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Is the year of the rapture hidden in the story of Enoch? Part 2

Deep Truth

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Nov 25, 2019
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  • In Part 1 of this study of the rapture I said Aaron's age of 83 and Moses at 80 when they first spoke to Pharaoh in Egypt,
  • is a hidden prophecy for 83 years from 1948 when the two witness will begin to confront the Antichrist in the first year of the tribulation in 2031, Ex 7:7, Rev 11:3-8.
  • And the numbers 830 and 800 that are mentioned in the genealogy of Enoch who was taken by God and did not see death,
  • that are uniquely similar to Aaron at 83 (830) and Moses at 80 (800) when they first spoke to Pharaoh (Gen 5:16, 19),
  • are possible clues for when the saints could be raptured just before the two witness confront the Antichrist as the tribulation begins in 2031.
Aaron at 83 and Moses at 80 represent the two witnesses
in the first year of the tribulation at 83 years from 1948 in 2031

A similar word, phrase or number that is mentioned in two different scriptures is often used to connect specific details from one scripture to another in order to reveal a hidden meaning or prophecy.

And this method for revealing hidden truths was used by Jesus when he spoke to the crowd in a parable in one passage, then in a different scripture he explained the hidden meaning of specific words that he used in the parable so his disciples could understand what he was saying, Mat 13:1-3, 10-11, 24-30, 36-43.

Jesus spoke to the crowd in parables
and then explained them to his disciples

  • A possible example for a particular number that connects two scriptures together so a hidden truth may be revealed,
  • is Mahalalel who became a father at 65 years and lived another 830 years (Gen 5:15-16)
  • which is identical to Enoch who became a father at 65 years (Gen 5:21),
  • that's connecting the detail of 830 years in the account of Mahalalel to the story of Enoch who was taken by God and did not see death,
  • that could be revealing a mysterious prophecy for the rapture of the saints just before the tribulation begins at 83 years from 1948 in 2031.
Enoch did not walk with God during his first 65 years
The number 65 in the story of Enoch is also mentioned for a third and final time when Ephraim was shattered from being a people as they were taken into slavery after 65 years (Isa 7:8), which may be connecting this account of Ephraim's judgment to the story of Enoch who did not walk with God during his first 65 years, that's revealing an end-time prophecy concerning the rebellious church that is not walking in fellowship with Jesus.

Within 65 years Ephraim will be shattered from being a people
Isa 7:8 For the head of Syria is Damascus, and the head of Damascus is Rezin. And within sixty-five years Ephraim will be shattered from being a people.

In Isaiah 7:1-25, the northern tribes of Israel represented by Ephraim conspired with Syria to conquer their own brothers in Jerusalem so they could rule over them. However God defeated Syria and rebellious Ephraim was severely disciplined by the Lord when the were taken into slavery by Assyria after 65 years when they were shattered from being a people in 722 B.C.

Joseph's two sons were born during the 7 years of harvest
Ephraim and Manasseh were the 2 half Jewish half Gentile sons born from Joseph and his Gentile Egyptian wife during the 7 years of harvest just before the 7 years of famine began, which is a veiled prophecy for a harvest of Gentile saints before the 7 years of tribulation is about to begin, Gen 41:50-54.

Jesus stays with the Samaritans for 2 days
The descendants of Ephraim and Manasseh were the half Jewish half Gentile Samaritans, Isa 7:9, 9:8-9.

And Jesus who revealed himself as Israel's Messiah for 2 days to the Samaritan woman and her friends that believed he is the Savior of the world, is symbolic for the 2,000 year gospel to the Gentiles that have become a wild olive branch grafted into the olive tree Israel by faith in Christ, represented by the half Jewish half Gentile Samaritans, John 4:25-30, 39-43, Rom 11:16-18.

Rom 11:16-18 If the dough offered as firstfruits (when Jesus was resurrected) is holy, so is the whole lump, and if the root (of Jesus) is holy, so are the branches. (17) But if some of the branches (of Israel) were broken off, and you (Gentiles), although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree (of God's eternal covenant with Israel), (18) do not be arrogant toward the branches (of Israel). If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root (of Jesus) that supports you.

Jacob accepted Ephraim and Manasseh as his own two sons and blessed them even though they were half Jewish and half Gentile, and they were given the northern part of Israel as their inheritance, Gen 48:5, Jos 16:5-10.

