop, organizing inventory before it opened for the day.

At that moment, however, the locked shop door mysteriously swung open. The middle-aged woman turned around, her pink sundress swishing around her. A slender, white cat with long limbs greeted her at the doorway.

“Goodness, Celeste! You make your presence known as discreetly as the merfolk!”

The strange, white cat’s pink bow at her neck rustled, and her white sailor hat bobbed as she looked up at the shop owner with a capable air, her serious, yellow eyes staring keenly into the woman’s. “We’ve come to aid the one for which you have sought help.”

The middle-aged woman’s eyes sparkled with merriment in a rare, childlike way as she gave a low chuckle. “...Oh! ‘We’?!”

Celeste, confused by the shop owner’s amused expression, followed her gaze and noticed a little, aqua-green colored jellyfish creature rummaging through a collection of glittery seashells, starfish, and other pretty, oceanic items.

“Oh! Celeste!! This shop sells seashells coated with sparkly Pearl Essence Powder! I didn’t think any store in the human world carried these!!”

Celeste, angered and embarrassed, tried to peel her partner away from the array of products. “Stella!! This is the fifth shop you’ve been distracted by! Would you focus on our mission?!”

“Aw, you’re no fun! I don’t always get a chance to shop inland! And the land people here are so surprisingly creative, I can’t help but be curious about everything they sell!”

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Celeste struggled to regain her composure and turned to the shop owner again. “Anyway…!” The white cat looked up at the woman with earnest, glowing eyes. “Please! We need the items you put on hold for us right away!”

“Of course!” The middle-aged woman walked toward a room in the back of the store, her long, wavy hair flowing behind her. When she returned, she bent down in front of Celeste and Stella and opened her clenched hand, revealing a sparkly, pink, shell-shaped compact and a matching pendant. “Here’s your order!” She winked meaningfully.

The two magical creatures stared at the shell-shaped compact and the matching, shell-shaped pendant in awe. Lustrous pearls inlaid on the front of the compact gleamed in shades of coral pink, aqua blue, and the lavender of a coastal, twilit sky. The pendant’s enamel-looking front shimmered with flecks of gold like grains of sand.

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“Wow! They’re so stylish! I just love a matching set!”

“Stella, these aren’t for you!” Celeste rolled her eyes at Stella, then took the compact in her mouth. After bowing her head in thanks to the shop owner, she swiftly ran out of the store and disappeared.

Stella’s eyes brightened as she hastily snatched the shell pendant and put it on. “Oohh, thanks for letting me wear the pendant, Celeste!” The magical jellyfish said as she struggled to keep up with her companion. The woman looked on for a moment, then cheerfully opened up her store for the day.

The next day, a rosy dawn glowed like mother-of-pearl and lit up the half-darkened sky. A teenage girl with long, wavy, turquoise-blue hair sleepily fluttered her eyelashes open. Her large eyes widened as she saw the golden rays of sunshine that floated and danced on her bedroom walls. Leaping excitedly out of her blankets, she ran to her window and pushed the frothy curtains open, staring out at the sea. It sparkled like it was full of millions of diamonds ablaze in the sun.

A small smile crept over the girl’s face. “The ocean looks so beautiful this morning!” she murmured softly. She ran out of her bedroom and, a moment later, reappeared, dressed in a crisp, white sailor top and a long, blue skirt that billowed whenever she turned. She hurriedly put on a beribboned sun hat and strappy, white sandals. Then, she hoisted a big, straw tote bag over her shoulder filled with an easel and painting supplies.

Running out the door, she excitedly thought, “Maybe I can finally paint something wonderful today!” Seagulls glided over the girl’s head as she dashed past the quaint beach cottages and gleaming, sun-drenched mansions covered in brightly colored, flowering vines. Fluffy clouds floated in the sky like puffs of whipped cream, and palm trees glistened and danced on the fresh, salty, ocean breeze.

“...An alabaster façade that brings to mind images of the whitest sands…and an elegant, tile roof that glistens like the deep, blue sea…It’s beautiful…it’s perfect…”

As the artist girl was passing the street in which a long, water canal sparkled below her perpendicular to the street, a tall man with wavy, blue hair stood on the other side of the street. He stared at the spacious, white mansion before him, which had a marine-colored roof and overlooked the waterway dotted with bobbing sailboats. “Yes, I simply must have this house…it reminds me so much of home…”

Another man beside him replied, “...Well, it’s beyond me why you would want to move to this sleepy, little, seaside town! You’d think after living in such a beautiful place as Greece all your life, Florian, a place like this would hold little artistic value for you!”

“Yes, one would think so, wouldn’t one…?” The man called Florian murmured, a sigh escaping his lips.

Just then, the two men heard the pattering sound of footsteps. They both turned around and caught a glimpse of a girlish silhouette racing by. Though the dazzling glare of the glittering canal behind her made her appear a little hazy and indistinct, in just a brief second, Florian was able to catch the sparkling glimmer in her green-blue eyes that flashed excitedly and seemed to reflect the clear water around her. Her long, turquoise hair trailed behind her and curled slightly at the ends, resembling the way a wave curls before breaking onto the shore, and her soft smile beamed like a gentle ray of sunshine through a cloud. She was such a whimsical image that Florian thought she looked like a free-spirited water nymph.

Though she didn’t notice him, he smiled at her, looking on with interest. “...Who is that girl? A resident here?”

“Her? Oh, yes, some girl who lives nearby. A bit strange. She stays shut up in her house most of the time except when she runs off to the beach to paint or something. She won’t bother you, though. Does she remind you of anyone? Probably your kid sister, right?”

“Hmm…” was all he said through a closed, smiling mouth. He looked thoughtful, so his friend took that as a ‘yes’ and a sure sign of homesickness.

After a minute, Florian spoke up. “I thank you, Sebastian, for showing me this place. I will definitely purchase it.”
“Well, it’s for purely selfish reasons, really! I’m going to do all in my power to get you to be my neighbor! You haven’t yet told me why you came here! Business? Or are you getting restless again?!”

Florian hesitated. “...Well…a little of both, I suppose…” Though he smiled, a shadow settled over his face, which his enthusiastic friend failed to notice.

Waves roared and crashed as a wet paintbrush dipped into a deep, blue pigment. It coated an ivory-colored canvas and attempted to imitate the curling motion of the ocean’s currents. A low sigh escaped the turquoise-haired girl’s lips. She cast her eyes on a somewhat stiff-looking painting of her surroundings. Illustrated on her canvas were dull ocean waves and a morning sun that refused to shower the landscape with its warm, golden rays, what should have looked like a perfectly idyllic, coastal day.

A little further from the shoreline, where the ocean began to get deep, surfers dotted the water. They bobbed on the ocean’s surface, sank down into its depths, or rode the waves like strange, new species of aquatic creatures. One girl in particular, with reddish-brown hair tinged with teal at the ends, came up to the surface with a big gasp for air. She was wearing a short, black-and-green wetsuit and swam in broad, confident strokes. She and her surfing partner, another teenage girl, swam to the shore, lying flat on their surfboards.

As they got ready to leave the beach, the auburn-haired surfer girl’s partner pointed at Crystal's painting. “Hey, look, Marina! Isn’t that the former surfing champion’s kid sister?”

Marina turned around after throwing a sporty t-shirt over her head, smirking. “Pft! Yeah, that’s her! You wouldn’t believe it if you saw the way Sean surfs, but that girl seriously cannot swim a stroke!”

Overhearing the two surfers, the painter girl blushed brightly. “‘Th-that girl’? ‘Cannot swim a stroke’? Is that how they refer to me…?”

“My name’s Crystal La Rey, but I guess most people wouldn’t know that…I’m sixteen-years-old, and what I want most in the world is to have my paintings accepted into La Mer, the boutique and art gallery here in my hometown, Sea Star Village…”
…Or, at least, I thought I wanted that…”

Crystal put down her paintbrush wearily. “...Painting the ocean sparkling in the sunlight was always my favorite thing to do…But lately, I’m just not as excited as I used to be about it…”
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“Hurry up, Stella!” At that moment, Celeste darted across the street toward the beach. She paused, waiting for her jellyfish partner, who floated behind her, worn out by her travels. “Celeste, you’re such a slave driver! We’ve been running around searching since forever! I can’t go on any longer!”
“Tch! You try running on four legs sometime and jumping fences! I’ve never known anyone to be so soft and spineless as you, Stel-!”

“Hey, Monet, why don’t you take a dip in the water to cool down? It’s crazy warm today, isn’t it?”

Celeste’s ears perked up. She turned her head toward the beach. Marina and her surfing partner stood on either side of Crystal, who sat timidly in front of her easel.

“Right! And she doesn’t mean just dipping your paintbrush into blue paint!”

Crystal’s face turned a deep shade of pink as she whimpered, embarrassed, “M-Marina…Monet was a man…! And you know I can’t swim at all!”

“Yeah, be careful what you tell her, Marina! She might just trip and fall into her painting!”

“Ha, haah!! You’re right! Don’t drown in your palette, Picasso!”

Shoulders hunched and trembling, Crystal’s eyes welled with tears as the two surfer girls walked away, the sound of their laughing fading as they went. Celeste watched the bullying indignantly. “Hmph! What did she ever do to them, anyway? It seems as though some people have nothing better to do with their time!”

