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I have a question and problem


Feb 6, 2024
United States
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I want to learn to better Obey God. Only for me learning from the bible is massively difficult. Some parts of the bible I find interesting other times it's boring (I'm not knocking the bible or trying to be rude or hurt Gods feelings.). It doesn't help I'm not book smart. I learn more from others then from books or just figuring things out for myself. Sadly the bible is not something I can figure out on my own. Some things I understand quickly but there lots of things I can't break down. So let me give you an example.

So take Genesis's. I can read the book of Genesis's and understand the surface layers of things. However when I try and learn what other hidden things are being taught I got nothing. My brain just doesn't work that way. It's why I did terrible in school. If some one explains something to me I can understand it. Trying to unravel the bible hidden stuff is way beyond my abilities. It actually makes me feel stupid. Some times I might pick up on something but most of the time I don't.

People given me advice on how to study the bible and that advice would probably work for most people but not me. For most people studying the bible is like going up a steep hill or a mountain hard but do able. For me its like defying gravity and learning how to fly. I don't know what to do. Right now I just try and learn from others and expand my knowledge that way. I don't know what to do?


Christian Forums Staff
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Feb 29, 2004
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I recommend just taking what you read at face value without searching for hidden stuff. I think sometimes those finding deeper meaning or "the hidden stuff" are merely finding what they want to find. I think what is plainly there is all we need. I would try to not make it too complicated.
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243 God loves me
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Aug 17, 2020
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I want to learn to better Obey God. Only for me learning from the bible is massively difficult. Some parts of the bible I find interesting other times it's boring (I'm not knocking the bible or trying to be rude or hurt Gods feelings.). It doesn't help I'm not book smart. I learn more from others then from books or just figuring things out for myself. Sadly the bible is not something I can figure out on my own. Some things I understand quickly but there lots of things I can't break down. So let me give you an example.

So take Genesis's. I can read the book of Genesis's and understand the surface layers of things. However when I try and learn what other hidden things are being taught I got nothing. My brain just doesn't work that way. It's why I did terrible in school. If some one explains something to me I can understand it. Trying to unravel the bible hidden stuff is way beyond my abilities. It actually makes me feel stupid. Some times I might pick up on something but most of the time I don't.

People given me advice on how to study the bible and that advice would probably work for most people but not me. For most people studying the bible is like going up a steep hill or a mountain hard but do able. For me it’s o to church, that’s what church is for. Chapter by chapter verse by verselike defying gravity and learning how to fly. I don't know what to do. Right now I just try and learn from others and expand my knowledge that way. I don't know what to do?

go to church that’s what it is for to teach the deep things of God. The above advice is good too..
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CF Ambassadors
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Aug 11, 2023
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I want to learn to better Obey God. Only for me learning from the bible is massively difficult. Some parts of the bible I find interesting other times it's boring (I'm not knocking the bible or trying to be rude or hurt Gods feelings.). It doesn't help I'm not book smart. I learn more from others then from books or just figuring things out for myself. Sadly the bible is not something I can figure out on my own. Some things I understand quickly but there lots of things I can't break down. So let me give you an example.

So take Genesis's. I can read the book of Genesis's and understand the surface layers of things. However when I try and learn what other hidden things are being taught I got nothing. My brain just doesn't work that way. It's why I did terrible in school. If some one explains something to me I can understand it. Trying to unravel the bible hidden stuff is way beyond my abilities. It actually makes me feel stupid. Some times I might pick up on something but most of the time I don't.

People given me advice on how to study the bible and that advice would probably work for most people but not me. For most people studying the bible is like going up a steep hill or a mountain hard but do able. For me its like defying gravity and learning how to fly. I don't know what to do. Right now I just try and learn from others and expand my knowledge that way. I don't know what to do?
Well, just start by going to church, and then maybe reading my devotionals. :) If you do not like my devotionals, then talk with a priest or pastor.

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Larry H.

Active Member
Oct 2, 2022
United States
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I want to learn to better Obey God. Only for me learning from the bible is massively difficult. Some parts of the bible I find interesting other times it's boring (I'm not knocking the bible or trying to be rude or hurt Gods feelings.). It doesn't help I'm not book smart. I learn more from others then from books or just figuring things out for myself. Sadly the bible is not something I can figure out on my own. Some things I understand quickly but there lots of things I can't break down. So let me give you an example.