Ephraim and Manasseh represent the Gentile saints
who are grafted into Israel by faith in a New Covenant

Elijah 42 7.png

Ephraim (symbolic for the Gentile saints) who conspired with Syria to rule over their own brothers in Jerusalem, appears to be a prophecy for the disobedient Gentile church that's favoring the Palestinian occupation of Jerusalem by boycotting the Jews who are rightfully trying to redeem their land.

Do not be arrogant toward the branches of Israel, Rom 11:18
Elijah 42 24.png

Enoch did not walk with God for 65 years
The scriptures reveal Enoch did not walk with God during the first 65 years of his life until his son was born. And it was after this life-changing event when Enoch walked with the Lord and pleased him for 300 years when he was taken and did not see death, Gen 5:21-24, Heb 11:5.

Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him. Now before he was taken he was commended as having pleased God.

Elijah 42 15.png

The spiritual division in today's church
represented by Enoch's 65 years and 300 years
The time of 65 years and 300 years that represents the two contrasting periods of Enoch's walk without God and then with God when he pleased him, may be prophetic for the great spiritual division between the liberal church that's blindly walking in sin and darkness and the conservative church that's walking in the light of Christ, which is being expressed by their clashing and opposing views on how Christians should walk with Jesus.

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them, Eph 5:11
Presbyterian Church Votes To Allow Same-Sex Marriage

The scriptures say there will be a great falling away in the church before the lawless one is revealed, 2 Thes 2:3.

And today's liberal saints who are falling away from Jesus and stumbling in sin's spiritual darkness, that are fighting against the Jews God given right to posses Jerusalem and all Israel, appear to be represented by Ephraim who plotted to rule over their brothers in Jerusalem that were disciplined by God and taken into slavery after 65 years, and the story of Enoch who did not walk with God during his first 65 years.

Another important point to consider is when did this recent pro-Palestinian anti-Israeli movement begin to be accepted by the liberal church?

In 2010 three major documentaries were released that attacked the Christian support for Israel; Waiting for Armageddon, With God on Our Side and Little Town of Bethlehem. Then in 2013 the anti-Israel documentary—The Stones Cry Out—was also released.

And it was from 2009 to 2013 when Wheaton college, Oral Roberts University, and several other Christian colleges and denominations began to embrace this demonic anti-Israel agenda.

The reason I wanted to mention the years of 2009 to 2013 when this anit-Israel theology was being accepted by the liberal Gentile church, is due the fact that 2013 is 65 years from 1948.

Therefore Ephraim who conspired against his brothers in Jerusalem and was disciplined by God after 65 years, that's numerically connected to Enoch who did not walk with God during his first 65 years, could be a prophecy for 65 years from 1948 in 2013 when a significant number of Gentile saints began to support the Palestinian occupation of Jerusalem, which is an arrogant act of rebellion against God and his chosen people Israel, Gen 12:1-3, John 15:16.

Rom 11:18 do not be arrogant toward the branches (of Israel). If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root (of Jesus) that supports you.

I find it interesting that the number 13 which symbolic for man's rebellion against God in the following scriptures (Gen 13:13, 14:4, Eze 20:13), is also hidden in the year of 2013 when the foolish saints were being drawn away by the demonic teaching of deceitful men to rebel against Israel's God given right to posses their promised land, Gen 13:14-15, 15:18, Jos 21:43.

Deu 13:13 that certain worthless fellows have gone out among you and have drawn away the inhabitants of their city, saying, 'Let us go and serve other gods,' which you have not known,

The liberal Gentile church that's walking in sin and darkness (1 John 1:6-7) and are opposing the Jewish restoration of Jerusalem will be left behind and disciplined by the Lord in the tribulation (Rev 3:16-18), so the rebellious saints will wash their sin stained robes by repenting from their disobedience to God and his sovereign plan to restore the nation of Israel and save a remnant of his people, Pro 25:26, 1 John 1:9, Rev 3:3-4, 7:13-14.

Pro 25:26 Like a muddied spring or a polluted fountain is a righteous man (a saint) who gives way before the wicked.

Luke 21:34-36 "But watch yourselves (saints) lest your hearts be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and (the sinful) cares of this life, and that day (of the tribulation) come upon you suddenly like a trap. (35) For it will come upon all who dwell on the face of the whole earth. (36) But stay awake at all times (by following Jesus), praying that you may have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place (in the tribulation), and to stand before the Son of Man (as his obedient and faithful bride)."

Num 24:9 (NIV) The nation is like a mighty lion; When it is sleeping, no one dares wake it. Whoever blesses Israel will be blessed, And whoever curses Israel will be cursed.”

