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I didnt post this anywhere but here because this is where i made the claims and now i wanted to show the info i posted back when....
[I found it]
Where was he during the war, and he dodged the draft?
CIA stated that while Clinton was on his 1969-70, 40-Day Trip through the then Communist Soviet Union where he pick up his Communist tag while on f Anti-America Demonstrations operations in which he was a part of organizing the event for the Embassy in London, England. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford between 1968 and 1970. He was officially contacted as most kids in those days who attended Ivy league schools were for the CIA. Clinton met some influential people from China while he was at Oxford. Some say this is the time that he âturnedâ into a Communist sympathizer. Clinton clearly saw the Communist theme. The theme was that the world should be of one economic level and that the high should fall and the low should rise to equal the high at some sort of medium. This meant the distribution of wealth, and ultimately of technology to the lower civilizations. He would he one day help out their cause that the CIA had promoted him to fight against. Although, he didn't stay involved with the CIA very long, the western Lion then attended Yale Law School, where he met his future wife, Hillary Rodham, a Wellesley graduate. The couple has one child, Chelsea.
Clinton taught sparingly at the University of Arkansas (1974â1976 disputed), was elected state attorney general (1976) still as a fugitive, and in 1979 became the nation's youngest governor and still as a fugitive. America had not gone after the successful fugitives as many in the CIA believed Vietnam was indeed how China saw it - a threat to China's boarders. The western lion was defeated for reelection in 1980 by voters irate at a rise in the state's automobile license fees. In 1982 he was elected again promising the candy store a policy he adopted for the New Covenant for America. This time he reined in liberal tendencies to accommodate the conservative bent of the voters. This is the time Bill Clinton's eyes were open to the realization by a few dear friends. The candy store plan was the only way to win in politics. Clinton loved math in school and crunching numbers was second hand to him. He ultimately understood foreign economics was the candy store plan. When a kid hijacks the owner of the candy store he could sell off all the candy to the kids who's parents had forbade them from eating too much candy and make a bundle. The kids ultimately knowing that the owner would not be locked up forever, did whatever they could do at that time to retrieve the money necessary to stock up on their candies. The kids never had the opportunity to eat all this candy, so like all pleasurable things that have no restrictions they ate too much, got sick, but loved it. All the kids would think that this was the time of their lives. Yet, man, the grown man had come to know the pitfalls of too much pleasure and candy. The Candy was somewhat innocent. But when the bomb comes into play as the substitute for candy, taking its place, this commodity freely sold to children, after the hijack of its owner (The protectorate) , becomes not the innocence but a dire consequence.
As governor, Clinton world opened up to anti-American influences as he met some pretty impressive new Anti-American , Anti-Capitalist friends while at England and then onto Russia on the run from the Vietnam War duties and his subsequent protesting days. Some Chinese planners who contacted him back then decided to pay Clinton a call now that he was governor of the State of Arkansas. At this time Arkansas was 43d state in the nation behind the most prosperous of all the states in regards of jobs and economics. Arkansas was a quite a little hideaway off the political spectrum of importance within the great land of the United States of America.
In the early 1990s, the FBI came across evidence that amounted to a counterspy's worst nightmare: Classified reports showed communist China was running several ``assets'' - spies, in the vernacular - who operated clandestinely inside the U.S. government. Zemin watched vary closely to learn about the details. Deng was getting old, and he wanted to learn as much as possible. One spy, however, was different from the others. He didn't work for just any agency. âHe had burrowed deep inside the U.S. intelligence community, meaning that the People's Republic of China had access to vital secrets. The information was revealed to FBI counterintelligence agents in highly sensitive communications intercepts between the Chinese Embassy in Washington and Chinese intelligence officers in Beijing. The intercepts suggested the agent was supplying the Chinese with classified defense information. The spy's code name was ``Ma'' - Chinese for âhorseâ (Gertz). A Chinese government official who defected to the United States after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 also told U.S. intelligence that China had successfully developed five to 10 clandestine sources of information here.
The defector said these agents were known as âDear Friendsâ of China. These âDear Friendsâ had access to the most sensitive U.S. intelligence data, known as Top Secret-Sensitive Compartmented Information, or SCI (Gertz). China always had a way with hiding things out in the open with simple language that others would take for granted. They did this to trick the west. ....
In part, Clinton became part of the Dear Friends program, or as others family psychologist would say, The Chinese Communist Party became Clintons adopted Family.