Stella floated closer to look at Crystal. The magical jellyfish’s large, reddish-pink eyes glowed sadly. “And her painting is turning out so beautifully, too!”

Celeste followed her, interest piqued by the painting. “..Oh!!” She stared at the work of art and then at Crystal again, astonished.“...This painting…! Though still a little unpolished, there’s something about it…It’s like a window into her heart…!”

Stella’s expression softened, reading the same mysterious message as well. “Yes…and what a rare and beautiful one it is, too…”

Celeste agreed, then resumed her usual air of responsibility. “...But those surfer girls! Stella, it looks like we have a lot of work to do! The people of Sea Star Village need us! Come on!”

As Crystal packed up her canvas, easel, and painting supplies, she disheartenedly thought, “Why does that Marina always tease me? I guess I must look pretty stupid to her...painting at the beach every day, yet not really accomplishing anything…” She trudged away from the soft, warm sand, feeling the hard concrete of the city sidewalk under her feet once more. “If only I could be inspired again! Then maybe I could make a painting worthy of the La Mer Art Gallery!”

All of a sudden, Crystal heard the distant sound of dreamy, waltz-like music carried to her on a passing breeze. She looked up and saw a shining, open-air stage with rows of seats on either side and a domed, glass roof at the top. The stage had hardly any solid floor. Instead, it was a pool of glistening water. What was even more spellbinding, though, was the performance displayed at that moment in front of her very eyes. “...I’ve passed this stage many times…it always used to be empty…I’ve never once seen anyone perform here…” Crystal quickly stepped closer to the open stage, overcome with curiosity. Her eyes sparkled as she watched intently.
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Here's the first chapter of 'La La Mermaid'. In the next few days, I will post the second chapter. Enjoy!

La La Mermaid​

Chapter 1: Magical Treasures from the Sea…​

“Rosalia! You can’t walk out on my water ballet now! This is to be my masterpiece! How can you turn your back on such a thing of beauty as this?!”

“Hmph! As if you know the first thing about beauty! Listen to yourself! Without a thought of anyone else’s happiness but your own! I used to think your talent glimmered brilliantly like a lustrous pearl! But now…now you are nothing but an empty shell!”
“Look who’s suddenly the poetic one! You only became the editor of your own magazine because of family connections! You’re wasting a brilliant career as a water ballerina, Rosalia!”

“Well, at least…at least I’m not blaspheming the name of art by hiding behind the public mask of a benevolent creative! You are nothing more than a slave-driving tyrant of a director! And I refuse to stand by and take part in it any longer!”

“Rosalia…you were right…I didn’t realize it then, but now I know…”

A tall man sat bent over, his wavy, tousled head lowered in despair “…What should I do?”

A middle-aged woman, who had long, rippling hair and similar facial features to the melancholic man, smiled softly at him, then looked out a window at the crashing waves of the sea. “Florian, don’t give up hope! Remember what I have told you: ‘when burst forth the cry of a broken soul…all is not lost…for the people of Stelamarinus will rise from the foam…true to their custom and to their guardian’s role…”

Clutching a teardrop-shaped pendant, he closed his eyes and uttered a prayer in his heart. “…I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t want to come to my aid now, but…I need help! I…I believe it is not too late…!”

A shadowy silhouette of a cat and a jellyfish suddenly appeared on the sand.

The soft, musical tinkle of windchimes mingled with the distant crash of the ocean’s waves. Starfish, mermaid figurines, and a curious variety of shells displayed in a shop window glimmered in the light as the late morning sun filtered into it. Whimsical paintings of mermaids lined the wall as they leaped and twirled and swam. The fantastical paintings gave more the impression of enchanted windows than of paintings. The mermaids in them seemed to wave at the customers or, at any moment, leap out of the picture and into the shop, so vivid they looked. A middle-aged woman with long hair that rippled down her back bustled within as she straightened up the shop, organizing inventory before it opened for the day.

At that moment, however, the locked shop door mysteriously swung open. The middle-aged woman turned around, her pink sundress swishing around her. A slender, white cat with long limbs greeted her at the doorway.

“Goodness, Celeste! You make your presence known as discreetly as the merfolk!”

The strange, white cat’s pink bow at her neck rustled, and her white sailor hat bobbed as she looked up at the shop owner with a capable air, her serious, yellow eyes staring keenly into the woman’s. “We’ve come to aid the one for which you have sought help.”

The middle-aged woman’s eyes sparkled with merriment in a rare, childlike way as she gave a low chuckle. “...Oh! ‘We’?!”

Celeste, confused by the shop owner’s amused expression, followed her gaze and noticed a little, aqua-green colored jellyfish creature rummaging through a collection of glittery seashells, starfish, and other pretty, oceanic items.

“Oh! Celeste!! This shop sells seashells coated with sparkly Pearl Essence Powder! I didn’t think any store in the human world carried these!!”

Celeste, angered and embarrassed, tried to peel her partner away from the array of products. “Stella!! This is the fifth shop you’ve been distracted by! Would you focus on our mission?!”

“Aw, you’re no fun! I don’t always get a chance to shop inland! And the land people here are so surprisingly creative, I can’t help but be curious about everything they sell!”

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Celeste struggled to regain her composure and turned to the shop owner again. “Anyway…!” The white cat looked up at the woman with earnest, glowing eyes. “Please! We need the items you put on hold for us right away!”

“Of course!” The middle-aged woman walked toward a room in the back of the store, her long, wavy hair flowing behind her. When she returned, she bent down in front of Celeste and Stella and opened her clenched hand, revealing a sparkly, pink, shell-shaped compact and a matching pendant. “Here’s your order!” She winked meaningfully.

The two magical creatures stared at the shell-shaped compact and the matching, shell-shaped pendant in awe. Lustrous pearls inlaid on the front of the compact gleamed in shades of coral pink, aqua blue, and the lavender of a coastal, twilit sky. The pendant’s enamel-looking front shimmered with flecks of gold like grains of sand.

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“Wow! They’re so stylish! I just love a matching set!”

“Stella, these aren’t for you!” Celeste rolled her eyes at Stella, then took the compact in her mouth. After bowing her head in thanks to the shop owner, she swiftly ran out of the store and disappeared.

Stella’s eyes brightened as she hastily snatched the shell pendant and put it on. “Oohh, thanks for letting me wear the pendant, Celeste!” The magical jellyfish said as she struggled to keep up with her companion. The woman looked on for a moment, then cheerfully opened up her store for the day.

The next day, a rosy dawn glowed like mother-of-pearl and lit up the half-darkened sky. A teenage girl with long, wavy, turquoise-blue hair sleepily fluttered her eyelashes open. Her large eyes widened as she saw the golden rays of sunshine that floated and danced on her bedroom walls. Leaping excitedly out of her blankets, she ran to her window and pushed the frothy curtains open, staring out at the sea. It sparkled like it was full of millions of diamonds ablaze in the sun.

A small smile crept over the girl’s face. “The ocean looks so beautiful this morning!” she murmured softly. She ran out of her bedroom and, a moment later, reappeared, dressed in a crisp, white sailor top and a long, blue skirt that billowed whenever she turned. She hurriedly put on a beribboned sun hat and strappy, white sandals. Then, she hoisted a big, straw tote bag over her shoulder filled with an easel and painting supplies.

Running out the door, she excitedly thought, “Maybe I can finally paint something wonderful today!” Seagulls glided over the girl’s head as she dashed past the quaint beach cottages and gleaming, sun-drenched mansions covered in brightly colored, flowering vines. Fluffy clouds floated in the sky like puffs of whipped cream, and palm trees glistened and danced on the fresh, salty, ocean breeze.

“...An alabaster façade that brings to mind images of the whitest sands…and an elegant, tile roof that glistens like the deep, blue sea…It’s beautiful…it’s perfect…”

As the artist girl was passing the street in which a long, water canal sparkled below her perpendicular to the street, a tall man with wavy, blue hair stood on the other side of the street. He stared at the spacious, white mansion before him, which had a marine-colored roof and overlooked the waterway dotted with bobbing sailboats. “Yes, I simply must have this house…it reminds me so much of home…”

Another man beside him replied, “...Well, it’s beyond me why you would want to move to this sleepy, little, seaside town! You’d think after living in such a beautiful place as Greece all your life, Florian, a place like this would hold little artistic value for you!”

“Yes, one would think so, wouldn’t one…?” The man called Florian murmured, a sigh escaping his lips.

Just then, the two men heard the pattering sound of footsteps. They both turned around and caught a glimpse of a girlish silhouette racing by. Though the dazzling glare of the glittering canal behind her made her appear a little hazy and indistinct, in just a brief second, Florian was able to catch the sparkling glimmer in her green-blue eyes that flashed excitedly and seemed to reflect the clear water around her. Her long, turquoise hair trailed behind her and curled slightly at the ends, resembling the way a wave curls before breaking onto the shore, and her soft smile beamed like a gentle ray of sunshine through a cloud. She was such a whimsical image that Florian thought she looked like a free-spirited water nymph.

Though she didn’t notice him, he smiled at her, looking on with interest. “...Who is that girl? A resident here?”

“Her? Oh, yes, some girl who lives nearby. A bit strange. She stays shut up in her house most of the time except when she runs off to the beach to paint or something. She won’t bother you, though. Does she remind you of anyone? Probably your kid sister, right?”

“Hmm…” was all he said through a closed, smiling mouth. He looked thoughtful, so his friend took that as a ‘yes’ and a sure sign of homesickness.

