I want to grow taller :(


If we love God, we keep his commandaments.
Jan 18, 2006
im 17 and im 166.5 cm tall..... havent grown for years.
I have asked God to make me grow........ but it still hasn't happened. Through a person of GOd I found out that God wants to make me taller....
I just want to grow 12 cm about...
the fact that Im short make me sad every time I awake in the morning.......... cuz I hoped the evening before that day to grow but I still do not see any similar thing happening :(...........

if the Spirit leads you pls could you pray for me growing taller?

The prayer of the true saints have power......

and I believe in that scripture...............

pls anyone..


Active Member
Jun 29, 2006
Marital Status
Isac, do you not know that you were wonderfully made by God Himself? Did He mess up? I think not. Look up to God above and thank Him for the life He gave you. I know this will not seem to help, but try and let it sink in for a while... ponder the idea... Remember it takes a big man to accept who he is. When you do then so will others. I will definatly pray that God makes you taller. But, remember we need to pray acording to the Word. God is God and can do as He pleases so I will be glad to ask. If however He does not make you taller accept that as His answer that He made you perfect already.
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