• The General Mental Health Forum is now a Read Only Forum. As we had two large areas making it difficult for many to find, we decided to combine the Mental Health & the Recovery sections of the forum into Mental Health & Recovery as a whole. Physical Health still remains as it's own area within the entire Recovery area.

    If you are having struggles, need support in a particular area that you aren't finding a specific recovery area forum, you may find the General Struggles forum a great place to post. Any any that is related to emotions, self-esteem, insomnia, anger, relationship dynamics due to mental health and recovery and other issues that don't fit better in another forum would be examples of topics that might go there.

    If you have spiritual issues related to a mental health and recovery issue, please use the Recovery Related Spiritual Advice forum. This forum is designed to be like Christian Advice, only for recovery type of issues. Recovery being like a family in many ways, allows us to support one another together. May you be blessed today and each day.

    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

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I fear I am losing my faith


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Apr 6, 2021
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I am reaching out to my fellow Christians to seek any advice available. I have tried speaking with my vicar but he has not been very understanding. Please be patient with me as I understand that many others on this forum are going through their own equally difficult challenges.

I am a lifelong believer and until recently have never questioned my faith. But in the last couple of years I have had my faith shaken by several major life events. The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago. Since then I also lost my job due to COVID cut backs. I am now struggling with the grief of losing my brother and am terrified I might lose my home if I can't find work soon.

I told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks. All the vicar said was the usual clichés about God moving in mysterious ways and implied it was in some way a test of my faith. But if that is true, what kind of God would cause such hurt and pain purely to test me? What kind of God am I trying to have faith in?

Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.


pilgrim on the sacred music pathway
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I am reaching out to my fellow Christians to seek any advice available. I have tried speaking with my vicar but he has not been very understanding. Please be patient with me as I understand that many others on this forum are going through their own equally difficult challenges.

I am a lifelong believer and until recently have never questioned my faith. But in the last couple of years I have had my faith shaken by several major life events. The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago. Since then I also lost my job due to COVID cut backs. I am now struggling with the grief of losing my brother and am terrified I might lose my home if I can't find work soon.

I told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks. All the vicar said was the usual clichés about God moving in mysterious ways and implied it was in some way a test of my faith. But if that is true, what kind of God would cause such hurt and pain purely to test me? What kind of God am I trying to have faith in?

Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.

I pray for you to receive comfort and peace from the Lord.
Dear Father direct Chris in the way that he should go. Grant him the rich experience of knowing you with real certainty and clear understanding in Jesus name.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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Keep trusting God.

The prayer, "Jesus, I trust in You", will help you to hold on to your faith when it seems that you cannot.
Jesus will carry you.

There is truth in what your vicar has said. God's ways are often very mysterious. We do not understand them. We try to understand, but what God is doing is not always something that we can. In heaven, we will get many answers to the questions we have now.

This passage of Scripture consoles me, when I do not understand the ways of God.
It helps me to keep faith ..

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts."

~ Isaiah 55:8-9

There are points in our life, when all we can do is to continue to trust God.
It would seem you are at one of those times ... 'Hangest thou in there' :plus:
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May 22, 2013
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Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.
We would like to warmly advise and reassure you that you are welcome to Christian Forums! :help: :) :groupray: :pray:
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tryphena rose

Daughter of the Most High
Jun 3, 2019
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I am reaching out to my fellow Christians to seek any advice available. I have tried speaking with my vicar but he has not been very understanding. Please be patient with me as I understand that many others on this forum are going through their own equally difficult challenges.

I am a lifelong believer and until recently have never questioned my faith. But in the last couple of years I have had my faith shaken by several major life events. The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago. Since then I also lost my job due to COVID cut backs. I am now struggling with the grief of losing my brother and am terrified I might lose my home if I can't find work soon.

I told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks. All the vicar said was the usual clichés about God moving in mysterious ways and implied it was in some way a test of my faith. But if that is true, what kind of God would cause such hurt and pain purely to test me? What kind of God am I trying to have faith in?

Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.
I'm praying for you brother. I really and truly understand your pain.