In the "Blink of and Eye" is testimonies of Christians who had traumatic dreams of missing the rapture. And these dreams are a warning from the Lord that we need to be spiritually ready in our heart for Jesus sudden return.

Enoch who walked with God and pleased him for 300 years when the Lord took him, is a prophecy for the saints who are faithfully walking with Jesus and supporting Israel that will be raptured before the tribulation begins in 2031, Rev 3:10.

Eccl 1:9a What has been will be again,

Psalms 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: May they prosper who love you.

The saints who walk with God like Enoch
will be raptured and not see death

Elijah 42 8.png

Isa 26:20-21 Come, my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until the fury (of God's tribulation wrath) has passed by. (21) For behold, the LORD is coming out from his place (in heaven) to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity, and the earth will disclose the blood shed on it, and will no more cover its slain.

A 6 year old girls dream of the rapture

99 and 100
Another example for two numbers that connect one story with another in order to reveal a hidden prophecy is 99 and 100.

God's promise of a son born from Sarah at 90, that was declared to Abraham at the age of 99 and was fulfilled when he was 100 (Gen 17:1, 15-17), is numerically connecting the story of Isaac's birth to the parable of the shepherd's 99 sheep and the 100th sheep that was lost, that is revealing a prophecy about the lost sheep of Israel, Mat 10:5-6.

The shepherd's 99 righteous sheep are symbolic for the full number of the Gentile saints that will come into God's kingdom first (Rom 11:25-27, Luke 15:4-7), followed by the lost sheep of Israel that will be saved at the end of the tribulation when Jesus the good shepherd will find his 100th lost sheep, Mat 10:6, Jer 50:6.

Rom 11:25 Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel (the 1 lost sheep), until the fullness of the Gentiles (the 99 righteous sheep) has come in (to God's Kingdom).

Luke 15:7 Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner (the lost sheep of Israel) who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons (the 99 Gentile sheep) who need no repentance.
  • Therefore the story of Isaac's miraculous birth from Sarah at 90 and Abraham at 100 by their faith in God, Gen 15:3-6, Heb 11:11,
  • that's prophetically related to the shepherd's 100th lost sheep,
  • is revealing the promised sons like Isaac (Gal 4:28) will be born-again by faith in Jesus when the end-time nation of Israel (known as the wife of God, Jer 2:2) is 90 years old at the end of the tribulation in 2038,
  • when Jesus the good shepherd will find his 100th lost sheep called the faithful remnant of Israel, John 10:11.
John 10:14-16 I am the good shepherd. I know my own (sheep in Israel) and my own know me, (15) just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life (on the cross) for the sheep. (16) And I have (99) other (Gentile) sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock (of 100 sheep), (and) one shepherd.

Israel is like a woman in labor during the birth pangs of the tribulation
Isa 26:16-17, 19 O LORD, in distress they (Israel) sought you; they poured out a prayer when your discipline was upon them (in the tribulation). (17) Like a woman pregnant (Sarah at 90 represents Israel at the age of 90) with child (the promised sons like Isaac, Gal 4:27-28) that draws near to the time of her delivery, is in pain, and cries out in her (tribulation) birth pangs, so have we been in your sight O LORD.......19 Your dead (the unrighteous) shall live; their bodies shall rise (and be resurrected in righteousness by faith). You who dwell in the dust (of sin and corruption), awake and sing for joy! For your dew (of blessing from heaven) is a dew of light (and salvation from Jesus), and the earth will give birth to the dead (when a remnant of Israel is born-again by faith in Christ).

Jer 30:6-7 Ask now, and see, can a man bear a child? Why then do I see every man (in Israel) with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor? Why has every face turned pale? (7) Alas! That day (of the tribulation) is so great there is none like it; it is a time of distress for Jacob; yet he shall be saved out of it (by faith in Jesus).

Sarah at 90 and Abraham at 100 when Isaac was born by faith,
is related to Jesus the good shepherd when he finds
his 100th lost sheep that represents Israel's salvation by faith


The following chart is a brief summary of a variety of scriptures that are pointing to the possible time-frame for the rapture of the saints and the years of 2031 to 2038 for the tribulation.



Passing Under the Rod is a thoughtful article by Nicola Ramitt that reveals deeper insights regarding this mysterious verse in Ezekiel 20:37.

- Continued Below -
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Deep Truth

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The Bible is truly a unique book written in God's spiritual language that cannot be understood without revelation from the Spirit, 1 Corinthians 2:12-14, John 14:26. And there are progressively deeper and deeper levels of spiritual understanding that are hidden in God's Word, Ecclesiastes 7:24.

