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John MacArthur blaspheming Holy Ghost


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Mar 10, 2011
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"God baptizes the obedient with the Holy Ghost with either the gift of tongues, or prophesy, or both (and many other gifts of the Holy Spirit) follow them. Satan is against the baptism and the gifts. The servants of Satan are also against them. John MacArthur is one of their leaders. Are you a servant of Satan or a servant of God?"

Corinthians Church and John MacArthur blaspheming Holy Ghost - YouTube


Dec 20, 2011
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Hi Woodpecker and God's blessings to you and you Family! The subject of the Spirit's nine gifts in operation today is one of the most controversial among those in the Body of Christ.

I just wanted to share with you that believing that His nine gifts are no longer in operation doesn't render one anarchistic. My intention for sharing this with you is not contention oriented so an offense would be a false reaction.

My love for those in "the Household of God" and for the Word of truth is always my full intention for all I share and I'm always mindful to "share the truth in love" (Eph 4:15).

The doctrine of the nine "gifts of the Spirit" are important to understand but are not salvation-essential; but the nine "fruit of the Spirit" is. I'm not directing any accusations towards you of any sort and just hope we can share with one another in brotherly love.

For Christs' Sake
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Hi Woodpecker and God's blessings to you and you Family! The subject of the Spirit's nine gifts in operation today is one of the most controversial among those in the Body of Christ.

I just wanted to share with you that believing that His nine gifts are no longer in operation doesn't render one anarchistic. My intention for sharing this with you is not contention oriented so an offense would be a false reaction.

My love for those in "the Household of God" and for the Word of truth is always my full intention for all I share and I'm always mindful to "share the truth in love" (Eph 4:15).

The doctrine of the nine "gifts of the Spirit" are important to understand but are not salvation-essential; but the nine "fruit of the Spirit" is. I'm not directing any accusations toward you of any sort and just hope we can share with one another in brotherly love.

For Christs' Sake

this was noy intended to be a discussion on if the gifts are still available today, I know they are, for I sing and pray in tongues, and have seen all the gifts that Paul mentions to the church of Corinth except someone being raised from the dead, but I have read stories where others have.

If you listen to the video it is about how John MacArthur (and other Christians) teach that speaking of tongues today is of Satan. This is a serious accusation against the Holy Spirit. The Pharisees called Jesus's miracles of Satan, and Jesus said this sin against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven.

As Christians we should be very, very careful calling the works of the Holy Spirit demonic!
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Mar 10, 2011
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Joey hi,
your clip on MacArthur only helped my point...this well known pastor is a Pharisee, he sits in the judgment seat of Jesus against the Holy Spirit. No man or women has the right to tell the Holy Spirit what He can do, or how it should "look" to be filled with the Spirit.

In the clip he takes the most obscure examples of the "workings of the Holy Spirit" laughs at them, and says how can they be of God?

On the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit fell upon the disciples the crowd thought they were DRUNK, so obviously when anointed by the Holy Spirit at times it may look odd to on lookers, but that gives no preacher or person the right to claim it is of demons!

Yes, we are to discern the spirits, but an evil spirit will not worship or glorify God.

I see you are a Baptist, the Baptist teach against the full workings of the Holy Spirit. Do not believe man, but God, I was confused about the teaching of tongues etc. I started reading the scripture with the guidance of the Holy Spirit....one morning, in much sorrow and need of edification from the God, He blessed me with His loving anointing, and I began to speak in a prayer language.

The book of Corinthians speaks of two types of tongues, (Paul wishes all could speak in tongues) one will edify the church, with interpretation, the other is to edify the believer, and that is what God did that sad morning for me.

open your heart to all of what the Holy Spirit can offer.
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Feb 29, 2012
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"God baptizes the obedient with the Holy Ghost with either the gift of tongues, or prophesy, or both (and many other gifts of the Holy Spirit) follow them. Satan is against the baptism and the gifts. The servants of Satan are also against them. John MacArthur is one of their leaders. Are you a servant of Satan or a servant of God?"

