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Is it dishonest to join a church if you don't agree with the denomination?


Jan 14, 2022
New York
United States
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So, I've started attending an Episcopal Church! It's the only church in my area that is physically close to where I live, has early in-person services, and has a good amount of outreach and opportunities to volunteer. The reason I go here, and actually want to stay, is not only because it's the only one I'd be able to attend for a couple months, but I also like the service (It's a low church), the fellowship, and the outreach within the community.

However, I don't agree with the Episcopal Church about a lot of things, and, if they didn't have the aspects that I really liked, I would likely stop attending when I no longer have to attend services very early in the morning, and when I move out of the area in around a year, I don't think I'm going to join an Episcopal Church in the area I move to. I would probably join one of the Baptist or Anabaptist churches in the area. However, there aren't any Baptist or Anabaptist churches nearby with early in-person services, or the outreach that this Episcopal Church has.

Is it dishonest to continue attending? I know at the end of the day, we are all Christians, and at the very least affirm the Nicene Creed, and I may just be being a little sectarian or something like that, but I just can't help feeling like I'm lying or being dishonest somehow. It's a very nice church, and the parishioners are all very nice, and I enjoy attending and worshipping with them, but I just have issues with the doctrine and stances of the Episcopal Church as a whole. Is this dishonest?

Thank you! God bless!
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Free state of Florida
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May 15, 2017
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I don't think it has to be dishonest, especially in the Episcopal/Anglican churches as they have a big tent set of beliefs varying around congregations, dioceses, and provinces. However, if it is things that the denomination is doing that you don't agree with, it might not work out.

I was a member at an ELCA Lutheran church for a few years because I liked a lot of aspects, the Lutheran beliefs, and the church Liturgy, even though I did not agree with all of their social stands....but in the end their social issues and beliefs became to much for me to continue to agree with, so I had to move on.
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Aug 23, 2020
United Kingdom
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So, I've started attending an Episcopal Church! It's the only church in my area that is physically close to where I live, has early in-person services, and has a good amount of outreach and opportunities to volunteer. The reason I go here, and actually want to stay, is not only because it's the only one I'd be able to attend for a couple months, but I also like the service (It's a low church), the fellowship, and the outreach within the community.

However, I don't agree with the Episcopal Church about a lot of things, and, if they didn't have the aspects that I really liked, I would likely stop attending when I no longer have to attend services very early in the morning, and when I move out of the area in around a year, I don't think I'm going to join an Episcopal Church in the area I move to. I would probably join one of the Baptist or Anabaptist churches in the area. However, there aren't any Baptist or Anabaptist churches nearby with early in-person services, or the outreach that this Episcopal Church has.

Is it dishonest to continue attending? I know at the end of the day, we are all Christians, and at the very least affirm the Nicene Creed, and I may just be being a little sectarian or something like that, but I just can't help feeling like I'm lying or being dishonest somehow. It's a very nice church, and the parishioners are all very nice, and I enjoy attending and worshipping with them, but I just have issues with the doctrine and stances of the Episcopal Church as a whole. Is this dishonest?

Thank you! God bless!

No, I don't believe so because we are told to fellowship with other Christians. Churches who claim to be followers of Christ should not be tribal. Scripture teaches against this sort of thing.

3For ye are yet carnal: for whereas there is among you envying, and strife, and divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk as men? 4For while one saith, I am of Paul; and another, I am of Apollos; are ye not carnal? 5Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man? 6I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. 7So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. 8Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. 9For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.

Peace be to all those in the Body of Christ.
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Free state of Florida
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May 15, 2017
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No, I don't believe so because we are told to fellowship with other Christians. Churches who claim to be followers of Christ should not be tribal. Scripture teaches against this sort of thing.

She is saying they are all Christians, which Episcopal's are a part of the Trinitarian Christian church. So she would be fellowshipping with other Christians, just ones that hold a different view of some things. Whether she should participate in communion is another matter. But then, the Episcopal church practices open communion, so they would not have a problem with it.
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Jun 5, 2017
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So, I've started attending an Episcopal Church! It's the only church in my area that is physically close to where I live, has early in-person services, and has a good amount of outreach and opportunities to volunteer. The reason I go here, and actually want to stay, is not only because it's the only one I'd be able to attend for a couple months, but I also like the service (It's a low church), the fellowship, and the outreach within the community.