After a minute, Florian spoke up. “I thank you, Sebastian, for showing me this place. I will definitely purchase it.”
“Well, it’s for purely selfish reasons, really! I’m going to do all in my power to get you to be my neighbor! You haven’t yet told me why you came here! Business? Or are you getting restless again?!”

Florian hesitated. “...Well…a little of both, I suppose…” Though he smiled, a shadow settled over his face, which his enthusiastic friend failed to notice.

Waves roared and crashed as a wet paintbrush dipped into a deep, blue pigment. It coated an ivory-colored canvas and attempted to imitate the curling motion of the ocean’s currents. A low sigh escaped the turquoise-haired girl’s lips. She cast her eyes on a somewhat stiff-looking painting of her surroundings. Illustrated on her canvas were dull ocean waves and a morning sun that refused to shower the landscape with its warm, golden rays, what should have looked like a perfectly idyllic, coastal day.

A little further from the shoreline, where the ocean began to get deep, surfers dotted the water. They bobbed on the ocean’s surface, sank down into its depths, or rode the waves like strange, new species of aquatic creatures. One girl in particular, with reddish-brown hair tinged with teal at the ends, came up to the surface with a big gasp for air. She was wearing a short, black-and-green wetsuit and swam in broad, confident strokes. She and her surfing partner, another teenage girl, swam to the shore, lying flat on their surfboards.

As they got ready to leave the beach, the auburn-haired surfer girl’s partner pointed at Crystal's painting. “Hey, look, Marina! Isn’t that the former surfing champion’s kid sister?”

Marina turned around after throwing a sporty t-shirt over her head, smirking. “Pft! Yeah, that’s her! You wouldn’t believe it if you saw the way Sean surfs, but that girl seriously cannot swim a stroke!”

Overhearing the two surfers, the painter girl blushed brightly. “‘Th-that girl’? ‘Cannot swim a stroke’? Is that how they refer to me…?”

“My name’s Crystal La Rey, but I guess most people wouldn’t know that…I’m sixteen-years-old, and what I want most in the world is to have my paintings accepted into La Mer, the boutique and art gallery here in my hometown, Sea Star Village…”
…Or, at least, I thought I wanted that…”

Crystal put down her paintbrush wearily. “...Painting the ocean sparkling in the sunlight was always my favorite thing to do…But lately, I’m just not as excited as I used to be about it…”
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“Hurry up, Stella!” At that moment, Celeste darted across the street toward the beach. She paused, waiting for her jellyfish partner, who floated behind her, worn out by her travels. “Celeste, you’re such a slave driver! We’ve been running around searching since forever! I can’t go on any longer!”
“Tch! You try running on four legs sometime and jumping fences! I’ve never known anyone to be so soft and spineless as you, Stel-!”

“Hey, Monet, why don’t you take a dip in the water to cool down? It’s crazy warm today, isn’t it?”

Celeste’s ears perked up. She turned her head toward the beach. Marina and her surfing partner stood on either side of Crystal, who sat timidly in front of her easel.

“Right! And she doesn’t mean just dipping your paintbrush into blue paint!”

Crystal’s face turned a deep shade of pink as she whimpered, embarrassed, “M-Marina…Monet was a man…! And you know I can’t swim at all!”

“Yeah, be careful what you tell her, Marina! She might just trip and fall into her painting!”

“Ha, haah!! You’re right! Don’t drown in your palette, Picasso!”

Shoulders hunched and trembling, Crystal’s eyes welled with tears as the two surfer girls walked away, the sound of their laughing fading as they went. Celeste watched the bullying indignantly. “Hmph! What did she ever do to them, anyway? It seems as though some people have nothing better to do with their time!”

Stella floated closer to look at Crystal. The magical jellyfish’s large, reddish-pink eyes glowed sadly. “And her painting is turning out so beautifully, too!”

Celeste followed her, interest piqued by the painting. “..Oh!!” She stared at the work of art and then at Crystal again, astonished.“...This painting…! Though still a little unpolished, there’s something about it…It’s like a window into her heart…!”

Stella’s expression softened, reading the same mysterious message as well. “Yes…and what a rare and beautiful one it is, too…”

Celeste agreed, then resumed her usual air of responsibility. “...But those surfer girls! Stella, it looks like we have a lot of work to do! The people of Sea Star Village need us! Come on!”

As Crystal packed up her canvas, easel, and painting supplies, she disheartenedly thought, “Why does that Marina always tease me? I guess I must look pretty stupid to her...painting at the beach every day, yet not really accomplishing anything…” She trudged away from the soft, warm sand, feeling the hard concrete of the city sidewalk under her feet once more. “If only I could be inspired again! Then maybe I could make a painting worthy of the La Mer Art Gallery!”

All of a sudden, Crystal heard the distant sound of dreamy, waltz-like music carried to her on a passing breeze. She looked up and saw a shining, open-air stage with rows of seats on either side and a domed, glass roof at the top. The stage had hardly any solid floor. Instead, it was a pool of glistening water. What was even more spellbinding, though, was the performance displayed at that moment in front of her very eyes. “...I’ve passed this stage many times…it always used to be empty…I’ve never once seen anyone perform here…” Crystal quickly stepped closer to the open stage, overcome with curiosity. Her eyes sparkled as she watched intently.
Yay, I'm excited to see your story! :clap: It's lovely and very well written so far, and I look forward to reading more! Your illustrations are awesome, and I like how Crystal enjoys painting the sea. Stella is funny! ^_^
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Beauty will save the world!
Apr 11, 2024
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Yay, I'm excited to see your story! :clap: It's lovely and very well written so far, and I look forward to reading more! Your illustrations are awesome, and I like how Crystal enjoys painting the sea. Stella is funny! ^_^
Aw, thank you! I appreciate that! :blush: I always love including illustrations in my stories! It's probably because I've always liked drawing and writing manga comics!
In terms of comedy in this story, I think it's pretty light (writing funny scenes isn't a strong point of mine), so I think Stella's character helps!:smile:
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Beauty will save the world!
Apr 11, 2024
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Here's chapter two of my story! I'll post chapter three in the next few days! Enjoy!


Chapter 2: The Water Ballet

The stage for this unique show was decorated with props resembling coral reefs, aquatic plants like seaweed, and bright, oceanic flowers that gave the impression of a mermaid’s lagoon. They were set in front of a backdrop that looked like an underwater kingdom with conch shell turrets and iridescent pearls that adorned its regal walls.

Then, Crystal noticed a group of female performers who looked like mermaids. They dove into the water in perfect unison. Their hair was decorated with aquatic flowers in vibrant shades of pink, purple, and blue. They wore mermaid tails in varying, pastel shades, and their oceanic-themed halter tops glimmered, embellished with seashells and starfish.

After they dove into the water, they floated on their backs. Joining hands and, with the tips of their tails side by side, they formed the circular shape of a beautiful flower. They splashed their fins in the water, their faces happy and carefree.

Then, emerging from the middle of the flower formation, another female performer appeared. She, too, resembled a mermaid with her long, peachy-pink hair adorned with pearls and a shell-shaped tiara. She wore a costume similar to the other performers, except she had a bright orange top and a shimmering tail of deep pink like the color of a hibiscus. She twirled, one hand raised high, as though wistfully trying to reach for the sun. “Sh—she’s so beautiful…!” Crystal whispered, mesmerized by the graceful actress. Yet, in every expressive movement, Crystal thought there was a tinge of narcissism that almost seemed to ruin her performance.

The aquatic dance, both balletic and athletic, could be likened to synchronized swimming, and yet not so, as the presence of some sort of beautiful story being played out through the performers’ movements and expressions made it seem more like a unique marriage of ballet and synchronized swimming.

Then, Crystal’s attention was drawn to a high, diving board. Atop it stood a tall man with wavy hair the color of the deep, blue sea, flashing a dazzling smile. He was dressed in a white costume, the material of which gave the impression of a wetsuit as it looked supple, sleek, and with a slight sheen. It extended from his waist down to his ankles. On one of the legs, a design resembling an azure wave glittered like the sea at midday, and attached to the back of the costume were two, decorative tails like the fins on a fish. The transparent quality of the latter, as well as its being a shade of pale blue, reminded Crystal of breakers caught by the sun.

Gold accessories like a circlet that was worn low on his forehead, a neckpiece with fanciful ornamentation like the petals of a red water lily, and studded wristbands similar to gauntlets shone like gleaming sand. On his feet were adornments like soleless sandals bejeweled with clear crystals and pearls that seemed to belong to some sort of water spirit.

Poised with his arms raised and toes pointed, he dove into the water. When he emerged from its depths, he swam, arms forward, plunging and rising in and out of the water with the high-spirited energy of a dolphin playing on the ocean waves. “Wow…he can really put on a show…but he looks like he’s having fun, too…” Crystal thought, impressed. Then, after a series of twirls done on the surface of the water, the male performer continued to swim around the perimeter of the pool with slow, skillful backstrokes. He remained on the surface of the water, lingering on the waves like a dawdling merman on a balmy, summer day. While he was swimming, a fountain of water sprang up in front of the stage’s backdrop like a glistening curtain.