That is why Christians have a wide variety of opposing opinions about scripture since we often rely on our blinded human reasoning to interpret God's Word, instead of praying for wisdom and revelation from the Holy Spirit, Matthew 7:7, Jeremiah 33:3, Proverbs 3:5.

Consider the disciples who walked with Jesus and yet did not fully understand the scriptures concerning his death (Luke 9:44-45), until after the resurrection when the Lord opened their minds to understand the scriptures, Luke 24:36-47.

And its no different for Christians today; we can only speculate about the precise meaning of scripture through our sin corrupted intellect, until Jesus opens our minds to understand what his sealed prophecies represent at the specific time that he chooses, Daniel 12:4, Acts 1:7-8.

The article “Why did the blind man see men like trees walking when Jesus touched him,“ reveals the two stage healing process that Jesus used to restore the blind man's sight, is symbolic for how the Lord progressively opens our spiritually blinded eyes if we humbly seek him like little children, so we may clearly see and understand the deeper spiritual truths that are hidden within God's Word, Jeremiah 29:13, Matthew 11:25-27.

Matthew 11:25 At that time Jesus declared, "I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that you have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;

Acts 17:11 Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.

Consider the number 42
If you are still skeptical that similar numbers at times can be used to merge two or more scriptures together in order to reveal a hidden prophecy, then consider the number 42 that's spoken of in the story of Elisha.

However before I discuss Elisha's story I would like to briefly examine the account of Elijah who is prophetic for the two witnesses during their 1260 day ministry in the tribulation.

Elijah's 3 ½ year ministry to Israel
In Elijah's 3 ½ year ministry he challenged 850 false prophets of Baal and Asherah as he rebuilt the altar of 12 stones that represent the 12 sons of Jacob, saying Israel shall be your name, 1 Kings 18:31. After this Elijah prayed to God to send fire down from heaven to burn up the sacrifice thereby proving to Israel that the Lord is God, 1 Kings 18:17-40.

Elijah altar 2.png

Elijah in this story is prophetic for the two witnesses who will speak in the fiery power and authority of God as they challenge the Antichrist for 1260 days to prove to Israel that Jesus is God, while they build up the 12 tribes of 12,000 into a living altar for the Lord in the first half of the tribulation, Luke 4:25, James 5:17.

Revelation 11:3, 5 And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth."..... (5) And if anyone would harm them, fire pours from their mouth and consumes their foes. If anyone would harm them, this is how he is doomed to be killed.

2 witnesses 4.png

Elisha who was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen that was chosen by God to receive a double portion of Elijah's anointing after he was taken to heaven, is prophetic for the 12 tribes of 12,000 that will be given the spiritual strength of an ox through the power of the Holy Spirit so they can declare the gospel to Israel in the last half of the tribulation, when the two witnesses have been caught up to heaven after their 1260 day ministry is completed at the mid-point of the tribulation, 2 Kings 2:9-14, Revelation 11:3-12.

Elisha curses 42 youths who mocked him
After Elijah was caught up to heaven Elisha was going to Bethel when some small boys jeered at him saying, "Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!" After this Elisha turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys, 2 Kings 2:23-24

Elijah 42 25.png

The number 42 is also mentioned when Jehu killed 42 relatives of Ahaziah king of Judah shortly after he killed the 70 sons of Ahab, thus fulfilling Elijah's prophecy of God's judgment for the wicked descendants of Ahab, 1 Kings 21:29, 2 Kings 10:1-14.

The beast was allowed to exercise authority for 42 months
In Rev 11:2 and 13:5, the Antichrist is allowed to exercise authority for a period of 42 months in the last half of the tribulation as Jerusalem is trampled on by the Gentiles, at the same time when the 12 tribes of 12,000 will declare the gospel to Israel as they are being mocked and persecuted by unbelieving mankind who will be cursed by God and put to death, Revelation 12:13-17, 19:19-21.
  • Therefore Elisha who was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen and was chosen by God to continue in the ministry of Elijah after he was taken to heaven,
  • and then was jeered by 42 youths that Elisha cursed in the name of the Lord and were put to death by two she-bears (2 Kings 2:24),
  • is a prophecy for the last 42 months of the tribulation when the 12 tribes of 12,000 will plow up the hardened hearts of the Jews as they plant the seed of the gospel in Israel,
  • when the wicked who persecute these 144,000 chosen servants of God will be cursed and put to death by the beast that was like a leopard; its feet were like a bear's, and it mouth was like a lions mouth, Revelation 13:2.
Elijah 42 5.png

And the man-slayer who was protected from death in the 42 cities of refuge, could possibly represent the 144,000 and a remnant of faithful Israel who will be protected by God in the last 42 months of the tribulation, Numbers 35:6.