What the Chinese asked him was to use his influence to lessen security for future operations of acquiring high technology. A Former CIA Agent further stated that Clinton after his Anti-America Activities in England linked up with his Communist 'Control:' This 'Control' well known in history as the older version of the code name now called âdear friends.â
When Bill Clinton bit the bait, Zemin sent in the big guns. "Princelings such as Wang and Liu were after a unique technology transfer. Rich and powerful and successful, Charlie would say! These guys could help you Sir.
In 1992, after selling nuclear-war materiel to Iran, Iraq and Algeria among other countries, China signed the worldwide Nonproliferation Treaty against spreading knowledge about nuclear weapons to states that did not possess them. Three years later, U.S. intelligence discovered that the China National Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation, a Beijing-controlled operation, had sold 5,000 ring magnets to Pakistan, which is trying to match India's nuclear-weapon potential (Gertz The China Threat).
During the 1992 campaign candidate Bill Clinton bitterly attacked George Bush's China policy. Clinton said, " in the three years since the massacre in Tiananmen square, the Bush administration has pursued an ill-advised and failed policy of constructive engagement with the aging leaders of China" (Timberlake 223). During the summer of 1993, President Bush fired back and said âif you elect Bill Clinton he will be known for the worst foreign relations disaster" (FACTS BOOK 93). These prophetic words by Sir. Bush have come true.
(September 15, 1992). Clinton said "â¦And I perceive the biggest threat in the future to be, as I've said earlier, the proliferation of nuclear technology, as well as other weapons of mass destruction, to other countries. (September 18, 1992). The CCP was loving it they had Mr. Mao man in the west. He could lie and remember which ones and how to spin and deny.
His next mission would be to set up the promises of high-technology to China if he would become the 42nd President of the United States because he was part of the plan now.
On November 3, 1992, fate falls upon to the Dear Friend program and secretly Chinese officials have the party of their lives. They have finally waited for 200 plus years to get the right 'assets' into the right position. Bill Clinton, now the elected 42nd president of The United States of America became a Mao blessing. The Two Lions wasted no time. The Riadyâs entered into a partnership with China Resources (Holding) Ltd. To jointly own and control the Hong Kong Chinese Bank just two days after the election results. China set up business all around America. The defrayal was on.
Clinton began to plan. He would receive untold trillions of dollars from the Chinese over his presidency if he gets them the state of the art military technology. The CEOs had already been lobbying Congress and the White House while Bush Sr. was in office to no accord.
The western Lion had a few obstacles for defrayal in which some key assets who had suggested he could get around them by some backroom underhandedness and twisting American laws. He was prodded by China. First, the public knew that it was illegal to export satellites to China. Satellites had chips in them. Satellites were top of the line ban-material. This was because U.S. satellites carry sensitive chip and technology on board that could be duel-used in military applications. This meant that satellites were placed on the Pentagons and State Departments âMunitions Listâ, meaning that these are items that cannot be sold to anyone at all! Second, China could not target missiles at the US with any type of accuracy to wage a full out thermonuclear war. They needed the satellites among other things to do this. This is what they wanted, and Clinton wanted the cash. How was the western lion, now king of the western jungle, able to hide China's rapid progress if, or when, the defrayment begins to occur?
The FBI and the NSA (some call it âno such agencyâ) had uncovered plans of covert operations of many spies in the U.S. that could already be working in key government positions. Unlike the McCarthy area, know one in congress knew or cared. The defected agents told of embassy to Ministry of State Security headquarters in China had recruited them as ' dear friends' with a plan of acquisition of high-technology. They were told to contact Americans in the west with offers of the program called dear friends. They offer included ' what do you get if you are a dear friend.' 1. Inside trade info on China bustling market. 2. Trips to China. 3. Business opportunities to make tons of cash. 5. Prestige-building to access to Chinese officials during these visits. What Chinese wanted in return were extremely sensitive military intelligence. Note: CIA/NSA have concluded that China agents prefer to live in Boston instead of Washington DC, away from the U.S. counterintelligence.