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The mermaid princess looked on, interest gleaming in her once-dull eyes. He invited her to join in the aquatic dance. They swam side by side, rotating from a backstroke to a front crawl. Then, the male performer took the hand of the female one, twirling her around. It reminded Crystal of a waltz, except that it was done in the water. “...This performance…it’s like a play…There seems to be some sort of story behind his movements and the other swimmers’, and yet…I’m not so sure I know what it is…”

All too soon, the performance came to an end, and Crystal became aware of reality again, as though waking from a beautiful dream or a captivating spell. “I—I’ve never seen anything like this in my whole life…! The colors, the movement, the costumes, the actors…it’s all so beautiful…! I wonder…”

“...What is it…?”

Crystal’s heart fluttered quickly as she skipped hastily toward the water performers.

“Excellent job, everyone! Good dress rehearsal!” A crowd of performers and stage people gathered around the tall, male water performer. His wavy hair hung limply around his face, droplet pearls caught on the strands.

Crystal caught herself just in time, stopping abruptly before she reached the clustered crowd. “...What am I doing? I can’t just walk up and talk to them like this!” But she looked wistfully in their direction, half-hiding herself behind a blossoming hedge.

“What a beautiful performance!”

“Those costumes are gorgeous!”

“Your swimming is wonderful!”

“You’re so talented!"

Some onlookers and passersby who had watched the rehearsal with interest praised the performers and asked them questions. A little girl ran up to one of the female performers, childishly exclaiming. “Can I be a boo-tiful mermaid just like you?!”

But they had to discuss their play, so the female performers rudely dismissed the little girl. “Sorry, but we have to get ready for our performance tonight! If you want to talk with me or anyone else, buy tickets and wait till the end of the show toni—!”

She was interrupted by a man’s kind, melodic voice. “No, please, don’t!” The man with the wavy, blue hair brushed gently past the impatient performer and stooped down in front of the little girl, smiling. “Did I hear you say you wished to be beautiful?” The little girl, sniffling after being rejected by the female performer, now looked up at the man curiously. He continued. “Well, first you must ask yourself, ‘What is beauty?’ It not only makes up what is on the outside but also the beauty of the heart, the most important part.” He closed his eyes and put a hand to his heart. “...It could be likened to a beautiful pearl, housed by a lovely shell, iridescent yet sturdy.” He stared deeply into the little girl’s eyes, smiling softly. “So, you see, beauty consists of the inner and the outer.”

The impatient female performer crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. “Wouldn’t that make her a clamshell and not a mermaid, then? —Hey, wait, this is a silly conversation! Florian, we have more important things to do!”

Florian gave a low chuckle. Then, he stood up, “...Thank you so much, all of you, for your kind words! My name is Florian Marino. This is the first time my company, Water Lily Productions, will showcase one of my water ballets here in Sea Star Village!”

“‘Water ballet’...?” Crystal looked on wonderingly.

The spectators continued to praise the water ballet rehearsal and speak to Florian, but only in brief though enthusiastic words. Florian listened patiently, trying to answer as many as he could, a smile on his face and a gracious attitude toward everyone.

“Oh, so that man performs and directs the play…” Crystal observed Florian attentively. She thought that, for such an important person, the tranquil, blue-haired man should have seemed more impatient due to his busy schedule or even bored by the questions and comments he must surely have heard many times before.

Crystal, fascinated by this unique man, withdrew slightly from the hedge and stared at Florian more closely. He had lively, aqua-blue eyes like the oceans of tropical, far-away islands, and they had a very soft expression in them. And when he spoke, his words came out in tones that were musical-sounding and pleasing to the ear.

“...Well, I do hope you will all come to our performance tonight…” He waved his hand with a flourish. “...’The Mermaid Princess and The Water Spirit’!”

Crystal’s eyes glittered. “...A performance about a mermaid princess and a water spirit?” she repeated in awe.

Florian closed his eyes, as though speaking from the depths of his heart. “...A story of a mermaid princess whose knowledge of the arts is as vast as the sea, yet who learns a lesson from a wise water spirit that is much harder to learn than the study of outward beauty—the inward essence of beauty—the heart. For nothing bad is ever truly beautiful, and nothing good is ever really ugly.”

Crystal was taken aback by Florian’s eloquent words. “What a unique man he is…! I feel as though…he really understands art in a special way…”

As the crowd slowly began to disperse, the rude mermaid performer from earlier turned to her employer. “...So, Florian, did you finally find a performer to play the role of the mermaid princess? You still don’t have anyone cast for it yet, and you promised the role to me, her stand-in, if you couldn’t find one.” Smiling smugly at Florian, the tall performer haughtily tossed her head, causing her rippling, peachy-pink hair to whip, then cascade gracefully down her back. She seemed the embodiment of a beautiful mermaid princess—on the outside. The other water ballerinas turned to Florian with questioning looks in their eyes.

Florian met the gorgeous water ballerina’s gaze, though a shadow was cast over his face. “Coraline…I have someone very special in mind, but I’m still waiting for her to get back to me.”

“What?! But the show is tonight!!”

“Can we even put on the show at this point?!”

“How on earth will the water ballerina ever learn her routine so quickly?!”

Florian lowered his head, his wavy strands covering his furrowed brow and his eyes, which were closed thoughtfully. But he murmured calmly, “Don’t worry, she already knows the routine.”

The haughty stand-in stuck her pretty nose up in the air and vented with an irritated grunt.

“Hmph! I think his dreamy stories have seeped into his brain…He thinks he’s living in one of his water ballets now!”

The others sighed and shook their heads. “Well, he’s always been a little eccentric!” shrugged one.

Florian looked away toward the sparkling ocean, hearing the irritated, female voices, yet engrossed in worries of his own. He clutched a sparkling, teardrop-shaped pendant that was previously tucked inside the neckpiece of his costume. “...I must hope and trust beyond all hope and trust…if there’s anything I’ve learned from you, it was that…”
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Here's chapter 3 of La La Mermaid! I don't know when or if I will post future chapters on CF as I have not revised the next two chapters or even made illustrations for them yet, but I hope you enjoy the ones that are posted here at present! :)


Chapter 3: The Mysterious Water Ballerina’s Debut

The performers began to talk of more technical things regarding the play, but Crystal could only think of the beautiful spectacle she had witnessed. Having heard his conversation with the spectators the whole time, she was amazed by Florian’s rare perceptivity of beauty, which seemed so much like her own yet so much more developed. “...He’s so different from anyone I’ve ever known..”

Crystal was so absorbed in her thoughts, she had not noticed that two silhouettes had been standing a few feet away from her and had witnessed the brilliant water display as well.

“Stella! There she is!”

Amidst the coral-dyed streets striped with the long, black shadows of evening, Celeste and Stella stood, cloaked in semi-darkness. Celeste turned her head toward Crystal’s silhouette. “It’s that painter girl from before!”

As Crystal walked away, awash in the vibrant colors of the waning day, she felt a sense of emptiness settle within her. She lowered her head. “I wish I could be just as creative and talented as that man Florian Marino…” She let out a small sigh. “...He seems to have accomplished so much…and here I am, with my lackluster paintings…” She looked up at the endless, sunset sky longingly. “...I haven’t gotten anywhere in my dream of becoming a professional painter…”

An image of Coraline dancing on the water entered her mind again. “...I wonder what it must be like to be her…so beautiful and graceful like a real mermaid…” She looked at her painting nestled in her bag, recalling Marina’s teasing. “But what am I saying…I don’t even know how to swim…”

Celeste frowned. “...Looks like she still has a bad case of artist’s block…” She bolted toward the despondent girl determinedly. “...Well, I’ll put an end to that!”

Crystal’s thoughts were interrupted as she spotted a long, slender white cat. She jumped. It stared at her with its glinting, yellow eyes, tail standing on end. Crystal squeaked and flinched, expecting it to pounce on her.

“...Did you enjoy Florian Marino’s water ballet?”

Crystal gasped, staring at the cat in disbelief. “...D—did you just…speak?”

She was even more terrified when she noticed a floating jellyfish creature beside her. Stella groaned wearily. “You say I get distracted! We don’t have time to speak to her! We have to find that certain person, Celeste, and it’s getting dark!”

“Hmph! Since when did I ever waste time? We have all the time we need if we are speaking to the right person!”

Stella caught the meaning of her words and looked up at Crystal, speechless. “You mean…she’s that certain person?!”

But Crystal trembled, overcome with fear, and began to run away like a scared deer. She tripped in her hurry, however, sending her bag flying. She and her contents crashed to the ground. “Wh—what are you, and…why can you talk? And…how do you know my name?!!”

Celeste walked softly toward Crystal. “We’re fairies from Stelamarinus, an underwater kingdom in a magical land. We have come to the aid of a person in Sea Star Village who has sought our help.”

Stella followed her companion, smiling at the girl on the floor. She offered a tentacle.“Don’t be afraid!” But Crystal was too afraid to accept it. She kept glancing from the strange cat to the odd jellyfish.

Celeste stared deeply into the eyes of Crystal and asked solemnly, “So, Crystal, I must ask you again, did you enjoy Florian’s water ballet?”

After a moment of hesitance, the girl stood up, eyes glowing. Forgetting her shyness in her gentle enthusiasm, she replied, “...Oh, yes! It was so beautiful! I have never seen anything like it in this whole world!”

Celeste smiled. “You’re very intuitive! That is precisely it—it is a play that is not of this world. It is based on a true story that has since been long forgotten by many. It is all about the true meaning of beauty. But, no doubt, you have heard Florian’s story already?”