Revelation 12:13-14 And when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. (14) But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle so that she might fly from the serpent into the wilderness, to the place where she is to be nourished for a time, and times, and half a time.

In the following articles I examine the scriptures that seem to be pointing to the years of 2031 to 2038 for the tribulation.
Is the year when the tribulation ends written in scripture?
Part 2, 2 days, 7th hour, 38
Part 3, 2-38
Part 4, Gen 14:14, 17:17, Ex 7:7, John 5:5
Part 5, Psalms 83 & 90
Part 6, Isaac's birth from Sarah at 90
Part 7, Isaac's birth from Sarah at 90

The Ominous Sign of Four Blood Moons in 2032 and 2033
Four Blood Moons in 2032 and 2033 Part 2, 85 Priests are put to death

Israel's Second Passover will be fulfilled in the last year of the Tribulation

Is Jonah's warning for Nineveh prophetic for today's wicked generation?
Is Jonah's warning for Nineveh prophetic for today's wicked generation? Part 2

Will brutal Taskmasters oppress mankind before the Tribulation begins?
A 7 year end-time harvest of saints will precede God's wrath

Joseph in prison "two whole years" is prophetic for a 2,000 year gospel age
21 possible examples for a 2,000 year gospel age

Rachel after 7 years of barrenness gave birth to Joseph when Jacob was 90
The 12 sons of Jacob, symbolic for Old and New Covenant Israel

4 Prophetic stories reveal a 2,000 year gospel age followed by the tribulation
The Tabernacle reveals the age of the Law, the age of Grace and the Millennium

Why did God want to kill Moses when he lodged on his way to set Israel free from slavery to Pharaoh?
Why did the blind man see men like trees walking when Jesus touched him?

Why was Jacob called Israel when he struggled with God?
When will unrighteous Jacob be called Israel?

Why is the Feast of Trumpets in the 7th month 1st day to the 10th day?
What does the disciples catch of 153 fish represent?

Netflix cartoon encourages people to get the Smart Mark

In these articles I discuss the mystery of the soon coming rapture of the saints.
Will you be raptured in the first watch of the night?
Will you be raptured in the first, second or third watch of the night?

Why will the first be last, and the last first?
Why are many called to the wedding banquet but few are chosen?

Who are the good seed cast into outer darkness?
Who are the sons of the kingdom cast into outer darkness?

Is the year of the rapture hidden in the story of Enoch?

Is the year of the rapture hidden in the story of Enoch? Part 2
Will you be raptured to the feast of Abraham or left behind in Sodom?
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In Part 1 of this study of the rapture
If you are referencing the “gathering together unto Him” (rapture) of the Church of God ….I can assure you…. that you will not find anything in OT which includes the gospels concerning the rapture.

The mystery of the Administration of grace… which includes the rapture and may other things…. was kept hid in God and not revealed in full until Paul received it by revelation. The angels and prophets of old searched as they could see something between the grave and the glory…but came up empty. If God hides something….we aint going to find it until He reveals it. There are indication in the epistles but nothing trackable.
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The scriptures reveal Enoch did not walk with God during the first 65 years of his life until his son was born. And it was after this life-changing event for Enoch when he walked with the Lord and pleased him for 300 years that resulted in his rapture to heaven, Gen 5:21-24, Heb 11:5.

One other thing... Enoch was not raptured to heaven

Heb 11:13 These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.

He was translated from one place to another.

Enoch had never seen anyone physically die ….the word see is horaō in Heb 11:5 meaning to see with the eyes.
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I wish Christians would stop doing this. How many books and papers and so-called "findings" have proven to be untrue over the last few centuries? When He says NO MAN MAY KNOW, He meant it. There is no secret code in the bible that will unlock the date for you. You're wasting your time with this, no matter how convinced you are.
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You'll never understand until you go to the root. Which is Deuteronomy 28. It's right in your face but you refuse to see it. You rely on others to tell you the truth. Gentiles are blind and remain so. They know the Christ and that's all.
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سلام ربنا يسوع المسيح مع إخوتنا وأخواتنا في فلسطين. آمين.