However, I don't agree with the Episcopal Church about a lot of things, and, if they didn't have the aspects that I really liked, I would likely stop attending when I no longer have to attend services very early in the morning, and when I move out of the area in around a year, I don't think I'm going to join an Episcopal Church in the area I move to. I would probably join one of the Baptist or Anabaptist churches in the area. However, there aren't any Baptist or Anabaptist churches nearby with early in-person services, or the outreach that this Episcopal Church has.

Is it dishonest to continue attending? I know at the end of the day, we are all Christians, and at the very least affirm the Nicene Creed, and I may just be being a little sectarian or something like that, but I just can't help feeling like I'm lying or being dishonest somehow. It's a very nice church, and the parishioners are all very nice, and I enjoy attending and worshipping with them, but I just have issues with the doctrine and stances of the Episcopal Church as a whole. Is this dishonest?

Thank you! God bless!

Hi Redletters, nice to meet you :wave:

I had a similar experience to you wondering where I should go to Church. Here is my personal testimony. I hope it might be helpful for you as you seek to know Jesus through His Word.


I did not go to Church to find God. I began reading Gods' Word for myself at home before I ever thought about going to any Church. As I continued reading Gods' Word asking for God's guidance, my life changed forever, when I came to first know Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior for my sins. I read through Gods' Word that all of us have sinned *Romans 3:9-23 and that sin according to the scriptures was breaking anyone of Gods' 10 commandments and not believing and following what Gods' Word says in Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4.

I did not know much about the Sabbath at this stage but intellectually I believed Gods Word but I felt deep down inside that it was not my experience. I had a knowledge of what sin was from the scriptures and that according to the scriptures breaking God's law was sin and all of us had sinned therefore I was a sinner. I prayed and asked God to forgive me and repented from my sins in my heart and decided to follow God through His Word. Most of this was in my mind but I did not realize to some time latter that this was never my experience. From this point forward I think God was teaching me that the more I tried to follow His Word the more he was showing me that I could not obey His Words and the more I saw myself as a sinner unable to do what God wanted me to do. It was through Gods' law that I saw that I was a sinner under God's condemnation and death there was nothing that I could ever hope to do to save myself.

The more I tried to keep Gods law the more I saw myself condemned by the law (Romans 7) until one day this experience as painful as it was brought me to the foot of the cross crying out "Oh wrteched man that I am who shall deliver me from this body of death?" (Romans 7:24). It was here looking up at the cross where I saw Jesus in my mind and heard His Word to me "the just shall live by faith." Faith in what? I saw for the first time Jesus shedding His blood for my sins so that I could receive God's forgiveness. Faith in God's Word was the answer given back. Faith in God's promises. Faith in God's free gift of grace we receive through faith.

He gave me His life when all I had was death and by His stripes I saw for the first time I was healed. Not because of anything I had done but because He loved me and gave himself for me. This is where Gods' Law brought me. It brought me to Christ so that all I could so is call out "Lord have mercy on me a sinner". Then I looked up and could see, and my eyes were opened for the first time I saw Jesus dying for my sins even me, so that I could be reconciled to God. This is where my whole life changed and that change took place as I was seeking Him through his Words and believed them. This is where Gods' law brought me so that I could understand the words of Jesus in Matthew 9:12-13 for the first time.

When I was reading the bible one day at home I came across some scripture that troubled me. The scriptures were talking about the last days just before Jesus returned and it said that in these last days there will be many false prophets and false Christs that if it was possible they shall deceive Gods' very elect (Matthew 24:24). At the time I read these scriptures I was not going to any Church.

I was just reading my bible at home but they troubled me very much at that time I remember because I was thinking of going out to join a Church somewhere but I did not know which one. When I read these scriptures in Matthew 24:24 I believe God showed me their interpretation at that time as in the last days before He returns there would be many false prophets being messengers or teachers claiming they were from God that have false teachings and that the false Christs represented false Christian Churches (e.g. Christ being the head of the body which is the church - Ephesians 5:23; Colossians 1:18) and that many would be lost by following what these Churches were teachings.

