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Imaginary friends and/or boyfriends...


observant petal
Jan 3, 2007
Marital Status
Hi all I just spent about the last hour researching on this very topic Adults with imaginary friend/boyfriends. These last few months of not working and being alone at home has helped me to learn more about mental disorders and why I am the way I am.
Well as most of you know I talk to my Guardian Angel all the time, he is Godly of course, but he is an Angel and he does not fall in love marry and that sort of thing. He is my best friend and my first memory in my life. I know that he is very real.
But I was wondering if I should creat an "imaginary crush or boyfriend"? Will that help me to cope. I read this one post on a Mental Health board about this 25 year old girl who accually does have a few imaginary friend and boyfriends. SHe says that she talks to them all the time and they help her through her problems and she does not ever feel lonely. See like me she came from a toxic family, except what I read about this girl's post she sounds like she had it really bad. I just had an ignoring Narsissistic mom and a father who worked all the time and greedy brother. As you all well know I was picked on in school and most of my jobs, my mother never taught me how to cope and father told me that I was easy target and said that I needed to come back with a smart**s comment, NO THANK YOU that is not me.
So what you all think of the idea of me creating some kind of imaginary boyfriend/crush JUST UNTIL I get back on my feet and I am working again? Maybe (Don't know) this will get me MORE motivated to move on in my life. PLEASE I really would like to know. My and my "boyfriend" could read Guy Findly together and he can help me understand what he is saying, we can snuggle whatever. So what you all think of this. As you all can tell I have a HUGE imagination :) God blessed me with that I can say.
Anyway PLEASE don't think that I am weird I just want to get through this hurt and loneliness :)
God bless you and LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU {{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}
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Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2007
Christian Seeker
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I don't think that you are weird, sweetie.. but I don't think it's a good idea to create imaginary friends/boyfriends.
God wants you to be involved in real life, sweetie, to be communicating His love and truth, not to be sitting at home with your imagination. Imagination is a great gift, but living in it really isn't a good idea.. it means you will be less likely to take steps to get out of the rut and push those doors.
God has a plan, dear one, with real people, not imaginary ones.
Praying for you :hug:
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what, where, who, when, whatever????
Dec 15, 2009
Emerald Isle!
Marital Status
Flower, I can understand the attraction of trying to escape from your pain and loneliness via imaginary friends but this will hurt you even more. The Christian life cant be lived out in the imaginary world. Yes imagination is a gift and can be used for good in illustrating/explaining difficult ideas etc. However the Christian life is real and we must seek Gods help to overcome lifes struggles and His healing for lifes wounds.

You are a precious child of God!
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observant petal
Jan 3, 2007
Marital Status
You are right, I guess it will hurt me in the long run to have an imgainary boyfriend/friend. I never thought of it that way. Thank you all for your advice and you are right. GOD BLESS YOU AND LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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Apr 29, 2008
Marital Status
you know i have a very very good imagination too and i always find my mind drifting off into fantasy, all different fantasies, i think its what they call an "escape mechanism" or something like that. you are unhappy with how things are in reality so you attempt to "escape" thru fantasy. the thing about my fantasy's is....theyre always empty because theyre not real. you get a few pleasent feelings as you pretend and then it quickly ends (as your mind switches back over to reality), so it leads to disappointment. i think its great to use your imagination as long as your not imagining sinful things (i enjoy imagining what heaven will be like, for instance, and imagining what my future might be like, and i like to "design" imaginary outfits in my mind). but when it comes to imagining pretend friends and boyfriends i think it will lead to disappointment.

i think this verse means that God has an eternity in heaven planned for us better than anything we can imagine:

1 corinthians 2:9 "However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"
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observant petal
Jan 3, 2007
Marital Status
you know i have a very very good imagination too and i always find my mind drifting off into fantasy, all different fantasies, i think its what they call an "escape mechanism" or something like that. you are unhappy with how things are in reality so you attempt to "escape" thru fantasy. the thing about my fantasy's is....theyre always empty because theyre not real. you get a few pleasent feelings as you pretend and then it quickly ends (as your mind switches back over to reality), so it leads to disappointment. i think its great to use your imagination as long as your not imagining sinful things (i enjoy imagining what heaven will be like, for instance, and imagining what my future might be like, and i like to "design" imaginary outfits in my mind). but when it comes to imagining pretend friends and boyfriends i think it will lead to disappointment.