Salam Rabina Yasue Al-Masih mae 'iikhwatina wa'akhawatina fi Filastin. Amin.
May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Amen.

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This agrees with my own timeframe. I come up with it 3 different ways. (1) "This generation shall not pass" = 1948 + life expectancy of a modern Irsaeli = 2030-2033 AD. (2) 2000 years after the Lord rose is 2030-2033 AD. (3) The next visible solar eclipse from Jerusalem is in June, 2030 AD. I don't know if these years refer to the start, middle, or end of tribulation, but I do think this OP is correct and aligns with the 3 reasons I found to support such timing. Even the world events including Putin's threat of global thermonuclear war if NATO gets involved in Ukraine, which will happen if a missile from Russia hits Poland (so far it is missed by 6 miles), combined with an imminent global famine thanks to Putin blockading the Black sea, and in America, the rise in mass shootings, the rise of non-heterosexual marriages and relationships, rise in hate crimes, rise in divorce rates, abortion (hopefully that may end soon), and rise in "unaffiliated" as the leading category in America certainly suggests we are headed toward apocalypic conditions. Global warming is also adding things like Firenados, massive wildfires, unprecedented droughts out West, rise in ocean levels and floodings, and likely death of species of animals. A lot of smart scientists think that Artificial Intelligence which we have now is the greatest existential threat to humankind. (see The case for taking AI seriously as a threat to humanity). Any factor alone isn't evidence the end is near, but if you add it all up, things can't keep going literally to hell like this much longer. We are also seeing a lot more suicides and mental health problems worldwide. We are also seeing more cases of witches and demon possession.

Back in 2011, I was at Boy Scout summer camp when I was both Assistant Scoutmaster and Troop Chaplain (before the organization fell apart over bad moral choices), I was in the adult's only air conditioned lounge at Camp Comer, and ran into a Lt. Colonel fresh back from the middle east, and I don't think he was a believer, but he told me if the US pulls out, Armageddeon will occur because they hate each other and don't value life like we do. Fortunately my son made it through and got his Eagle Scout and now is a 3rd year med student at a top 40 school. Funny when the decision to drop a certain moral rule happened, I had a nice office as director of engineering and around 8 men that day came into my office that day and said they are out of Scouts, one after serving 40 years. I quit too. Now I'm disabled and live in chronic pain, but I'm not done til the Lord calls me home.
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I believe all dates based on 1948 will come as failures.
Because Jesus does not return to Tel Aviv, He returns to Jerusalem.

Lord Jesus will return to Mount Olive, but how does that affect the timing relative to 1948?
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Lord Jesus will return to Mount Olive, but how does that affect the timing relative to 1948?

Because 1948--the creation of the modern state of Israel--is entirely irrelevant to anything in Scripture. It's no more significant than 1953 when Cambodia gained its independence from France. The modern nation of Israel has no biblical or theological importance whatsoever. The fulfillment of the return of the people after Exile was fulfilled when Cyrus allowed the Jewish people to return and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. Everything else is fulfilled in Jesus Christ in whom Jew and Gentile are united together in the one Church which is His Mystical Body.

Dispensationalism has no business being believed by any follower of Jesus Christ. It is inherently bad theology that undermines and denies the Holy Gospel.

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Deep Truth

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This agrees with my own timeframe. I come up with it 3 different ways. (1) "This generation shall not pass" = 1948 + life expectancy of a modern Irsaeli = 2030-2033 AD. (2) 2000 years after the Lord rose is 2030-2033 AD. (3) The next visible solar eclipse from Jerusalem is in June, 2030 AD. I don't know if these years refer to the start, middle, or end of tribulation, but I do think this OP is correct and aligns with the 3 reasons I found to support such timing. Even the world events including Putin's threat of global thermonuclear war if NATO gets involved in Ukraine, which will happen if a missile from Russia hits Poland (so far it is missed by 6 miles), combined with an imminent global famine thanks to Putin blockading the Black sea, and in America, the rise in mass shootings, the rise of non-heterosexual marriages and relationships, rise in hate crimes, rise in divorce rates, abortion (hopefully that may end soon), and rise in "unaffiliated" as the leading category in America certainly suggests we are headed toward apocalypic conditions. Global warming is also adding things like Firenados, massive wildfires, unprecedented droughts out West, rise in ocean levels and floodings, and likely death of species of animals. A lot of smart scientists think that Artificial Intelligence which we have now is the greatest existential threat to humankind. (see The case for taking AI seriously as a threat to humanity). Any factor alone isn't evidence the end is near, but if you add it all up, things can't keep going literally to hell like this much longer. We are also seeing a lot more suicides and mental health problems worldwide. We are also seeing more cases of witches and demon possession.