“Y—yes, but…you know Florian Marino?”

Celeste was ready to answer, but Stella blurted out before her, “...Yes! Our job as fairies of the Stelamarinus Kingdom is to help humans spread the art of true beauty around the world, so we came to your world to help Florian Marino!”

Crystal looked alarmed. “‘Help Florian Marino’?! Is he in danger or something?!”

Celeste frowned at Stella. “Stella! Try to be a bit more tactful! You’re frightening her!” Turning to Crystal again, Celeste continued, “Florian Marino is a world-renowned water ballet performer. He is highly advanced in his art form, yet…he is faced with a dilemma. He does not have a water ballerina to star in his water show, so…there will be no performance tonight!”

“That can’t be! But I heard that he had someone—a stand-in—to take the water ballerina’s place!”

Celeste shook her head. “...Knowing Florian Marino, he would rather give up the show than hand that special role to someone like that stand-in. He has more dignity as an artist than that.”

“But he said he had someone else—someone special in mind! What about her?”

Celeste looked grave. “...She won’t come. But that is another story…which is why he needs your help. Crystal, might we ask you to help Florian and take the role of the mermaid princess in his water show?”

Crystal opened her eyes widely, gasping. “You mean…become a water ballerina?!” She vigorously shook her head, blurting, “Are you crazy?! I can’t swim a single stroke!!” Then, she lowered her head and put a hand on her heart. “...I would love to help Florian Marino, but…I’m just a mediocre artist. I—I’m no heroine…I’m sorry…” She turned around and started to walk away.

But Celeste shouted behind her, “Crystal! ...You may have progress to make, but you have the heart of a true artist, the heart to help others and paint the ultimate masterpiece of the heart!”

Crystal stopped walking. Her eyes glistened, recalling Florian’s words. “... ‘Paint the masterpiece of the heart’...Just like in the water ballet Florian described! Is that what he meant…when he talked about inner beauty…?” She turned around and faced the magical creatures again.

Celeste, sensing her receptivity, once again implored her. “Please, Crystal, help Florian! It is a great folly to disappoint persevering hope!”

Stella chimed in cheerily. “And if it’s swimming you’re worried about, we have just the things to help you!”

To Crystal’s amazement, right before her eyes, a shell-shaped compact and a matching, shell-shaped pendant poofed into existence in a sparkling cloud of magic. Crystal watched as the two shining objects fell into her hands, mesmerized. “How pretty…!”

Stella winked playfully, adding, “With these, you can turn into a real mermaid!”

“Yes, but we don’t have much time! The moon is already rising!” Celeste sprinted into the inky darkness, Stella and Crystal trailing closely behind her.

With the sun having just set, the water ballet performers returned to the stage, now basking brilliantly in stage lights. As they waited for their entrance, Crystal hid around the corner and spied them, along with Celeste and Stella.

“Wh—what should I do…?” She held the magical shell compact and pendant in her hands, but she was afraid. Yet her heart throbbed in pain as she saw Florian’s troubled face, so different from the blythe and carefree smile he wore when he was performing earlier.

“...We will continue with the water ballet just as scheduled. I believe she will come.” These words, uttered by Florian’s sad, musical voice, drifted on a discreet wind to Crystal’s ear. His tones reminded her of a solemn sonata played in minor keys.

“...That water ballerina must’ve been very special if she can’t be replaced…” Crystal whispered. Celeste and Stella exchanged sad glances but said nothing.

Crystal pensively turned so that her back was against the magical creatures. “...But that feeling of inspiration he gave me when I saw him dance upon the water so majestically…like a magnificent merman…!” She drew a long breath, gathering her courage. “...I—I may not have been able to thank him with words, but…” Though her hands trembled, Crystal clutched the magical objects resolutely. “...perhaps I can thank him without them.”

Celeste and Stella nodded to each other in satisfaction. Celeste turned to Crystal, whispering eagerly, “Thank you, Crystal! Stella and I will let you know when to make your entrance!”

As the first notes of music resounded through the night air, the water ballerinas took the stage, plunging into the water and dancing amidst a pool filled with dreamy, pink water lilies. They once again captivated their audience, but this time, the play was even more breathtaking and fairytale-like as the moon cast its silvery light on the rippling surface of the pool.

Crystal crept closer to the back of the stage. She uneasily watched the play until she felt a furry paw tap her leg. “Crystal! This is your cue!” Celeste looked up at her, nodding.

Crystal froze with fear. “W—wait a minute—! If Florian doesn’t want the mermaid princess replaced with any ordinary water ballerina…then what am I doing here?!”

Suddenly, the shell-shaped compact and the pendant started to glow, giving Crystal a strange impulse to dive into the water. “The difference is, Crystal…you are no ordinary water ballerina!” Celeste exclaimed as she saw the magical objects’ reaction.

What felt like an endless silence followed as the audience and the performers awaited the mermaid princess. Florian said one last prayer, looking on expectantly.

The sound of splashing water pierced the silence.

Hidden by a tall prop that resembled a coral reef, Crystal plunged into the water. As she slowly started sinking, Crystal closed her eyes and clutched her enchanted items, hoping they would work their magic. The glowing objects radiated even more, enveloping the girl in a veil of blue-green light. Then, she opened her eyes and was amazed to see that her legs were wrapped in a shimmery, teal-colored mermaid tail!

She heard the sounds of shouts and applause as she splashed out of the water with a graceful leap, pearl droplets glistening all around her. “A—are they cheering for…me…?!” She glanced at her reflection on the pool’s surface. “...Oh!! I look so different!!!”

Stella squealed. “The magic worked, Celeste! And the transformation made her older, too! Just like one of the water ballerinas!” she said, noticing her more mature-looking appearance.

“Well, of course! She mustn’t be conspicuous!” Celeste smiled, watching the final act of the performance.

The water ballerinas gasped in awe. Florian gazed upon the mysterious mermaid with wonder, though she was obviously not his anticipated water ballerina. “Fantastical…!” he uttered, spellbound. Crystal had long, shiny, wavy hair and a glittering tail that caught the stage lights and made little rainbows. She wore a pink sailor top with a cute, matching bow in the center and frills at the hem like white seafoam. And, on her head, a pearl-encrusted tiara glittered in the spotlights.

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As the mermaid princess and the water spirit, Crystal and Florian performed the final dance together. Repeating the dance sequence between Florian and Coraline from the rehearsal, he and Crystal swam side by side, water lilies floating all around them. After the waltz-like sequence, they dove into the water. As sparkling fountains rose, Crystal and Florian sprang from the water’s depths, back to back, hands joined, raised to the sky. Fireworks burst into a magical display, and drops of water reflected the vivid, multi-colored stage lights.

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Astounded by her effortless performance, Crystal thought, “...I can’t believe it!! I knew the whole routine without ever having practiced it! The compact and the pendant…they really are magical…!”

Having witnessed Crystal’s perfectly executed moves, Florian stared at her with admiration. “But she has something more than just talent and grace…she possesses that rare, inner beauty…I’m sure of it!” As fireworks boomed in colors like jewels, Crystal looked even more otherworldly to Florian. “...Who are you…?” he whispered in her ear.

Crystal gasped, but she couldn’t answer even if she wanted to. The final dance was over, and the crowd erupted with applause, drowning out all other noise. Suddenly, Crystal was overwhelmed. She broke loose from Florian’s grasp and swam away. He couldn’t follow her, though, because a crowd had already begun to form around him and the other performers. But he looked after her in wonder.

Backstage, the audience enthusiastically praised the performers, especially Florian. He listened distractedly and tried to answer questions, but he seemed far away. Many people also asked to see the water ballerina who had played the mermaid princess. Florian was at a loss for words whenever that happened, and he would turn his head in the direction in which the actress had disappeared with an absentminded look on his face.

“Florian, what’s wrong? Isn’t it obvious? She probably had an unexpected engagement elsewhere.” Coraline, the stand-in, had been watching the entire show since Crystal had taken her place. She tossed her head irritably, glaring at her employer. “...Probably some world-famous water ballerina he just pulled out of his hat at the last minute!” she muttered under her breath.

“...What a crowd! I didn’t think I’d be able to get away!” Crystal, a normal girl again, stepped onto the sandy beach across from the water show stage. She breathed in the cool, night air and savored the singular, calming sound of the crashing waves.

“Too bad! It would’ve been fun to have met some of your fans, huh?” Stella looked up at the stars dreamily.

“Well, I don’t know about th—” Crystal began.

Suddenly, a tall, masculine silhouette slowly approached the sand. Though it was barely visible, Crystal thought she could make out the sparkling embellishments of a water ballet costume. “Florian!” Crystal scurried away from the sand and hid behind a willow tree on a neighboring lawn before he could spot her. Celeste and Stella followed her.

He walked onto the beach and stared thoughtfully for a long while at the waves crashing in the moonlight. Then, he picked up a bottle that had been tossed on the sand. He placed a piece of paper in it, along with some shells, sand, and a water lily, the last presumably from his show. Then he corked the bottle. “...If you are who I think you may be, I know you will find this note…”

But only the waves heard his words. He threw the bottle as far as he could. Then, after a moment of watching it bob on the surface of the water, he walked away.