Then as I was considering these scriptures one day, I believe God showed me all the Churches of the world all professing to be the chosen ones of God. Today in a recent consensus I remember reading that there is today somewhere around 30-40,000 different Churches all professing to be Gods true Church that have the truth of Gods' Word? Now I do no know how true those figures are but to me even if there was 20 churches all professing to be Gods' true Church that is 19 too many right?

So I was troubled because I did not want to follow false teachings and be lost to God. I prayed to God saying dear God help me. How am I going to know who your true Church is? I barely know your word and how am I ever going to find who your true Church is? I wanted to follow God but I knew I was never going to find Him if he did not help me and if he did not help me it would be impossible for me to find the truth of His Word. Looking back now with tears in my eyes I see how God answered my prayers and was with me guiding me and teaching me through His Word.

Not long after I prayed to God, as I was continuing reading His Word I came across some promises from His Word that really helped me to have believe God was leading and guiding me. These promises seemed to speak to me again just like the scripture from Matthew 24:24 that troubled me into thinking how am I ever going to know the truth of God's Word?

These scriptures that really spoke to me next were...

John 14:26 [26], But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatever I have said to you.

John 16:13 [13], However, when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.

John 7:17 [17], If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

John 8:31-32 [31], Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If you continue in my word, then are you my disciples indeed, [32], And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.


When I read these scriptures, it was like God knew my thoughts and how I was feeling and was talking to me through his Word personally. I now had hope and was happy and relieved that God promises to be my guide and teacher to help me to know the truth of His Word and that I did not need to be worried if I trusted Him about being deceived into not knowing what His truth is. I knew I had a part to play and that was to seek Him and claim His promises through His Word (John 8:31-36).

I started claiming His promises above as I was reading His Word and slowly but surely started learning more of His Word. I asked God, praying dear God thank you for these promises but who is your true Church? I know I cannot find who your true Church is unless you guide me and teach me and show me who they are?

I continued over some time reading God's Word and found these scriptures which seemed to stay with me that seemed to describe who Gods Church was according to the scriptures here...

  1. God’s people are described as God’s sheep that hear believe and follow Gods Word *John 10:26-27
  2. God’s people are described as God’s saints that keep the commandments of God and the faith or teachings of Jesus *Revelation 14:12.
  3. God’s people are described as those who the dragon (devil) is making war with because they keep the commandments of God *Revelation 12:17
  4. God’s people are described as having the testimony of JESUS which is the Spirit of Prophecy. They know the end day prophecies *Revelation 19:10
  5. God’s people are described as being blessed because they washed their robes in the blood of the lamb *1 Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 7:14; Revelation 12:11; Revelation 22:14
  6. God’s people are described as being blessed because they keep Gods commandments and receive eternal life *Revelation 22:14
  7. God’s people are described as being born again and do not practice sin (breaking Gods’ commandments) *1 John 3:6-9
  8. The different between the children of God and the children of the devil is that the children of God do not practice sin (breaking God’s commandments) and the children of the devil do *1 John 3:6-10.


The question we all must consider is how do we know we know God and are Gods saints according to the scriptures? Well Gods saints are in every Church who are living up to all the light of the knowledge of Gods’ Word that God has revealed to them and in times of ignorance when we do not know any better God winks at but when God gives us a knowledge of His Word he calls all men everywhere to believe and follow it *Acts of the Apostles 17:30-31; James 4:17.

Many do not know that the religious teachers of the world today have fallen away from God’s Word in order to follow man made teachings and traditions that break the commandments of God. BABYLON is described as being fallen. The mother church and her daughters *Revelation 14:8; Revelation 17:1-5 have changed times and law *Danial 7:25 and supplanted her own day of worship for which there is no scripture in place of God’s 4th commandment which is one of God’s 10 commandments that give us the knowledge of what sin is when broken *Romans 3:20; Romans 7:7; 1 John 3:4.

God has his people in all of these Church’s and is calling his people out of Babylon (fallen Christianity) from following the traditions and teachings of men back to the pure Word of God. *Revelation 18:1-5. The hour is coming and now is that the true worshipers will worship God in Spirit and in truth. God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. *John 10:16; John 4:23-24.

What is the test to know if we know God?


In times of ignorance God winks at but when he gives us a knowledge of the truth of his Word calls all men everywhere to believe and follow. God’s sheep hear His voice (the Word) and follow it.