Back in 2011, I was at Boy Scout summer camp when I was both Assistant Scoutmaster and Troop Chaplain (before the organization fell apart over bad moral choices), I was in the adult's only air conditioned lounge at Camp Comer, and ran into a Lt. Colonel fresh back from the middle east, and I don't think he was a believer, but he told me if the US pulls out, Armageddeon will occur because they hate each other and don't value life like we do. Fortunately my son made it through and got his Eagle Scout and now is a 3rd year med student at a top 40 school. Funny when the decision to drop a certain moral rule happened, I had a nice office as director of engineering and around 8 men that day came into my office that day and said they are out of Scouts, one after serving 40 years. I quit too. Now I'm disabled and live in chronic pain, but I'm not done til the Lord calls me home.

I really appreciate your comments Jeff,
Keep studying the scriptures while praying for God to reveal them to you and he will open your spiritual eyes see hidden truths that are right in front of our blinded eyes.

Years ago I was not that interested in end times, and then the Lord began to pique my curiosity as he slowly revealed several stories that were prophetic for a 2,000 year gospel age followed by the tribulation.

Then one evening as I was reading the story of Isaac's birth when Sarah was 90, a curious question suddenly popped into my thoughts, "Is Isaac's birth to Sarah at 90 prophetic for Israel's birth at the end of the tribulation in 2038."

After this I searched through the scriptures for a few hours but found nothing that answered my question so I went to bed. The next morning when my eyes opened I had this thought that I believe was given to me from the Lord, "Read the story of the shepherds 99 sheep."

When I read this story I realized the numbers of 99 and 100 for the sheep were mentioned in one other story, the birth of Isaac that was promised to Abraham when he was 99 and fulfilled when he was 100.

The shepherds 99 righteous sheep represent the fullness of the Gentile saints that will come into the kingdom of God followed by the lost 100th lost sheep that represents Israel that is mentioned in a few scriptures.

After this there is a woman with 10 coins, she had 9 coins and 1 that was lost. When she found her lost coin with a lamp she celebrated with her friends. This parable is similar to Sarah at 90 when she received her promised son by faith that is prophetic for the spiritual birth of the promised sons like Isaac by faith at 90 years from 1948 in 2038.

After this I thought is the number 83 in scripture prophetic for the beginning of the tribulation. I looked in scripture and quickly found that 83 is mentioned just one time when Aaron was 83 when he and Moses first confronted Pharaoh in Egypt, which is prophetic for the two witnesses ministry when they will begin to speak against the Antichrist in the first year of tribulation at 83 years from 1948 in 2031. And out of the 10 plagues that took place in Egypt 8 are repeated again in Revelation.

A while after this I read the story of Jesus staying with the Samaritans for 2 days that represents the 2,000 year gospel to the Gentiles. Then Jesus returned to his hometown and healed and officials son at the point of death in the 7th hour which represents Israels salvation from the point of death in the 7the year of the tribulation. After this Jesus healed a crippled man who is 38.

In 3 consecutive stories in John 4 and 5, the number 2 days which is symbolic for 2,000 years, 7th hour, 38, are mentioned in that order, which represents Israels salvation from the point of death at the end of the 7 year tribulation in 2038.

The years for the beginning and the end of the tribulation are hidden in the following scriptures,
  • Genesis 14:14
  • Genesis 17:17
  • Exodus 7:7
  • John 5:5
The more God reveals his spiritual truths to us the deeper we begin to see and understand the marvelous complexity of the prophetic scriptures and how blinded we are to them unless God opens up our spiritual eyes to see.

We have a few years left and the way it appears the globalists have their plans to destroy the majority of mankind and rule the world through their Satanic Agenda 2030. However nothing will happen unless God allows it.

In the meantime we have to keep our spiritual eyes focused on Jesus and follow him day to day where he is leading us so we can win a few more souls into his kingdom, before the night of the tribulation draws near when no one can do the work of the Lord.

Thanks again for your comments,
And keep up the good fight of faith as you serve Jesus and his saints.
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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Lord Jesus will return to Mount Olive, but how does that affect the timing relative to 1948?