After some hesitation, Crystal intuitively ran to the shore and hurriedly fished out the bottle. She uncorked it and read the contents within, gasping in shock.
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Here's chapter 3 of La La Mermaid! I don't know when or if I will post future chapters on CF as I have not revised the next two chapters or even made illustrations for them yet, but I hope you enjoy the ones that are posted here at present! :)


Chapter 3: The Mysterious Water Ballerina’s Debut

The performers began to talk of more technical things regarding the play, but Crystal could only think of the beautiful spectacle she had witnessed. Having heard his conversation with the spectators the whole time, she was amazed by Florian’s rare perceptivity of beauty, which seemed so much like her own yet so much more developed. “...He’s so different from anyone I’ve ever known..”

Crystal was so absorbed in her thoughts, she had not noticed that two silhouettes had been standing a few feet away from her and had witnessed the brilliant water display as well.

“Stella! There she is!”

Amidst the coral-dyed streets striped with the long, black shadows of evening, Celeste and Stella stood, cloaked in semi-darkness. Celeste turned her head toward Crystal’s silhouette. “It’s that painter girl from before!”

As Crystal walked away, awash in the vibrant colors of the waning day, she felt a sense of emptiness settle within her. She lowered her head. “I wish I could be just as creative and talented as that man Florian Marino…” She let out a small sigh. “...He seems to have accomplished so much…and here I am, with my lackluster paintings…” She looked up at the endless, sunset sky longingly. “...I haven’t gotten anywhere in my dream of becoming a professional painter…”

An image of Coraline dancing on the water entered her mind again. “...I wonder what it must be like to be her…so beautiful and graceful like a real mermaid…” She looked at her painting nestled in her bag, recalling Marina’s teasing. “But what am I saying…I don’t even know how to swim…”

Celeste frowned. “...Looks like she still has a bad case of artist’s block…” She bolted toward the despondent girl determinedly. “...Well, I’ll put an end to that!”

Crystal’s thoughts were interrupted as she spotted a long, slender white cat. She jumped. It stared at her with its glinting, yellow eyes, tail standing on end. Crystal squeaked and flinched, expecting it to pounce on her.

“...Did you enjoy Florian Marino’s water ballet?”

Crystal gasped, staring at the cat in disbelief. “...D—did you just…speak?”

She was even more terrified when she noticed a floating jellyfish creature beside her. Stella groaned wearily. “You say I get distracted! We don’t have time to speak to her! We have to find that certain person, Celeste, and it’s getting dark!”

“Hmph! Since when did I ever waste time? We have all the time we need if we are speaking to the right person!”

Stella caught the meaning of her words and looked up at Crystal, speechless. “You mean…she’s that certain person?!”

But Crystal trembled, overcome with fear, and began to run away like a scared deer. She tripped in her hurry, however, sending her bag flying. She and her contents crashed to the ground. “Wh—what are you, and…why can you talk? And…how do you know my name?!!”

Celeste walked softly toward Crystal. “We’re fairies from Stelamarinus, an underwater kingdom in a magical land. We have come to the aid of a person in Sea Star Village who has sought our help.”

Stella followed her companion, smiling at the girl on the floor. She offered a tentacle.“Don’t be afraid!” But Crystal was too afraid to accept it. She kept glancing from the strange cat to the odd jellyfish.

Celeste stared deeply into the eyes of Crystal and asked solemnly, “So, Crystal, I must ask you again, did you enjoy Florian’s water ballet?”

After a moment of hesitance, the girl stood up, eyes glowing. Forgetting her shyness in her gentle enthusiasm, she replied, “...Oh, yes! It was so beautiful! I have never seen anything like it in this whole world!”

Celeste smiled. “You’re very intuitive! That is precisely it—it is a play that is not of this world. It is based on a true story that has since been long forgotten by many. It is all about the true meaning of beauty. But, no doubt, you have heard Florian’s story already?”

“Y—yes, but…you know Florian Marino?”

Celeste was ready to answer, but Stella blurted out before her, “...Yes! Our job as fairies of the Stelamarinus Kingdom is to help humans spread the art of true beauty around the world, so we came to your world to help Florian Marino!”

Crystal looked alarmed. “‘Help Florian Marino’?! Is he in danger or something?!”

Celeste frowned at Stella. “Stella! Try to be a bit more tactful! You’re frightening her!” Turning to Crystal again, Celeste continued, “Florian Marino is a world-renowned water ballet performer. He is highly advanced in his art form, yet…he is faced with a dilemma. He does not have a water ballerina to star in his water show, so…there will be no performance tonight!”

“That can’t be! But I heard that he had someone—a stand-in—to take the water ballerina’s place!”

Celeste shook her head. “...Knowing Florian Marino, he would rather give up the show than hand that special role to someone like that stand-in. He has more dignity as an artist than that.”

“But he said he had someone else—someone special in mind! What about her?”

Celeste looked grave. “...She won’t come. But that is another story…which is why he needs your help. Crystal, might we ask you to help Florian and take the role of the mermaid princess in his water show?”

Crystal opened her eyes widely, gasping. “You mean…become a water ballerina?!” She vigorously shook her head, blurting, “Are you crazy?! I can’t swim a single stroke!!” Then, she lowered her head and put a hand on her heart. “...I would love to help Florian Marino, but…I’m just a mediocre artist. I—I’m no heroine…I’m sorry…” She turned around and started to walk away.

But Celeste shouted behind her, “Crystal! ...You may have progress to make, but you have the heart of a true artist, the heart to help others and paint the ultimate masterpiece of the heart!”

Crystal stopped walking. Her eyes glistened, recalling Florian’s words. “... ‘Paint the masterpiece of the heart’...Just like in the water ballet Florian described! Is that what he meant…when he talked about inner beauty…?” She turned around and faced the magical creatures again.

Celeste, sensing her receptivity, once again implored her. “Please, Crystal, help Florian! It is a great folly to disappoint persevering hope!”

Stella chimed in cheerily. “And if it’s swimming you’re worried about, we have just the things to help you!”

To Crystal’s amazement, right before her eyes, a shell-shaped compact and a matching, shell-shaped pendant poofed into existence in a sparkling cloud of magic. Crystal watched as the two shining objects fell into her hands, mesmerized. “How pretty…!”

Stella winked playfully, adding, “With these, you can turn into a real mermaid!”

“Yes, but we don’t have much time! The moon is already rising!” Celeste sprinted into the inky darkness, Stella and Crystal trailing closely behind her.

With the sun having just set, the water ballet performers returned to the stage, now basking brilliantly in stage lights. As they waited for their entrance, Crystal hid around the corner and spied them, along with Celeste and Stella.

“Wh—what should I do…?” She held the magical shell compact and pendant in her hands, but she was afraid. Yet her heart throbbed in pain as she saw Florian’s troubled face, so different from the blythe and carefree smile he wore when he was performing earlier.

“...We will continue with the water ballet just as scheduled. I believe she will come.” These words, uttered by Florian’s sad, musical voice, drifted on a discreet wind to Crystal’s ear. His tones reminded her of a solemn sonata played in minor keys.

“...That water ballerina must’ve been very special if she can’t be replaced…” Crystal whispered. Celeste and Stella exchanged sad glances but said nothing.

Crystal pensively turned so that her back was against the magical creatures. “...But that feeling of inspiration he gave me when I saw him dance upon the water so majestically…like a magnificent merman…!” She drew a long breath, gathering her courage. “...I—I may not have been able to thank him with words, but…” Though her hands trembled, Crystal clutched the magical objects resolutely. “...perhaps I can thank him without them.”

Celeste and Stella nodded to each other in satisfaction. Celeste turned to Crystal, whispering eagerly, “Thank you, Crystal! Stella and I will let you know when to make your entrance!”

As the first notes of music resounded through the night air, the water ballerinas took the stage, plunging into the water and dancing amidst a pool filled with dreamy, pink water lilies. They once again captivated their audience, but this time, the play was even more breathtaking and fairytale-like as the moon cast its silvery light on the rippling surface of the pool.

Crystal crept closer to the back of the stage. She uneasily watched the play until she felt a furry paw tap her leg. “Crystal! This is your cue!” Celeste looked up at her, nodding.

Crystal froze with fear. “W—wait a minute—! If Florian doesn’t want the mermaid princess replaced with any ordinary water ballerina…then what am I doing here?!”

Suddenly, the shell-shaped compact and the pendant started to glow, giving Crystal a strange impulse to dive into the water. “The difference is, Crystal…you are no ordinary water ballerina!” Celeste exclaimed as she saw the magical objects’ reaction.

What felt like an endless silence followed as the audience and the performers awaited the mermaid princess. Florian said one last prayer, looking on expectantly.

The sound of splashing water pierced the silence.

Hidden by a tall prop that resembled a coral reef, Crystal plunged into the water. As she slowly started sinking, Crystal closed her eyes and clutched her enchanted items, hoping they would work their magic. The glowing objects radiated even more, enveloping the girl in a veil of blue-green light. Then, she opened her eyes and was amazed to see that her legs were wrapped in a shimmery, teal-colored mermaid tail!

She heard the sounds of shouts and applause as she splashed out of the water with a graceful leap, pearl droplets glistening all around her. “A—are they cheering for…me…?!” She glanced at her reflection on the pool’s surface. “...Oh!! I look so different!!!”

Stella squealed. “The magic worked, Celeste! And the transformation made her older, too! Just like one of the water ballerinas!” she said, noticing her more mature-looking appearance.

“Well, of course! She mustn’t be conspicuous!” Celeste smiled, watching the final act of the performance.