SUMMARY: I became a Sabbath keeper and SDA because I believe God guided me to this Church through His Word and this is my personal experience and testimony! God's Church through faith according to the scriptures keep all the commandments of God not some of them according to the scriptures and this is the difference between 99% of all the Churches of the Word. - YES the Sabbath of God's 4th commandment! 99% of the Churches of the Word are not following God's Word. God is calling His people out to return to His Word and follow Him in Spirit and in truth *Revelation 18:4

Hope this is helpful
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Dec 8, 2004
United States
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Is it dishonest to continue attending?
No, it's commonplace and most churches are happy to have non-members attend.

I know at the end of the day, we are all Christians, and at the very least affirm the Nicene Creed, and I may just be being a little sectarian or something like that, but I just can't help feeling like I'm lying or being dishonest somehow.
You're not. And as you say, you accept the Nicene Creed, so that's even more evidence of it.

It's a very nice church, and the parishioners are all very nice, and I enjoy attending and worshipping with them, but I just have issues with the doctrine and stances of the Episcopal Church as a whole. Is this dishonest?
No. Probably half of all the Episcopalians in the USA have some reservations.
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Tolworth John

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Mar 10, 2017
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don't agree with the Episcopal Church about a lot of things,

Talk to the minister is the best advic

You are not becoming a formal member, just attending worship, you are meeting with fellow Christians and the fact that there are some doctri Al different cases doesn't really matter.
If you were joining then that would.d be different.
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Irkle Berserkle

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Dec 25, 2021
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I might attend a church with which I had significant doctrinal differences, but I wouldn't join. I even stopped attending Southern Baptist churches because it had reached the point where there was too much pretending in my attending.
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Jan 16, 2019
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If I’m spiritually at odds with the teachings or beliefs I wouldn’t go. I don’t expect blanket agreement but I’d consider the impact of the differences.

I can ignore a lot but that doesn’t mean I want it in my ear. A seed is a seed after all.

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Let Your Light Shine.. Matt 5:16
Jun 21, 2007
In God's Amazing Grace
As long as the church you are going to doesn't force you to believe and act in ways contrary to your common sense beliefs in God and you learn there and grow in wisdom sometimes changing to match what they believe sometimes realizing that they have problems and don't believe in what is biblical that is essential to the identity of God. When a church makes God into what they want him to be, often they use this creation of god to profit themselves beware of such groups.
If you aren't sure what to believe read the Bible and learn don't blindly accept others know it all because we are all flawed people and if you feel something is wrong in a Church..... be willing to abandon it as it may be the Holy Spirit in you telling you that isn't the place for you to be.

As we mature in our relationships with others and God in wisdom and knowledge hopefully we get more correct on who God is and what to believe and we end up seeing more and more flaws in others teachings. It is when these flaws start redefining God and forcing you to change that one needs to be careful as to if the change is towards God or away from him surrendering your will to his will, or the will of charismatic leaders of a group that uses the label "church" to prop up their egos that they are more correct than you are. This doesn't discount that the truth may be there but sometimes a little lie can foul things so bad that the truth left becomes soured by it.

It is like pouring a dab of hot sauce on a candy bar even a small dab can change the taste in your mouth drastically and if you don't like hot sauce then your candy bar is ruined. Some folks who don't like candy bars at all may want you to slowly pour more hot sauce on yours and reduce the amount of the candy bar slowly till you are drinking hot sauce with no candy bar at all and when you ask about candy bars you are either told they are not allowed or given hot sauce instead and told it is a candy bar.
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Nov 21, 2008
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So, I've started attending an Episcopal Church! It's the only church in my area that is physically close to where I live, has early in-person services, and has a good amount of outreach and opportunities to volunteer. The reason I go here, and actually want to stay, is not only because it's the only one I'd be able to attend for a couple months, but I also like the service (It's a low church), the fellowship, and the outreach within the community.

However, I don't agree with the Episcopal Church about a lot of things, and, if they didn't have the aspects that I really liked, I would likely stop attending when I no longer have to attend services very early in the morning, and when I move out of the area in around a year, I don't think I'm going to join an Episcopal Church in the area I move to. I would probably join one of the Baptist or Anabaptist churches in the area. However, there aren't any Baptist or Anabaptist churches nearby with early in-person services, or the outreach that this Episcopal Church has.