I lost my baby brother when I was 10 in a car accident. He died when he was only 8 years old and was sitting right next to me in the car. This led to a lot of hurt and pain and I hated God for it. I became an atheist and I warn you sincerely, that it led to extreme hopelessness, meaninglessness and depression. There is no freedom in denying God whatsoever and the devil would love nothing more then for you to fall into the pit of hating God due to your own pain and circumstances in this life. God healed my heart which was so broken in a very supernatural way, but I didn't get saved until I was 21. I went through many many years of hurt, pain, struggle and torment. But God delivered me at the most perfect time when I was at my lowest point in life. And I can honestly stand up today and say that even if I had to go through the pain of losing my beloved brother again, I would do it all over just to be where I am in relationship with Jesus today. There's truly nothing sweeter and more life-giving, then knowing my Creator and King.

I know these words may not be the most comforting to you, and I hope you don't take this in offence, but the truth is that death is apart of this world and we all are going to experience it one day. But those who have received Christ, receive the promise of everlasting life and the fact that your brother was a saved man is something to greatly rejoice over!! Jesus defeated death on the cross! As for my brother, I'm not sure where he is. I don't know where I stand when it comes to the age of accountability theory because the scriptures aren't clear on this. Since my brother was only a child, could he be in Heaven? I don't know. But one thing I do know is that God has given me tremendous peace in my heart over my brothers death and I fully trust Him.

I hope this helped even a little. I know how tremendous your grief must be and I once believed it would be a wound that would never heal for me. But I was proven wrong. Trust God and continue fighting the good fight of faith. Don't listen to others when they say God is testing your faith. Job's friends said the same thing to him when he lost everything. But they were wrong and God's hand was over Job, blessing him in the end with more then he ever could have imagined. We're only on this earth for a short while, don't waste it brother. God bless you.

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33
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Tolworth John

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told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks

Life can be really tough sometimes and when one feels like you've been kicked in the teeth it hurts.

You have the right to grieve and to take time over grieving for your brother.
Having lost your job, places you under a lot of strain.

Have you applied for what ever help is available through jobseekers, family credit etc etc etc

We do not have the right to expect that God will keep everything nice and comfortable for us in this life.
Most of the time life is relatively easy, we have money in the bank, food in the fridge/freezer, the rent/mortgage is being paid and we can look forward to a holiday, spending time with family and friends.

When this falls apart it is tough, our self respect is based on that we are earners and having to suddenly trust God is a shock and it hurts in ways we are not used to.

It is your choice, to trust God in all your worry and grief. If you have the courage to do so he will help you cope, even if it is just to be able to sleep at night.
He will give you the ability to cope, moment by moment.

To be brutal where else are you going to go?

Do be honest with God, it hurts so tell him, he already knows so be open and trust him.
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Oct 2, 2020
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I am reaching out to my fellow Christians to seek any advice available. I have tried speaking with my vicar but he has not been very understanding. Please be patient with me as I understand that many others on this forum are going through their own equally difficult challenges.

I am a lifelong believer and until recently have never questioned my faith. But in the last couple of years I have had my faith shaken by several major life events. The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago. Since then I also lost my job due to COVID cut backs. I am now struggling with the grief of losing my brother and am terrified I might lose my home if I can't find work soon.

I told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks. All the vicar said was the usual clichés about God moving in mysterious ways and implied it was in some way a test of my faith. But if that is true, what kind of God would cause such hurt and pain purely to test me? What kind of God am I trying to have faith in?

Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.
I am reaching out to my fellow Christians to seek any advice available. I have tried speaking with my vicar but he has not been very understanding. Please be patient with me as I understand that many others on this forum are going through their own equally difficult challenges.

I am a lifelong believer and until recently have never questioned my faith. But in the last couple of years I have had my faith shaken by several major life events. The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago. Since then I also lost my job due to COVID cut backs. I am now struggling with the grief of losing my brother and am terrified I might lose my home if I can't find work soon.

I told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks. All the vicar said was the usual clichés about God moving in mysterious ways and implied it was in some way a test of my faith. But if that is true, what kind of God would cause such hurt and pain purely to test me? What kind of God am I trying to have faith in?

Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.

I'm very sorry for the loss of your brother, I can only imagine how devistating that's been for you. But all of us will face the death of loved ones. And other difficulties and hardships. I don't think it's a matter of God forsaking you or causing something to happen to put you to a test. Bad things usually just happen due to circumstances. God never promised us who have faith that we wouldn't face hardships. He only promised us that He will be there for us in our time of suffering. Even Jesus was a man of sorrows.
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Feb 23, 2021
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I am reaching out to my fellow Christians to seek any advice available. I have tried speaking with my vicar but he has not been very understanding. Please be patient with me as I understand that many others on this forum are going through their own equally difficult challenges.