i think this verse means that God has an eternity in heaven planned for us better than anything we can imagine:

1 corinthians 2:9 "However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"
HI there my dear sweet loving sister, SOOOOOOOOOO VERY TRUE, you are so very very wise and this is so very true. Before bed I will sometimes imagine different things like you said, inventions, like here is one think like an electroic back scratcher so that you don't have to ask someone or get a brush to scratch your back. Another, if I have rhynovirus I think about alllllllllllll the possible ways that could take that nasty sore throat away just like that 1-2-3 fixed. So again something that you and me have in common.
THANKS SOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for your loving sweet kind advice. God bless you my dear sweet loving sister and LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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Apr 29, 2008
Marital Status
how about trying this flower.....instead of making up an imaginary boyfriend maybe you can talk to God about the qualities you would want in a boyfriend. i mean you could say "well God i'd really like it if you sent me a boyfriend with these qualities...(and then list them)". like for me i would want to date someone that loves animals and i'd like to date a vegetarian because i am vegetarian. so i think that could be a way of using your imagination in a healthy way because i do think its good to consider what kind of qualities you would prefer in a boyfriend.
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I love Jesus and kittycats
Jun 30, 2006
Marital Status
Hi all I just spent about the last hour researching on this very topic Adults with imaginary friend/boyfriends. These last few months of not working and being alone at home has helped me to learn more about mental disorders and why I am the way I am.
Well as most of you know I talk to my Guardian Angel all the time, he is Godly of course, but he is an Angel and he does not fall in love marry and that sort of thing. He is my best friend and my first memory in my life. I know that he is very real.
But I was wondering if I should creat an "imaginary crush or boyfriend"? Will that help me to cope. I read this one post on a Mental Health board about this 25 year old girl who accually does have a few imaginary friend and boyfriends. SHe says that she talks to them all the time and they help her through her problems and she does not ever feel lonely. See like me she came from a toxic family, except what I read about this girl's post she sounds like she had it really bad. I just had an ignoring Narsissistic mom and a father who worked all the time and greedy brother. As you all well know I was picked on in school and most of my jobs, my mother never taught me how to cope and father told me that I was easy target and said that I needed to come back with a smart**s comment, NO THANK YOU that is not me.
So what you all think of the idea of me creating some kind of imaginary boyfriend/crush JUST UNTIL I get back on my feet and I am working again? Maybe (Don't know) this will get me MORE motivated to move on in my life. PLEASE I really would like to know. My and my "boyfriend" could read Guy Findly together and he can help me understand what he is saying, we can snuggle whatever. So what you all think of this. As you all can tell I have a HUGE imagination :) God blessed me with that I can say.
Anyway PLEASE don't think that I am weird I just want to get through this hurt and loneliness :)
God bless you and LOTS OF LOVE TO YOU {{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}

I agree with all the previous posters that creating an imaginary friend/boyfriend would NOT be a good idea. In fact I suspect it could be VERY dangerous as it could lead to attack by a demonic spirit masquerading as the "imaginary friend". I have read that is a real danger with the "creative imagery" that is used so much in the New Age movement. Besides as a Christian you have the best Friend anyone can have, One you can talk to all the time. Also why not use your imagination to write Christian/Biblical stories. That is what I do sometimes because I too have a good imagination and no I don't think you are wierd.:hug::hug::hug::hug:
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observant petal
Jan 3, 2007
Marital Status
I agree with all the previous posters that creating an imaginary friend/boyfriend would NOT be a good idea. In fact I suspect it could be VERY dangerous as it could lead to attack by a demonic spirit masquerading as the "imaginary friend". I have read that is a real danger with the "creative imagery" that is used so much in the New Age movement. Besides as a Christian you have the best Friend anyone can have, One you can talk to all the time. Also why not use your imagination to write Christian/Biblical stories. That is what I do sometimes because I too have a good imagination and no I don't think you are wierd.:hug::hug::hug::hug:
Thank you my dear sweet loving sister, I never thought of it that way, THANK YOU SO MUCH for telling me the Dangers of this idea. Great advice as well my dear sweet loving sister.
Rachel what a wonderful idea, I am going to talk to God about what type of guy I really want (if that be the will of Him). I hope something happens for me VERY soon. I have been praying so very hard!!1
Thank you all and LOTS OF LOVE to you all and GOD BLESS YOU {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{BIG HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
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