September 1993, Silicon Graphics chairman Edward McCracken (a big DNC donor) met with Clinton. Clinton announced sweeping liberalization of computer export standards, allowing computers of up to 194 MTOPS to be sold without a license. Until then only machines with up to 12.5 MTOPS - the power of a 486 chip desktop PC - could be sold without a license. These are computers that can electronically mimic a thermonuclear attack. C. Michael Armstrong (Hughes) wrote Clinton explaining sanctions against China hurt U.S. companies (Los Angeles Times, 10/3/93). Also in September, Juliana Utomo reported a loss of one million dollars and Lippo companies agent, John Huang signing all three checks gave $15,000 each to the DNC with a thank-you note from Huang to Al Gore's chief of staff for arranging a meeting with Gore was also presented as evidence (Testimony before the Thompson Committee). Then September 17, 1993 Clinton begins a series of Executive Orders to out smart the law so that sensitive military technology could be transfer to China and North Korea.
Clinton made a maneuver forever listed in the annals of democracy as a brut force move to skirt the law represented by the people who the House of Representative and Congress represented. He simply moved the jurisdiction of selling controlled âmunitions listâ items from the State Department to the Commerce Department nullifying all the laws that ban the sale of these restricted items to foreign companies. He did this through more executive orders. They were secret from the congress for a long time. The Congressmen and women who knew did not speak up. They were extremely busy bickering with one another. Executive orders are part of the kingship jurisprudence of the United States law. Yet Congress has 90 days to over turn it or it becomes a law not brought up unless an overturn petition is filed. No one cared and the ones who knew cared not. This key move put China into celebration behind close doors. The eastern lion was now at the point of getting everything he wished for. The financial support to keep winning. All he needed to do was come up with the funds to pay these companies. China would do it. It was well known that half of the budget of China had gone to the military during these few short years when the defrayment took place. Premier Zhu Rongji would think about cutting back the government officials jobs by one million to save money to pay American business defrayers (Liu 72 c.). Also, the Yinhe flack had turned American eyes against harassing anymore Chinese ships. The Chinese used this opportunity to pick up much needed liquid funds by selling some of their older technology to Khan, the father of Pakistanis nuclear program and other countries like Iran and India.
NOTE: The link became defunct back around the time i posted this elsewhere....
]GO here, I hope I fixed the link.
[I found it]

Where was he during the war, and he dodged the draft?
CIA stated that while Clinton was on his 1969-70, 40-Day Trip through the then Communist Soviet Union where he pick up his Communist tag while on f Anti-America Demonstrations operations in which he was a part of organizing the event for the Embassy in London, England. He was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford between 1968 and 1970. He was officially contacted as most kids in those days who attended Ivy league schools were for the CIA. Clinton met some influential people from China while he was at Oxford. Some say this is the time that he âturnedâ into a Communist sympathizer. Clinton clearly saw the Communist theme. The theme was that the world should be of one economic level and that the high should fall and the low should rise to equal the high at some sort of medium. This meant the distribution of wealth, and ultimately of technology to the lower civilizations. He would he one day help out their cause that the CIA had promoted him to fight against. Although, he didn't stay involved with the CIA very long, the western Lion then attended Yale Law School, where he met his future wife, Hillary Rodham, a Wellesley graduate. The couple has one child, Chelsea.
Clinton taught sparingly at the University of Arkansas (1974â1976 disputed), was elected state attorney general (1976) still as a fugitive, and in 1979 became the nation's youngest governor and still as a fugitive. America had not gone after the successful fugitives as many in the CIA believed Vietnam was indeed how China saw it - a threat to China's boarders. The western lion was defeated for reelection in 1980 by voters irate at a rise in the state's automobile license fees. In 1982 he was elected again promising the candy store a policy he adopted for the New Covenant for America. This time he reined in liberal tendencies to accommodate the conservative bent of the voters. This is the time Bill Clinton's eyes were open to the realization by a few dear friends. The candy store plan was the only way to win in politics. Clinton loved math in school and crunching numbers was second hand to him. He ultimately understood foreign economics was the candy store plan. When a kid hijacks the owner of the candy store he could sell off all the candy to the kids who's parents had forbade them from eating too much candy and make a bundle. The kids ultimately knowing that the owner would not be locked up forever, did whatever they could do at that time to retrieve the money necessary to stock up on their candies. The kids never had the opportunity to eat all this candy, so like all pleasurable things that have no restrictions they ate too much, got sick, but loved it. All the kids would think that this was the time of their lives. Yet, man, the grown man had come to know the pitfalls of too much pleasure and candy. The Candy was somewhat innocent. But when the bomb comes into play as the substitute for candy, taking its place, this commodity freely sold to children, after the hijack of its owner (The protectorate) , becomes not the innocence but a dire consequence.