Corinthians Church and John MacArthur blaspheming Holy Ghost - YouTube
I took the time to watch/listen to both of the videos as posted in the OP as well as post #4. I think, Woodpecker, that the title of this thread is both misleading and slanderous to MacArthur.

First off, I don't see any relationship between the two videos. MacArthur doesn't even talk about the Corinthian church in his video. His video is almost entirely devoted to instruction about who the Holy Spirit is and what He does.

MacArthur does spend a few minutes talking about the New Apostolic Reformation movement, which I don't know much about. According to MacArthur, though, the followers of this movement attribute things to the Holy Spirit that have no business being attributed to Him. This certainly doesn't make MacArthur a "servant of Satan"!

MacArthur in no way blasphemes the Holy Ghost, as the title of this thread implies. Quite the opposite -- he exalts Him and spends nearly the entire video proclaiming His holiness and worthiness to be worshiped.

Woodpecker, I think that at the very least you should be apologizing for this thread, and at the most I think the whole thread should be deleted. It's misleading, it's outright wrong, and it's slanderous.
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Dec 20, 2011
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Inasmuch that one is not knowingly communicating to discredit another, but for the intention of truth's sake within as much as one is familiar with, I believe it's good to share what you believe, regardless of the subject; but so that it might be acceptable, it must be "shared in love" (Eph 4:15).

Other than glorifying God through seeking the truth of the Word, the purpose of Christian communicating with one another is for bonding (John 13:35). "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men, especially unto them who are of the household of faith" (Gal 6:10).

As for the issue at hand, I don't believe MacArthur should be claiming that others who believe in the present-day use of the nine gifts of the Spirit are being blasphemous, because this belief does not attribute evil to the the Holy Spirit, which is what qualifies for Spirit-blasphemy (Mark 3:30).
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big sister
Apr 25, 2009
Land Down Under
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Joey hi,
your clip on MacArthur only helped my point...In the clip he takes the most obscure examples of the "workings of the Holy Spirit" laughs at them, and says how can they be of God?
I wish these "preachers" were obscure. The New Apostolic Reformation group especially have become very influential. Professional Christian apologetics websites go into a great detail about them.
e.g. search Rick Joyner, Peter Wagner or Cindy Jacobs on the USA secular news website rightwingwatch.org and you'll find the information that discernment websites like Herescope continually give. Herescope: NAR in the Political Limelight

They have an international influence. I have seen Australians singing the praise of Rick Joyner etc. as well.
Yes, we are to discern the spirits, but an evil spirit will not worship or glorify God.
Really? Do you think Satan never uses any guerilla tactics or sabotage to take Christians and/or seekers' eyes off the real Jesus Christ?
As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” And this she kept doing for many days. Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour. (Acts 16:16-18)
The demon/s were using her as a distraction tactic. People potentially would go to this "prophet" instead of the apostles themselves.
I see you are a Baptist, the Baptist teach against the full workings of the Holy Spirit.
I am a fairly new Baptist. :) Approx 1 year and 1/2. From my understanding they don't think that the same signs and wonders that came as part of the apostles' ministry (i.e. ones who knew Jesus personally) continue these days. Big difference between that and saying the Holy Spirit doesn't move as much as in the early church times.
And I am familiar with the for and anti-speaking in tongues arguments. I try to keep an open mind but I am pretty skeptical overall. If the bible is completed then tongues to spread the gospel are no longer needed.
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big sister
Apr 25, 2009
Land Down Under
Marital Status
As for the issue at hand, I don't believe MacArthur should be claiming that others who believe in the present-day use of the nine gifts of the Spirit are being blasphemous, because this belief does not attribute evil to the the Holy Spirit, which is what qualifies for Spirit-blasphemy (Mark 3:30).
From memory that is what MacArthur is very concerned about. Christians are so concerned about being labelled as Holy Spirit blasphemers that they will never speak out against what appears bizarre and excessive.