The water ballerinas gasped in awe. Florian gazed upon the mysterious mermaid with wonder, though she was obviously not his anticipated water ballerina. “Fantastical…!” he uttered, spellbound. Crystal had long, shiny, wavy hair and a glittering tail that caught the stage lights and made little rainbows. She wore a pink sailor top with a cute, matching bow in the center and frills at the hem like white seafoam. And, on her head, a pearl-encrusted tiara glittered in the spotlights.

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As the mermaid princess and the water spirit, Crystal and Florian performed the final dance together. Repeating the dance sequence between Florian and Coraline from the rehearsal, he and Crystal swam side by side, water lilies floating all around them. After the waltz-like sequence, they dove into the water. As sparkling fountains rose, Crystal and Florian sprang from the water’s depths, back to back, hands joined, raised to the sky. Fireworks burst into a magical display, and drops of water reflected the vivid, multi-colored stage lights.

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Astounded by her effortless performance, Crystal thought, “...I can’t believe it!! I knew the whole routine without ever having practiced it! The compact and the pendant…they really are magical…!”

Having witnessed Crystal’s perfectly executed moves, Florian stared at her with admiration. “But she has something more than just talent and grace…she possesses that rare, inner beauty…I’m sure of it!” As fireworks boomed in colors like jewels, Crystal looked even more otherworldly to Florian. “...Who are you…?” he whispered in her ear.

Crystal gasped, but she couldn’t answer even if she wanted to. The final dance was over, and the crowd erupted with applause, drowning out all other noise. Suddenly, Crystal was overwhelmed. She broke loose from Florian’s grasp and swam away. He couldn’t follow her, though, because a crowd had already begun to form around him and the other performers. But he looked after her in wonder.

Backstage, the audience enthusiastically praised the performers, especially Florian. He listened distractedly and tried to answer questions, but he seemed far away. Many people also asked to see the water ballerina who had played the mermaid princess. Florian was at a loss for words whenever that happened, and he would turn his head in the direction in which the actress had disappeared with an absentminded look on his face.

“Florian, what’s wrong? Isn’t it obvious? She probably had an unexpected engagement elsewhere.” Coraline, the stand-in, had been watching the entire show since Crystal had taken her place. She tossed her head irritably, glaring at her employer. “...Probably some world-famous water ballerina he just pulled out of his hat at the last minute!” she muttered under her breath.

“...What a crowd! I didn’t think I’d be able to get away!” Crystal, a normal girl again, stepped onto the sandy beach across from the water show stage. She breathed in the cool, night air and savored the singular, calming sound of the crashing waves.

“Too bad! It would’ve been fun to have met some of your fans, huh?” Stella looked up at the stars dreamily.

“Well, I don’t know about th—” Crystal began.

Suddenly, a tall, masculine silhouette slowly approached the sand. Though it was barely visible, Crystal thought she could make out the sparkling embellishments of a water ballet costume. “Florian!” Crystal scurried away from the sand and hid behind a willow tree on a neighboring lawn before he could spot her. Celeste and Stella followed her.

He walked onto the beach and stared thoughtfully for a long while at the waves crashing in the moonlight. Then, he picked up a bottle that had been tossed on the sand. He placed a piece of paper in it, along with some shells, sand, and a water lily, the last presumably from his show. Then he corked the bottle. “...If you are who I think you may be, I know you will find this note…”

But only the waves heard his words. He threw the bottle as far as he could. Then, after a moment of watching it bob on the surface of the water, he walked away.

After some hesitation, Crystal intuitively ran to the shore and hurriedly fished out the bottle. She uncorked it and read the contents within, gasping in shock.
Wow, so cool how Crystal transformed into a mermaid and performed in the water ballet! :spiralshell: Your illustrations are always so colorful and pretty! :blush:
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Beauty will save the world!
Apr 11, 2024
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Wow, so cool how Crystal transformed into a mermaid and performed in the water ballet! :spiralshell: Your illustrations are always so colorful and pretty! :blush:
Thanks! It was fun writing the part in which Crystal transforms and performs in the water ballet! :twohearts: :ocean: It was hard to decide which parts in the story would have illustrations, there were so many I wanted to draw!^_^:artpalette:

Do you have a favorite character, scene, or illustration from the story so far?:)
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You Are Loved <3
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Thanks! It was fun writing the part in which Crystal transforms and performs in the water ballet! :twohearts: :ocean: It was hard to decide which parts in the story would have illustrations, there were so many I wanted to draw!^_^:artpalette:

Do you have a favorite character, scene, or illustration from the story so far?:)
I think Celeste and Stella are my favorite characters so far! I like how funny Stella is! ^_^ I'd say my favorite illustrations are the one with Crystal painting and the illustrations of Celeste, Stella, and the shell-shaped jewelry. I love the pretty and sparkly backgrounds in your drawings too! :sparkles:
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Beauty will save the world!
Apr 11, 2024
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I think Celeste and Stella are my favorite characters so far! I like how funny Stella is! ^_^ I'd say my favorite illustrations are the one with Crystal painting and the illustrations of Celeste, Stella, and the shell-shaped jewelry. I love the pretty and sparkly backgrounds in your drawings too! :sparkles:
Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I'm glad you like Celeste and Stella, as well as the illustration of Crystal painting! :blush:

I like hearing what people think of my stories since I don't know a lot of people who are interested in reading them. It helps to know what people might like to see in future chapters. Of course, I make sure to write what I enjoy, too!:)
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Jesus Christ is this Knight's truth.
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Here's the first chapter of 'La La Mermaid'. In the next few days, I will post the second chapter. Enjoy!

La La Mermaid​

Chapter 1: Magical Treasures from the Sea…​

“Rosalia! You can’t walk out on my water ballet now! This is to be my masterpiece! How can you turn your back on such a thing of beauty as this?!”

“Hmph! As if you know the first thing about beauty! Listen to yourself! Without a thought of anyone else’s happiness but your own! I used to think your talent glimmered brilliantly like a lustrous pearl! But now…now you are nothing but an empty shell!”
“Look who’s suddenly the poetic one! You only became the editor of your own magazine because of family connections! You’re wasting a brilliant career as a water ballerina, Rosalia!”

“Well, at least…at least I’m not blaspheming the name of art by hiding behind the public mask of a benevolent creative! You are nothing more than a slave-driving tyrant of a director! And I refuse to stand by and take part in it any longer!”

“Rosalia…you were right…I didn’t realize it then, but now I know…”

A tall man sat bent over, his wavy, tousled head lowered in despair “…What should I do?”

A middle-aged woman, who had long, rippling hair and similar facial features to the melancholic man, smiled softly at him, then looked out a window at the crashing waves of the sea. “Florian, don’t give up hope! Remember what I have told you: ‘when burst forth the cry of a broken soul…all is not lost…for the people of Stelamarinus will rise from the foam…true to their custom and to their guardian’s role…”

Clutching a teardrop-shaped pendant, he closed his eyes and uttered a prayer in his heart. “…I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t want to come to my aid now, but…I need help! I…I believe it is not too late…!”

A shadowy silhouette of a cat and a jellyfish suddenly appeared on the sand.

The soft, musical tinkle of windchimes mingled with the distant crash of the ocean’s waves. Starfish, mermaid figurines, and a curious variety of shells displayed in a shop window glimmered in the light as the late morning sun filtered into it. Whimsical paintings of mermaids lined the wall as they leaped and twirled and swam. The fantastical paintings gave more the impression of enchanted windows than of paintings. The mermaids in them seemed to wave at the customers or, at any moment, leap out of the picture and into the shop, so vivid they looked. A middle-aged woman with long hair that rippled down her back bustled within as she straightened up the shop, organizing inventory before it opened for the day.

At that moment, however, the locked shop door mysteriously swung open. The middle-aged woman turned around, her pink sundress swishing around her. A slender, white cat with long limbs greeted her at the doorway.

“Goodness, Celeste! You make your presence known as discreetly as the merfolk!”

The strange, white cat’s pink bow at her neck rustled, and her white sailor hat bobbed as she looked up at the shop owner with a capable air, her serious, yellow eyes staring keenly into the woman’s. “We’ve come to aid the one for which you have sought help.”

The middle-aged woman’s eyes sparkled with merriment in a rare, childlike way as she gave a low chuckle. “...Oh! ‘We’?!”

Celeste, confused by the shop owner’s amused expression, followed her gaze and noticed a little, aqua-green colored jellyfish creature rummaging through a collection of glittery seashells, starfish, and other pretty, oceanic items.

“Oh! Celeste!! This shop sells seashells coated with sparkly Pearl Essence Powder! I didn’t think any store in the human world carried these!!”

Celeste, angered and embarrassed, tried to peel her partner away from the array of products. “Stella!! This is the fifth shop you’ve been distracted by! Would you focus on our mission?!”

“Aw, you’re no fun! I don’t always get a chance to shop inland! And the land people here are so surprisingly creative, I can’t help but be curious about everything they sell!”

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Celeste struggled to regain her composure and turned to the shop owner again. “Anyway…!” The white cat looked up at the woman with earnest, glowing eyes. “Please! We need the items you put on hold for us right away!”

“Of course!” The middle-aged woman walked toward a room in the back of the store, her long, wavy hair flowing behind her. When she returned, she bent down in front of Celeste and Stella and opened her clenched hand, revealing a sparkly, pink, shell-shaped compact and a matching pendant. “Here’s your order!” She winked meaningfully.