As governor, Clinton world opened up to anti-American influences as he met some pretty impressive new Anti-American , Anti-Capitalist friends while at England and then onto Russia on the run from the Vietnam War duties and his subsequent protesting days. Some Chinese planners who contacted him back then decided to pay Clinton a call now that he was governor of the State of Arkansas. At this time Arkansas was 43d state in the nation behind the most prosperous of all the states in regards of jobs and economics. Arkansas was a quite a little hideaway off the political spectrum of importance within the great land of the United States of America.
In the early 1990s, the FBI came across evidence that amounted to a counterspy's worst nightmare: Classified reports showed communist China was running several ``assets'' - spies, in the vernacular - who operated clandestinely inside the U.S. government. Zemin watched vary closely to learn about the details. Deng was getting old, and he wanted to learn as much as possible. One spy, however, was different from the others. He didn't work for just any agency. âHe had burrowed deep inside the U.S. intelligence community, meaning that the People's Republic of China had access to vital secrets. The information was revealed to FBI counterintelligence agents in highly sensitive communications intercepts between the Chinese Embassy in Washington and Chinese intelligence officers in Beijing. The intercepts suggested the agent was supplying the Chinese with classified defense information. The spy's code name was ``Ma'' - Chinese for âhorseâ (Gertz). A Chinese government official who defected to the United States after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989 also told U.S. intelligence that China had successfully developed five to 10 clandestine sources of information here.
The defector said these agents were known as âDear Friendsâ of China. These âDear Friendsâ had access to the most sensitive U.S. intelligence data, known as Top Secret-Sensitive Compartmented Information, or SCI (Gertz). China always had a way with hiding things out in the open with simple language that others would take for granted. They did this to trick the west. ....
In part, Clinton became part of the Dear Friends program, or as others family psychologist would say, The Chinese Communist Party became Clintons adopted Family.
What the Chinese asked him was to use his influence to lessen security for future operations of acquiring high technology. A Former CIA Agent further stated that Clinton after his Anti-America Activities in England linked up with his Communist 'Control:' This 'Control' well known in history as the older version of the code name now called âdear friends.â
When Bill Clinton bit the bait, Zemin sent in the big guns. "Princelings such as Wang and Liu were after a unique technology transfer. Rich and powerful and successful, Charlie would say! These guys could help you Sir.
In 1992, after selling nuclear-war materiel to Iran, Iraq and Algeria among other countries, China signed the worldwide Nonproliferation Treaty against spreading knowledge about nuclear weapons to states that did not possess them. Three years later, U.S. intelligence discovered that the China National Nuclear Energy Industry Corporation, a Beijing-controlled operation, had sold 5,000 ring magnets to Pakistan, which is trying to match India's nuclear-weapon potential (Gertz The China Threat).
During the 1992 campaign candidate Bill Clinton bitterly attacked George Bush's China policy. Clinton said, " in the three years since the massacre in Tiananmen square, the Bush administration has pursued an ill-advised and failed policy of constructive engagement with the aging leaders of China" (Timberlake 223). During the summer of 1993, President Bush fired back and said âif you elect Bill Clinton he will be known for the worst foreign relations disaster" (FACTS BOOK 93). These prophetic words by Sir. Bush have come true.
(September 15, 1992). Clinton said "â¦And I perceive the biggest threat in the future to be, as I've said earlier, the proliferation of nuclear technology, as well as other weapons of mass destruction, to other countries. (September 18, 1992). The CCP was loving it they had Mr. Mao man in the west. He could lie and remember which ones and how to spin and deny.
His next mission would be to set up the promises of high-technology to China if he would become the 42nd President of the United States because he was part of the plan now.
On November 3, 1992, fate falls upon to the Dear Friend program and secretly Chinese officials have the party of their lives. They have finally waited for 200 plus years to get the right 'assets' into the right position. Bill Clinton, now the elected 42nd president of The United States of America became a Mao blessing. The Two Lions wasted no time. The Riadyâs entered into a partnership with China Resources (Holding) Ltd. To jointly own and control the Hong Kong Chinese Bank just two days after the election results. China set up business all around America. The defrayal was on.