If a fruit of the Spirit is self-control then why do so many people who are supposed to be touched by the Holy Spirit act completely and totally out-of-control of themselves?
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Disciple of Christ
Sep 12, 2011
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Our Lord's words, for John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now, are reminiscent of John the Baptist's statement in John 1:33: "He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, 'He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.' " The promise was to be fulfilled, and the disciples would be baptized with the Holy Spirit, not many days from now—ten to be exact. Jesus promised that after He departed, He would send the Spirit (John 16:7).

Despite the claims of many, the apostles' and early disciples' experience is not the norm for believers today. They were given unique enabling of the Holy Spirit for their special duties. They also received the general and common baptism with the Holy Spirit in an uncommon way, subsequent to conversion. All believers since the church began are commanded to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18) and to walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). Yet these early apostles and believers were told to wait, showing the change that came in the church age. They were in the transitional period associated with the birth of the church. In the present age, baptism by Christ through the agency of the Holy Spirit takes place for all believers at conversion. At that moment, every believer is placed into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). At that point the Spirit also takes up His permanent residency in the converted person's soul, so there is no such thing as a Christian who does not yet have the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; cf. 1 Cor. 6:19--20).

The baptism with the Holy Spirit is not a special privilege for some believers, nor are believers challenged and exhorted in Scripture to seek it. It is not even their responsibility to prepare for it by praying, pleading, tarrying, or any other means. The passive voice of the verb translated be baptized indicates the baptism by Jesus Christ with the Spirit is entirely a divine activity. It comes, like salvation itself, through grace, not human effort. Titus 3:5--6 says, "He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior." God sovereignly pours out the Holy Spirit on those He saves...

source: MacArthur Commentaries
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2011
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I took the time to watch/listen to both of the videos as posted in the OP as well as post #4. I think, Woodpecker, that the title of this thread is both misleading and slanderous to MacArthur.

First off, I don't see any relationship between the two videos. MacArthur doesn't even talk about the Corinthian church in his video. His video is almost entirely devoted to instruction about who the Holy Spirit is and what He does.

MacArthur does spend a few minutes talking about the New Apostolic Reformation movement, which I don't know much about. According to MacArthur, though, the followers of this movement attribute things to the Holy Spirit that have no business being attributed to Him. This certainly doesn't make MacArthur a "servant of Satan"!

MacArthur in no way blasphemes the Holy Ghost, as the title of this thread implies. Quite the opposite -- he exalts Him and spends nearly the entire video proclaiming His holiness and worthiness to be worshiped.

Woodpecker, I think that at the very least you should be apologizing for this thread, and at the most I think the whole thread should be deleted. It's misleading, it's outright wrong, and it's slanderous.

I watched the video myself, MacArthur said speaking in tongues was of Satan. So he did blasphemy the Holy Spirit.

The man in the video is speaking truth or I would not put on this forum!!
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Our Lord's words, for John baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now, are reminiscent of John the Baptist's statement in John 1:33: "He who sent me to baptize in water said to me, 'He upon whom you see the Spirit descending and remaining upon Him, this is the one who baptizes in the Holy Spirit.' " The promise was to be fulfilled, and the disciples would be baptized with the Holy Spirit, not many days from now—ten to be exact. Jesus promised that after He departed, He would send the Spirit (John 16:7).

Despite the claims of many, the apostles' and early disciples' experience is not the norm for believers today. They were given unique enabling of the Holy Spirit for their special duties. They also received the general and common baptism with the Holy Spirit in an uncommon way, subsequent to conversion. All believers since the church began are commanded to be filled with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18) and to walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:25). Yet these early apostles and believers were told to wait, showing the change that came in the church age. They were in the transitional period associated with the birth of the church. In the present age, baptism by Christ through the agency of the Holy Spirit takes place for all believers at conversion. At that moment, every believer is placed into the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:13). At that point the Spirit also takes up His permanent residency in the converted person's soul, so there is no such thing as a Christian who does not yet have the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; cf. 1 Cor. 6:19--20).