So take Genesis's. I can read the book of Genesis's and understand the surface layers of things. However when I try and learn what other hidden things are being taught I got nothing. My brain just doesn't work that way. It's why I did terrible in school. If some one explains something to me I can understand it. Trying to unravel the bible hidden stuff is way beyond my abilities. It actually makes me feel stupid. Some times I might pick up on something but most of the time I don't.

People given me advice on how to study the bible and that advice would probably work for most people but not me. For most people studying the bible is like going up a steep hill or a mountain hard but do able. For me its like defying gravity and learning how to fly. I don't know what to do. Right now I just try and learn from others and expand my knowledge that way. I don't know what to do?
Following what you said first let me say you are thinking within a box you have created, and you have to get outside of that box. In order to think outside of the box, (the box you created) you have to know that: Obeying God better is not something you learn, it's something you mature into. Being book smart is not a required qualification to learn the mysteries of God that Paul spoke of (ex. Eph. 1:9), nor is being good in school a requirement. No one can "figure out" or "unravel" the deep things of God on their own, they are given by the Holy Spirit. As a mew child of God, you have to have the milk first and then the meat. Just as a newborn baby has to have milk first then the meat. (1 Cor. 3:2)

We are a people that want it and want it now but God doesn't work like that. His time is not our time, His ways are not our ways. (Isaiah 55:8) God's Word tells us to study to show ourself approved to God, to be a Workman at studying, so you will have no need to be ashamed (or in your case, feel stupid) so you will be able to divide the word of truth (2 Tim 2:15). God's Word says the Holy Spirit will teach you in all things (John 14:26).

Don't think that the people that really understand the deep things of God didn't work for it. It was not because they are so smart they just picked it up. They spent many hours studying God's Word. I have spent many hours studying God's Word (not bragging, but to make a point). Many times I've taken a context of scriptures, studied them from every angle I know possible to get everything I could out of them, then go back six months later, read the same context of scriptures and the Holy Spirit would reveal something new to me. Study Gods Word and take what you are given. Then go back and study His word again to show Him that you are a Workman at His word and you intend to be approved by Him? Show him you want the Holy Spirit to teach you in "all" things.

There are those that will not escape the. I want it and I want it now mindset. Instead of investing the time of being a Workman at it they will just fabricate a meaning to fit their own agenda. From what you said, I believe you want the truth, so be a Workman and let the Holy Spirit show you the truth "in Gods timing". God Bless
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Aug 28, 2014
Houston, TX
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I want to learn to better Obey God. Only for me learning from the bible is massively difficult. Some parts of the bible I find interesting other times it's boring (I'm not knocking the bible or trying to be rude or hurt Gods feelings.). It doesn't help I'm not book smart. I learn more from others then from books or just figuring things out for myself. Sadly the bible is not something I can figure out on my own. Some things I understand quickly but there lots of things I can't break down. So let me give you an example.

So take Genesis's. I can read the book of Genesis's and understand the surface layers of things. However when I try and learn what other hidden things are being taught I got nothing. My brain just doesn't work that way. It's why I did terrible in school. If some one explains something to me I can understand it. Trying to unravel the bible hidden stuff is way beyond my abilities. It actually makes me feel stupid. Some times I might pick up on something but most of the time I don't.

People given me advice on how to study the bible and that advice would probably work for most people but not me. For most people studying the bible is like going up a steep hill or a mountain hard but do able. For me its like defying gravity and learning how to fly. I don't know what to do. Right now I just try and learn from others and expand my knowledge that way. I don't know what to do?
You need to be patient with yourself, and have a long term vision for your spiritual growth. It doesn't happen overnight. Too many people look for shortcuts and unfortunately get deceived and sidetracked. I recommend reading the Bible exclusively for awhile, maybe 5 years.

You should have a weekly study in which you read one book 5 or 10 times in order to get what the author is saying (as opposed to reading one verse at a time). Not many verses of scripture are stand-alone. There is always an idea running throughout a passage of scripture, sometimes over several chapters. You just need to start getting familiar with scripture, in which you can start understanding the big picture.

I'd say start with one gospel like John, then go to 1 John, then Ephesians, then Galatians, then Romans, then Hebrews and the other epistles. Then the Old Testament, starting with Gen-Deu. Jesus quoted Deu. more than any other book, so it's important. Psalms and Proverbs are also good devotional and meditational books. The idea is to build your faith in God, and use your knowledge of scripture to be wise about what God's will is.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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I want to learn to better Obey God. Only for me learning from the bible is massively difficult. Some parts of the bible I find interesting other times it's boring (I'm not knocking the bible or trying to be rude or hurt Gods feelings.). It doesn't help I'm not book smart. I learn more from others then from books or just figuring things out for myself. Sadly the bible is not something I can figure out on my own. Some things I understand quickly but there lots of things I can't break down. So let me give you an example.