"The Riadys consolidated their ties to Chinese military intelligence on November 7, 1992, just two days after Clinton's election to the White House, by entering into a partnership with China Resources (Holding) Ltd. to jointly own and control the Hong Kong Chinese Bank. China Resources has long been identified by U.S. intelligence as a vehicle for Chinese military intelligence. U.S. government investigators say the bank was later used to funnel Er Bu money to intermediaries in the U.S. for campaign donations. TAS has learned of a separate joint venture between the Riadys and China Aerospace International (CASIL), known as the Shanghai Commercial Investment Fund." (American Spectator 8/99 Kenneth Timmerman).
Clinton began to plan. He would receive untold trillions of dollars from the Chinese over his presidency if he gets them the state of the art military technology. The CEOs had already been lobbying Congress and the White House while Bush Sr. was in office to no accord.
The western Lion had a few obstacles for defrayal in which some key assets who had suggested he could get around them by some backroom underhandedness and twisting American laws. He was prodded by China. First, the public knew that it was illegal to export satellites to China. Satellites had chips in them. Satellites were top of the line ban-material. This was because U.S. satellites carry sensitive chip and technology on board that could be duel-used in military applications. This meant that satellites were placed on the Pentagons and State Departments âMunitions Listâ, meaning that these are items that cannot be sold to anyone at all! Second, China could not target missiles at the US with any type of accuracy to wage a full out thermonuclear war. They needed the satellites among other things to do this. This is what they wanted, and Clinton wanted the cash. How was the western lion, now king of the western jungle, able to hide China's rapid progress if, or when, the defrayment begins to occur?
The FBI and the NSA (some call it âno such agencyâ) had uncovered plans of covert operations of many spies in the U.S. that could already be working in key government positions. Unlike the McCarthy area, know one in congress knew or cared. The defected agents told of embassy to Ministry of State Security headquarters in China had recruited them as ' dear friends' with a plan of acquisition of high-technology. They were told to contact Americans in the west with offers of the program called dear friends. They offer included ' what do you get if you are a dear friend.' 1. Inside trade info on China bustling market. 2. Trips to China. 3. Business opportunities to make tons of cash. 5. Prestige-building to access to Chinese officials during these visits. What Chinese wanted in return were extremely sensitive military intelligence. Note: CIA/NSA have concluded that China agents prefer to live in Boston instead of Washington DC, away from the U.S. counterintelligence.
September 1993, Silicon Graphics chairman Edward McCracken (a big DNC donor) met with Clinton. Clinton announced sweeping liberalization of computer export standards, allowing computers of up to 194 MTOPS to be sold without a license. Until then only machines with up to 12.5 MTOPS - the power of a 486 chip desktop PC - could be sold without a license. These are computers that can electronically mimic a thermonuclear attack. C. Michael Armstrong (Hughes) wrote Clinton explaining sanctions against China hurt U.S. companies (Los Angeles Times, 10/3/93). Also in September, Juliana Utomo reported a loss of one million dollars and Lippo companies agent, John Huang signing all three checks gave $15,000 each to the DNC with a thank-you note from Huang to Al Gore's chief of staff for arranging a meeting with Gore was also presented as evidence (Testimony before the Thompson Committee). Then September 17, 1993 Clinton begins a series of Executive Orders to out smart the law so that sensitive military technology could be transfer to China and North Korea.
Clinton made a maneuver forever listed in the annals of democracy as a brut force move to skirt the law represented by the people who the House of Representative and Congress represented. He simply moved the jurisdiction of selling controlled âmunitions listâ items from the State Department to the Commerce Department nullifying all the laws that ban the sale of these restricted items to foreign companies. He did this through more executive orders. They were secret from the congress for a long time. The Congressmen and women who knew did not speak up. They were extremely busy bickering with one another. Executive orders are part of the kingship jurisprudence of the United States law. Yet Congress has 90 days to over turn it or it becomes a law not brought up unless an overturn petition is filed. No one cared and the ones who knew cared not. This key move put China into celebration behind close doors. The eastern lion was now at the point of getting everything he wished for. The financial support to keep winning. All he needed to do was come up with the funds to pay these companies. China would do it. It was well known that half of the budget of China had gone to the military during these few short years when the defrayment took place. Premier Zhu Rongji would think about cutting back the government officials jobs by one million to save money to pay American business defrayers (Liu 72 c.). Also, the Yinhe flack had turned American eyes against harassing anymore Chinese ships. The Chinese used this opportunity to pick up much needed liquid funds by selling some of their older technology to Khan, the father of Pakistanis nuclear program and other countries like Iran and India.
NOTE: The link became defunct back around the time i posted this elsewhere....

]GO here, I hope I fixed the link.