Is it dishonest to continue attending? I know at the end of the day, we are all Christians, and at the very least affirm the Nicene Creed, and I may just be being a little sectarian or something like that, but I just can't help feeling like I'm lying or being dishonest somehow. It's a very nice church, and the parishioners are all very nice, and I enjoy attending and worshipping with them, but I just have issues with the doctrine and stances of the Episcopal Church as a whole. Is this dishonest?

Thank you! God bless!

Churches love to have visitors .. don't worry about it. Enjoy the fellowship and keep studying your Bible because one of your friends there might ask you for the reason of your faith - and Peter says we should always be ready to give a good Bible answer when asked.
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A View From The Pew
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Feb 29, 2004
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I've been involved with quite a few denominations in my life as well as multiple congregations of some denominations. I must say that I have yet to find a place that I was in 100% agreement on everything. If I waited for that, I'd never go to church. I have some disagreements with The Episcopal Church as well, but not enough for me to forego the wonderful worship experience it provides me.

That said, I think we all have "stoppers" of things we can't or won't tolerate. I have mine, too. In fact, my big stoppers are why I landed at the Episcopal Church. (I can't abide closed communion, multi-media presentations, and happy-clappy non-liturgical worship).

My advice is to not expect perfection anywhere, but know and follow the conviction of your stoppers, whatever they may be.
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William J

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Aug 21, 2021
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On the one hand, learning how to love each other despite theological differences is something that we Christians need. If you could only attend a church you 100% agreed with, you wouldn't be able to attend any church at all. On the other hand, if a particular church has really changed the core message of Christianity, then I think it would be justified to stay away from that one. In any case, just attending a church does not convey that you agree with all of their beliefs.
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Jan 14, 2022
New York
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Thank you all for the replies! This has been very enlightening, thank you!

Nothing in the Episcopal Church would have me up and leave immediately, at least for a little while! I do agree with them in certain aspects (I'm very thankful they practice open communion), but I don't in others. And that's okay, I've realized! I'm going to keep attending, I love the fellowship and, at least, that individual church! I'll think hard before joining, if I do get to a point where I think joining would be beneficial, though. I'm not sure I wanted to be confirmed, if that's necessary part of joining the Episcopal Church. Either way, I really hope I can volunteer and be active in the Church, as a non-member!

Thank you all very, very much! God bless you all!
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May 5, 2012
New Jersey
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Is it dishonest to continue attending?

Not at all! Even amongst our members, you'll find differences of belief. And non-members are welcome to worship with us as well. It's on our sign: "The Episcopal Church welcomes you!" :)
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Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2019
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If I’m spiritually at odds with the teachings or beliefs I wouldn’t go. I don’t expect blanket agreement but I’d consider the impact of the differences.

I can ignore a lot but that doesn’t mean I want it in my ear. A seed is a seed after all.

This is my problem too. I absolutely CANNOT walk in a church that prohibits women from leadership roles no matter what the Bible says. The church I was saved at has two female pastors. Also, nobody can make me believe the universe was created in seven days or that Jesus would be a Republican. My church MUST, no matter what, accept the fact that Jesus would never treat girls and women like second class citizens to make his point that abortion is a sin because he said, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." I would not want a man to treat me like crap if I had an abortion! But some of my beliefs are 100% Baptist. (Don't worry, I do hate abortions. I just can't tolerate the ways women are treated as the enemy because they committed a deadly sin.)
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Sir, this is a Wendy's...
Jun 20, 2004
Belleville, IL
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I don't think it has to be dishonest, especially in the Episcopal/Anglican churches as they have a big tent set of beliefs varying around congregations, dioceses, and provinces. However, if it is things that the denomination is doing that you don't agree with, it might not work out.

I was a member at an ELCA Lutheran church for a few years because I liked a lot of aspects, the Lutheran beliefs, and the church Liturgy, even though I did not agree with all of their social stands....but in the end their social issues and beliefs became to much for me to continue to agree with, so I had to move on.

Same here. The main reason I left, though, was because the COVID mitigations finished off what already was a dying congregation.
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