So take Genesis's. I can read the book of Genesis's and understand the surface layers of things. However when I try and learn what other hidden things are being taught I got nothing. My brain just doesn't work that way. It's why I did terrible in school. If some one explains something to me I can understand it. Trying to unravel the bible hidden stuff is way beyond my abilities. It actually makes me feel stupid. Some times I might pick up on something but most of the time I don't.

People given me advice on how to study the bible and that advice would probably work for most people but not me. For most people studying the bible is like going up a steep hill or a mountain hard but do able. For me its like defying gravity and learning how to fly. I don't know what to do. Right now I just try and learn from others and expand my knowledge that way. I don't know what to do?
I really don't believe there are " hidden things" in scripture. There are of course those who would like to think so and even promote it to line their pockets. We know this because it is a massive cottage industry, sadly. That being said, read scripture without the lens of man made fantasies and pray that His Holy Spirit give you simple and clear understanding. He will teach you.
Be blessed.
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Mar 8, 2017
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I don't know if you are a new christian or not. If you are new, I recommend starting with the Gospel of John, and the epistles of John, and some of the epistles of Paul. My favorite is the Epistle of Titus and in everything you read, ask how does this apply to me?

I think @Maria Billingsley has some very good advice.
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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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Congrats on wanting to read and study the bible. You have great responses already but I will add what at least one poster emphasized though in a different manner. You can and should read the bible as a historical document in context. Yes, often that is boring but it is good to have some background knowledge. The second way the bible speaks to us though is through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks in a few different ways, most which are amazing but not dramatic such as an audible voice or visions. The common ways are a knowing, a peace on the inside or just a leading that kind of pops from your heart to your head. Sometimes feelings too come with what he says, but always go by the bible for direction because feelings and even leadings can be false as well. What is required for such a fellowship with God? Humility, a willingness to learn and apply, and just a good heart. (Google the parable the sower, sows the seed.) The point is that sometimes an extra emphasis will occur when you are reading the bible, that yes, the Holy Spirit might talk to you personally, just like he did for your salvation. It will come from your spirit but you process it too with your brain. Some might call it revelation, guidance, etc. Such times of God speaking to you might be sparse or in some cases frequent, but do your best to learn to hear him. It does not take much education, it just takes a heart trying to learn and obey. it is good too to think about some scripture as your doing other things. Keep God and his word in your mind as much as you can. Joshua 1:8 says basically if you will follow the word you will have success and be prosperous.

So you know it is good to read the bible books, but it is also good to study something as a topic. A topic (sermon or book) should incorporate various parts of the bible so you will have good overall knowledge on that specific topic,. I might for example study: How god leads a New testament believer. Ask your pastor or others you trust to recommend something if you find yourself drawn to a topic.

Lastly, when I see a scripture I want help with, you can google the verse. Be careful of the strange churches on the internet but something like Joshua 1:7 Commentaries: "Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go., gives various scholarly views.

God bless your journey in His word with joy and teaching by the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 1:26-27 (KJV)
26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
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Jun 12, 2011
Some approach bible study like it was a text book. It can seem difficult and even boring. It can be helpful to think of the bible more like a newspaper. If you read what happened, who said what, and who did what it can be easier. One should keep in mind that the bible is "supernatural". God uses it to work in the reader.

Isa 55:10 For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
Isa 55:11 So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.

Each time one reads the bible more and more "pieces" begin to fit together. Slowly one can see deeper and understand more. This parallels the growth and maturity expected of Christians which is in love and is ultimately selflessness.

2Co 5:15 And that he died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto him which died for them, and rose again.
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2013
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I want to learn to better Obey God. Only for me learning from the bible is massively difficult.
"'Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.'" (Matthew 11:29)

So, we learn from Jesus. He does include the Bible in the process, but He uses people who are God's examples of all God means by His word.
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Grafted In

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Apr 15, 2012
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When you described yourself I emediately thought about how God uses the weak and lowly best of all. Few are given great minds,but remember, His Word never returns void. He is bringing you along just fine. Trust in Him to use you in ways that may astonish you.
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