The two magical creatures stared at the shell-shaped compact and the matching, shell-shaped pendant in awe. Lustrous pearls inlaid on the front of the compact gleamed in shades of coral pink, aqua blue, and the lavender of a coastal, twilit sky. The pendant’s enamel-looking front shimmered with flecks of gold like grains of sand.

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“Wow! They’re so stylish! I just love a matching set!”

“Stella, these aren’t for you!” Celeste rolled her eyes at Stella, then took the compact in her mouth. After bowing her head in thanks to the shop owner, she swiftly ran out of the store and disappeared.

Stella’s eyes brightened as she hastily snatched the shell pendant and put it on. “Oohh, thanks for letting me wear the pendant, Celeste!” The magical jellyfish said as she struggled to keep up with her companion. The woman looked on for a moment, then cheerfully opened up her store for the day.

The next day, a rosy dawn glowed like mother-of-pearl and lit up the half-darkened sky. A teenage girl with long, wavy, turquoise-blue hair sleepily fluttered her eyelashes open. Her large eyes widened as she saw the golden rays of sunshine that floated and danced on her bedroom walls. Leaping excitedly out of her blankets, she ran to her window and pushed the frothy curtains open, staring out at the sea. It sparkled like it was full of millions of diamonds ablaze in the sun.

A small smile crept over the girl’s face. “The ocean looks so beautiful this morning!” she murmured softly. She ran out of her bedroom and, a moment later, reappeared, dressed in a crisp, white sailor top and a long, blue skirt that billowed whenever she turned. She hurriedly put on a beribboned sun hat and strappy, white sandals. Then, she hoisted a big, straw tote bag over her shoulder filled with an easel and painting supplies.

Running out the door, she excitedly thought, “Maybe I can finally paint something wonderful today!” Seagulls glided over the girl’s head as she dashed past the quaint beach cottages and gleaming, sun-drenched mansions covered in brightly colored, flowering vines. Fluffy clouds floated in the sky like puffs of whipped cream, and palm trees glistened and danced on the fresh, salty, ocean breeze.

“...An alabaster façade that brings to mind images of the whitest sands…and an elegant, tile roof that glistens like the deep, blue sea…It’s beautiful…it’s perfect…”

As the artist girl was passing the street in which a long, water canal sparkled below her perpendicular to the street, a tall man with wavy, blue hair stood on the other side of the street. He stared at the spacious, white mansion before him, which had a marine-colored roof and overlooked the waterway dotted with bobbing sailboats. “Yes, I simply must have this house…it reminds me so much of home…”

Another man beside him replied, “...Well, it’s beyond me why you would want to move to this sleepy, little, seaside town! You’d think after living in such a beautiful place as Greece all your life, Florian, a place like this would hold little artistic value for you!”

“Yes, one would think so, wouldn’t one…?” The man called Florian murmured, a sigh escaping his lips.

Just then, the two men heard the pattering sound of footsteps. They both turned around and caught a glimpse of a girlish silhouette racing by. Though the dazzling glare of the glittering canal behind her made her appear a little hazy and indistinct, in just a brief second, Florian was able to catch the sparkling glimmer in her green-blue eyes that flashed excitedly and seemed to reflect the clear water around her. Her long, turquoise hair trailed behind her and curled slightly at the ends, resembling the way a wave curls before breaking onto the shore, and her soft smile beamed like a gentle ray of sunshine through a cloud. She was such a whimsical image that Florian thought she looked like a free-spirited water nymph.

Though she didn’t notice him, he smiled at her, looking on with interest. “...Who is that girl? A resident here?”

“Her? Oh, yes, some girl who lives nearby. A bit strange. She stays shut up in her house most of the time except when she runs off to the beach to paint or something. She won’t bother you, though. Does she remind you of anyone? Probably your kid sister, right?”

“Hmm…” was all he said through a closed, smiling mouth. He looked thoughtful, so his friend took that as a ‘yes’ and a sure sign of homesickness.

After a minute, Florian spoke up. “I thank you, Sebastian, for showing me this place. I will definitely purchase it.”
“Well, it’s for purely selfish reasons, really! I’m going to do all in my power to get you to be my neighbor! You haven’t yet told me why you came here! Business? Or are you getting restless again?!”

Florian hesitated. “...Well…a little of both, I suppose…” Though he smiled, a shadow settled over his face, which his enthusiastic friend failed to notice.

Waves roared and crashed as a wet paintbrush dipped into a deep, blue pigment. It coated an ivory-colored canvas and attempted to imitate the curling motion of the ocean’s currents. A low sigh escaped the turquoise-haired girl’s lips. She cast her eyes on a somewhat stiff-looking painting of her surroundings. Illustrated on her canvas were dull ocean waves and a morning sun that refused to shower the landscape with its warm, golden rays, what should have looked like a perfectly idyllic, coastal day.

A little further from the shoreline, where the ocean began to get deep, surfers dotted the water. They bobbed on the ocean’s surface, sank down into its depths, or rode the waves like strange, new species of aquatic creatures. One girl in particular, with reddish-brown hair tinged with teal at the ends, came up to the surface with a big gasp for air. She was wearing a short, black-and-green wetsuit and swam in broad, confident strokes. She and her surfing partner, another teenage girl, swam to the shore, lying flat on their surfboards.

As they got ready to leave the beach, the auburn-haired surfer girl’s partner pointed at Crystal's painting. “Hey, look, Marina! Isn’t that the former surfing champion’s kid sister?”

Marina turned around after throwing a sporty t-shirt over her head, smirking. “Pft! Yeah, that’s her! You wouldn’t believe it if you saw the way Sean surfs, but that girl seriously cannot swim a stroke!”

Overhearing the two surfers, the painter girl blushed brightly. “‘Th-that girl’? ‘Cannot swim a stroke’? Is that how they refer to me…?”

“My name’s Crystal La Rey, but I guess most people wouldn’t know that…I’m sixteen-years-old, and what I want most in the world is to have my paintings accepted into La Mer, the boutique and art gallery here in my hometown, Sea Star Village…”
…Or, at least, I thought I wanted that…”

Crystal put down her paintbrush wearily. “...Painting the ocean sparkling in the sunlight was always my favorite thing to do…But lately, I’m just not as excited as I used to be about it…”
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“Hurry up, Stella!” At that moment, Celeste darted across the street toward the beach. She paused, waiting for her jellyfish partner, who floated behind her, worn out by her travels. “Celeste, you’re such a slave driver! We’ve been running around searching since forever! I can’t go on any longer!”
“Tch! You try running on four legs sometime and jumping fences! I’ve never known anyone to be so soft and spineless as you, Stel-!”

“Hey, Monet, why don’t you take a dip in the water to cool down? It’s crazy warm today, isn’t it?”

Celeste’s ears perked up. She turned her head toward the beach. Marina and her surfing partner stood on either side of Crystal, who sat timidly in front of her easel.

“Right! And she doesn’t mean just dipping your paintbrush into blue paint!”

Crystal’s face turned a deep shade of pink as she whimpered, embarrassed, “M-Marina…Monet was a man…! And you know I can’t swim at all!”

“Yeah, be careful what you tell her, Marina! She might just trip and fall into her painting!”

“Ha, haah!! You’re right! Don’t drown in your palette, Picasso!”

Shoulders hunched and trembling, Crystal’s eyes welled with tears as the two surfer girls walked away, the sound of their laughing fading as they went. Celeste watched the bullying indignantly. “Hmph! What did she ever do to them, anyway? It seems as though some people have nothing better to do with their time!”

Stella floated closer to look at Crystal. The magical jellyfish’s large, reddish-pink eyes glowed sadly. “And her painting is turning out so beautifully, too!”

Celeste followed her, interest piqued by the painting. “..Oh!!” She stared at the work of art and then at Crystal again, astonished.“...This painting…! Though still a little unpolished, there’s something about it…It’s like a window into her heart…!”

Stella’s expression softened, reading the same mysterious message as well. “Yes…and what a rare and beautiful one it is, too…”

Celeste agreed, then resumed her usual air of responsibility. “...But those surfer girls! Stella, it looks like we have a lot of work to do! The people of Sea Star Village need us! Come on!”

As Crystal packed up her canvas, easel, and painting supplies, she disheartenedly thought, “Why does that Marina always tease me? I guess I must look pretty stupid to her...painting at the beach every day, yet not really accomplishing anything…” She trudged away from the soft, warm sand, feeling the hard concrete of the city sidewalk under her feet once more. “If only I could be inspired again! Then maybe I could make a painting worthy of the La Mer Art Gallery!”

All of a sudden, Crystal heard the distant sound of dreamy, waltz-like music carried to her on a passing breeze. She looked up and saw a shining, open-air stage with rows of seats on either side and a domed, glass roof at the top. The stage had hardly any solid floor. Instead, it was a pool of glistening water. What was even more spellbinding, though, was the performance displayed at that moment in front of her very eyes. “...I’ve passed this stage many times…it always used to be empty…I’ve never once seen anyone perform here…” Crystal quickly stepped closer to the open stage, overcome with curiosity. Her eyes sparkled as she watched intently.

I like this story so far, Dreamy. ... And especially your drawings of the Crystal character. I sympathize with her.
I cannot help but wonder if by the end of this, she is revealed to actually be a magical creature of some sort, ... like a mermaid. ^-^
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