The Fig Tree was on the outskirts of Jerusalem, it represents Jerusalem, and Jesus is returning to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem did not bring forth new leaves in 1948.
Here also

Luke 13
6 He spake also this parable; A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and sought fruit thereon, and found none.
7 Then said he unto the dresser of his vineyard, Behold, these three years I come seeking fruit on this fig tree, and find none: cut it down; why cumbereth it the ground?
8 And he answering said unto him, Lord, let it alone this year also, till I shall dig about it, and dung it:
9 And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shalt cut it down.

Jesus was referring to 3 years that He made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem during His ministry.
Because Jerusalem was not a part of Israel in 1948, 1948 is not the fulfillment of the fig tree bringing forth new leaves.
It is possible 1967 is, but that is also, only possible, it's possible it is not as well.
But I do not believe 1948 was any sort of start date.
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The Fig Tree was on the outskirts of Jerusalem, it represents Jerusalem, and Jesus is returning to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem did not bring forth new leaves in 1948.
Here also

Luke 13

Jesus was referring to 3 years that He made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem during His ministry.
Because Jerusalem was not a part of Israel in 1948, 1948 is not the fulfillment of the fig tree bringing forth new leaves.
It is possible 1967 is, but that is also, only possible, it's possible it is not as well.
But I do not believe 1948 was any sort of start date.

Seems like Zechariah records the place where Jesus will return. I thought it was in the NT as well, but this is what I found: Bible Gateway passage: Zechariah 14:4-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 20:1-6 - New King James Version
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Faithful Servant & Seminary Student
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Sep 21, 2009
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The Fig Tree was on the outskirts of Jerusalem, it represents Jerusalem, and Jesus is returning to Jerusalem.
Jerusalem did not bring forth new leaves in 1948.
Here also

Luke 13

Jesus was referring to 3 years that He made the pilgrimage to Jerusalem during His ministry.
Because Jerusalem was not a part of Israel in 1948, 1948 is not the fulfillment of the fig tree bringing forth new leaves.
It is possible 1967 is, but that is also, only possible, it's possible it is not as well.
But I do not believe 1948 was any sort of start date.

The main significance of 1948 was the year the UN created the Israeli nation. I agree its not directly referred to in Scripture, but it might be relevant. What happened in 1967? Was that the war that Israel won?
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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The main significance of 1948 was the year the UN created the Israeli nation. I agree its not directly referred to in Scripture, but it might be relevant. What happened in 1967? Was that the war that Israel won?

1967 is when Israel captured Jerusalem, including the temple mount (which they turned over to the Muslim Waqf which is why I say "maybe, maybe not", because they turned it over to the Waqf)

There's a lot of other rather coincidental things regarding the generation born around the 1967 date (Generation X? what a Random moniker... however X, a cross shaped letter, is also how the ancient Hebrews wrote Tav.. which is the last letter of their alphabet, like Jesus is the Alpha and Omega, it's the Aleph Tav, first and last... it's probably coincidental, but would be interesting if it wasn't coincidence at all).. 69 years after (so within the year that some think the wrath of God takes place) Apophis could impact.. and Agenda 2030.. 7 years prior to 2037, 70 years after 1967.

But those could all be coincidental.
But we've blown past the 70 years after 1948, and we're past the 7 years prior for an 80 year date.
I think basing on 1948 is a fool's errand.
1967 could be too, as again, the Waqf controls the temple mount.
But I think 1967 is better than 1948 on the premise that Jesus returns to Jerusalem, not Tel Aviv or Haifa or whereever else was called Israel prior to Jerusalem being retaken.
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Watching and Praying Always
Oct 22, 2019
United States
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Seems like Zechariah records the place where Jesus will return. I thought it was in the NT as well, but this is what I found: Bible Gateway passage: Zechariah 14:4-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 20:1-6 - New King James Version

Yeah so.. the Mount of Olives is literally right outside of the old city of Jerusalem, on the Northeast side, which was only captured in 1967. Jesus entered Jerusalem through the East gate as well, the fig tree in Matthew 21 was therefore, going to be on the east side of Jerusalem, not the west.

In all cases, the fig tree, and the site of Jesus' return, refer to places that were not controlled by Israel in 1948.
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Jun 29, 2020
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Seems like Zechariah records the place where Jesus will return. I thought it was in the NT as well, but this is what I found: Bible Gateway passage: Zechariah 14:4-11, Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 20:1-6 - New King James Version
Revelation 19 and 20 are not about Jesus returning to the Mount of Olives.

Armageddon is fought in the Valley of Megiddo. That is over 60 miles north of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives. Revelation 19 is the battle written in Revelation 16:16

"And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon."
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