Is being filled with the Holy Spirit a specific experience? Is it a one time thing? Can it be different sorts of experiences?
In the 2nd chapter of the Acts of the Apostles we read that St. Peter was filled with the Spirit and then preached his sermon. What does this meaning? Was Peter filled this one time, and forever? Or does this speak of the way the Spirit worked in Peter in this particular moment--to preach the sermon which he gave?
St. Paul, writing to those who already believe, says, "Do not be drunk with wine ... be filled with the Spirit", which indicates an imperative. Something to be sought in our day-to-day life as Christians.
Without being too dogmatic about it, and desiring to do more, I would give a tentative argument thus: To be filled with the Spirit is an imperative which we who have the Spirit, by the grace of God according to the promise of the Gospel, ought to seek. Day-to-day, and is on part with walking in the Spirit. Part of what, broadly speaking, is often called sanctification, or to use another term, renovation. Renovation (the preferred terminology within Lutheranism) refers to the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, it is the ongoing renewal as the Divine Image is being restored in us. It's part of the Spirit's onging work of Theosis, of conforming us to Christ, conforming us to God. Thus the imperative is to walk in the Spirit, be filled with the Spirit--to seek, to work, to cooperate with God's grace. Not for our justification, but as the ongoing reality of faith working itself out through love, the dying of the old man and the rising and renewing of the new man.
We should always seek to be filled with the Spirit. It's not a one time experience. It's not a singular moment or event--it is the call of Christian discipleship to abide, to follow, and to obey.
The gift and promise of the Spirit is mine already, it is the promise of the Holy Gospel, granted to me through faith according to God's merciful works: Word and Sacrament. Thus I, by my precious Baptism by which God has made me His own in accordance with His own word and promise, have received the Holy Spirit; for this is the promise of God's word. For here God's decree, His word, His promise--His very sacred pledge--is made; that which has gone down into the water is dead, and what comes up is new, for He speaks His Name over me: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
What God has done already is sufficient, I do not need to seek further experiences, nor seek things outside of the Gospel for validation that I am His. Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father--and I am His.
But now that I am His I am to die. I am to abide, to follow, to obey. That the old man continue to die; and the new man renewed day by day. To seek to live and walk and abide by the Holy Spirit, who keeps me and sanctifies me by grace, in Word and Sacrament, that I might be made into the image of Christ, and in that future glorious day, become what God is working in me to be.
For in love He knew me, by grace He chose me, by His word He has called me, and by His Name He has washed me.