Is Zion and Jerusalem the same?
Zion means what?
Original word of Jerusalem means what?
Did Jesus promise to come back to Jerusalem and rule the world from there?
This is a great question! You are right to think that they are different things, because if you do a bible search for the phrase "Zion", you will find it is often used beside Jerusalem and they are used in such a way that makes it obvious that they had different meanings in the writer's mind:
BibleGateway - : zion
Jerusalem means "city of peace", whereas Zion has a much more spiritual meaning. There is a lot of literary prose in scripture, where a word has a deeper meaning than it's obvious dictionary definition. An example of this is the word "stone". Do you remember how Jesus spoke in Matthew 21, saying "The stone the builder's rejected has become the chief cornerstone"? He was using that quote from Isaiah to warn the Pharisee's that because they were refusing to use Him in the building of The Kingdom (even though God had appointed Him to it), the outcome for them would be that they would be deposed and He would become the foundation for a new Kingdom (Luke 13:34-35). (This is why there is no other name in heaven and earth by which man must be saved).
So the phrase "Zion", although being a literal name of a mountain in Jerusalem, it conveys much more meaning to the ones who have been following scripture's story of God and His people.
1c of the Merriam Webster definition has it pretty accurate IMO:
Definition of Zion
a : the Jewish people :
b : the Jewish homeland that is symbolic of Judaism or of Jewish national aspiration
c : the ideal nation or society envisaged by Judaism
Definition of ZION
Have you seen how the scriptures talk about a Daughter of Zion? This isn't just talking about a person that was born from a mountain .. there's something much deeper to read in it, that she is the cherished offspring of a people who are dedicated to God. Scripture also mentions the sons of Zion and it says there are sinners in Zion, so it certainly seems to be describing a city (large community) of people pursuing the knowledge of Adonai.
As we know that Israel was displaced 2,000 years ago, his people were dispersed throughout the nations. We also know that Christians have received Jesus as the cornerstone of Zion (1 Peter 2:6), and His people are established all through the world. This goes to show that Zion is now not only a people of a given geographical place, but it is a worldwide spiritual kingdom. This goes toward the fulfilment of key prophecies such as Genesis 22:15-18, Isaiah 11:9, John 10:16, etc.
In the New Testament, there is only two original instances of the name Zion: Hebrews 12:22, stating it is The heavenly Jerusalem and the city of The Living God, and Revelation 14:1. Besides that, it is quoted only a few times to show where the old testament prophecies had been fulfilled in the new. Jesus is not recorded as having used the word (though He might have used it outside of the bible writings).
The New Testament uses the phrase "Kingdom of God" and "Kingdom of Heaven" a lot, which I read as more than just a change in language, but a new power. Jesus appears to have brought a new authority to proclaim this era, if we consider the likes of Luke 16:16, Luke 11:20, Luke 3:16, Luke 13:34-35. Remember in Matthew 21:42-44 that Jesus prophesied to take the kingdom from the Pharisee's if they would not receive Him - consider how that fits with John 18:36-37, Daniel 7:13-14 and Mark 9:1.
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