I am a lifelong believer and until recently have never questioned my faith. But in the last couple of years I have had my faith shaken by several major life events. The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago. Since then I also lost my job due to COVID cut backs. I am now struggling with the grief of losing my brother and am terrified I might lose my home if I can't find work soon.

I told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks. All the vicar said was the usual clichés about God moving in mysterious ways and implied it was in some way a test of my faith. But if that is true, what kind of God would cause such hurt and pain purely to test me? What kind of God am I trying to have faith in?

Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.
You're nothing out of ordinary Christian who just grow up , never had foundation of what Christianity is and when bad things happened in your life you blame God or think he does not exist because bad things happend to you.

The core of Christianity is that if you believe Christ was the Messiah who was crucified on cross for your sins fulfilling the prophecy written about him or you don't.
Definition of Gospel is 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 , there is about 30% of the Bible as prophecy , example is Isaiah 53

If you believe that this happend and Christ fulfilled it then you're saved.
It doesn't matter what happens to you , it matters what happend to him.
Thats about it , take out the ME MYSELF AND I out of the picture and reason if you believe what the Bible says or you don't.

Moreover about current state of world.
We're heading to end times , there realistically is no future you probably looking for , currently we are getting enslaved by rich people , they and thier companies prosper while small companies are choked and unable to make profit , they don't want you to work in small company they want to overtake everything for themselves make big companies and you as slave work for them in future but that is not possible without bankrupting whole economy so no you aren't the only one who lost job , I think about 100M small companies were alredy closed.
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Psalm 27

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Aug 21, 2020
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I am reaching out to my fellow Christians to seek any advice available. I have tried speaking with my vicar but he has not been very understanding. Please be patient with me as I understand that many others on this forum are going through their own equally difficult challenges.

I am a lifelong believer and until recently have never questioned my faith. But in the last couple of years I have had my faith shaken by several major life events. The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago. Since then I also lost my job due to COVID cut backs. I am now struggling with the grief of losing my brother and am terrified I might lose my home if I can't find work soon.

I told my vicar that I could not understand how this could happen to us. My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks. All the vicar said was the usual clichés about God moving in mysterious ways and implied it was in some way a test of my faith. But if that is true, what kind of God would cause such hurt and pain purely to test me? What kind of God am I trying to have faith in?

Any advice or reassurance would be warmly welcomed.
That’s a tough one. So sorry that you lost your brother :( , and for your job loss. If I were you, I would drench myself in scripture (that’s what I’m doing at the moment, as my home life is dire). Have it playing online, if you’re not a good reader.
Also, for prayer on here. Private message people to ask for prayer for your faith and peace, you can be more honest privately. Join other forums to ask for prayer. That’s how I got reassurance of my salvation, and help with addictions. Praying for you.
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Psalm 27

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Aug 21, 2020
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May 22, 2013
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The most significant were losing my brother just over a year ago.
So, of course we feel for you and care about how you are suffering.
My brother and I have always upheld Christian values and remained faithful throughout past setbacks.
So, if your brother was good for you, this was because of God; and God will keep His good going, even after people have died.

There are things my mother did and said, which I can see were of God. And God now keeps me benefiting from how He had her being good for me. When she died, I knew God wanted me to grow on to love more and more other people, much better and more maturely than how I cared for her; because in Jesus we grow in His family way of loving, so we get into more and better intimacy with various other Jesus brothers and sisters. But we do need to be ready for ones of our so-special family people to die before we do. If they are so good for us, this is because of God > and God will have this good in us continue and ever improve . . . as we grow and discover how Jesus has us sharing in His love.

Because God gives "increase" (1 Corinthians 3:6-7) to how people have been truly good for us. Even after our special Jesus people die, God keeps giving His "increase" in us, ever improving on however they have ministered His own good to us. We grow in Jesus, so now we get into ever more and better love and sharing with others who are our family in Jesus.

So, yes have compassion for yourself and how you are suffering, and trust our Father to take care of you, the way He is able >

"casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7)
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Aug 7, 2020
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Maybe we are meant to trust Jesus even when we don't understand, and pour out our emotions to him without over analysing them, just trusting him for guidance.

Edit...I'm sorry if this reply has not been as helpful as I hoped....on reflection I realise I wasn't in best position to reply and I ought to have prayed before posting, which one ought to always do. May God bless you.
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