The baptism with the Holy Spirit is not a special privilege for some believers, nor are believers challenged and exhorted in Scripture to seek it. It is not even their responsibility to prepare for it by praying, pleading, tarrying, or any other means. The passive voice of the verb translated be baptized indicates the baptism by Jesus Christ with the Spirit is entirely a divine activity. It comes, like salvation itself, through grace, not human effort. Titus 3:5--6 says, "He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior." God sovereignly pours out the Holy Spirit on those He saves...

source: MacArthur Commentaries

this is a lie taught by demons and men.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2011
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I wish these "preachers" were obscure. The New Apostolic Reformation group especially have become very influential. Professional Christian apologetics websites go into a great detail about them.
e.g. search Rick Joyner, Peter Wagner or Cindy Jacobs on the USA secular news website rightwingwatch.org and you'll find the information that discernment websites like Herescope continually give. Herescope: NAR in the Political Limelight

They have an international influence. I have seen Australians singing the praise of Rick Joyner etc. as well.

Really? Do you think Satan never uses any guerilla tactics or sabotage to take Christians and/or seekers' eyes off the real Jesus Christ?
As we were going to the place of prayer, we were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune-telling. She followed Paul and us, crying out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to you the way of salvation.” And this she kept doing for many days. Paul, having become greatly annoyed, turned and said to the spirit, “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her.” And it came out that very hour. (Acts 16:16-18)
The demon/s were using her as a distraction tactic. People potentially would go to this "prophet" instead of the apostles themselves.

I am a fairly new Baptist. :) Approx 1 year and 1/2. From my understanding they don't think that the same signs and wonders that came as part of the apostles' ministry (i.e. ones who knew Jesus personally) continue these days. Big difference between that and saying the Holy Spirit doesn't move as much as in the early church times.
And I am familiar with the for and anti-speaking in tongues arguments. I try to keep an open mind but I am pretty skeptical overall. If the bible is completed then tongues to spread the gospel are no longer needed.

please do not allow a church to influence, but let the Holy Spirit and the bible teach you, like I said, I used to believe as you, but I received the gifts of tongues, and it is real and has edified my life.
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big sister
Apr 25, 2009
Land Down Under
Marital Status
please do not allow a church to influence, but let the Holy Spirit and the bible teach you, like I said, I used to believe as you, but I received the gifts of tongues, and it is real and has edified my life.

Bible outranks experience always. If your experience agrees with bible then proceed with caution. I still occasionally get very strong impressions as well but I am now careful to check that they agree with the bible's teachings. And they occur spontaneously not after practices that lead to altered consciousness e.g. prolonged worship.

Tongues is a very iffy area, I have known too many people who speak in tongues, get slain in the Spirit etc but then contradict basic Christian teachings/or deny their choices are sinful because ''the Spirit said this to me therefore the bible is wrong/out-of-date/obselete". :doh: That was a major factor in me leaving charismatic churches BTW.
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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2011
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Bible outranks experience always. If your experience agrees with bible then proceed with caution. I still occasionally get very strong impressions as well but I am now careful to check that they agree with the bible's teachings. And they occur spontaneously not after practices that lead to altered consciousness e.g. prolonged worship.

Tongues is a very iffy area, I have known too many people who speak in tongues, get slain in the Spirit etc but then contradict basic Christian teachings/or deny their choices are sinful because ''the Spirit said this to me therefore the bible is wrong/out-of-date/obsolete". :doh: That was a major factor in me leaving charismatic churches BTW.

we can be anointed with Gods "gifts" and still sin. No Christian has the right to tell the Holy Spirit what gifts are still available today, or that they are of emotion, or of demons, that judgment is for Christ alone, unless the gift contradicts scripture, or does not glorify God or edify the church.

What you see as "altered consciousness", could be of the Holy Spirit, the on lookers at Pentecost thought the apostles were drunk, so how about just stop controlling the Holy Spirit and judging those who are anointed by the Spirit.
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