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Aug 10, 2006
Rock Hill, SC
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Sometimes in our lives we have days when we are not as chipper as we normally are. We don’t feel well, or someone has done something to us to hurt us, or things are just generally going bad for us. So, we may begin to focus on the negative rather than on the positive. Thus we can’t see the “Son-light” because the clouds of darkness are blocking our view.

During those times, though, we need to counsel ourselves by putting on our spiritual armor with which to fight off Satan’s evil schemes against us, and with which to fight off any feelings of discouragement or hopelessness which might be haunting us. We need to put off the lies and put on the truth, and rather than wallowing in self-pity, we need to put our hope in God, and trust Him with our lives. Amen!

His Song is with Me

An Original Work / September 9, 2018
Based off Psalm 42

Why downcast?
Why downcast is
My soul within me?
Put your hope in God.

For I will yet praise Him,
My Savior and my God.
My soul thirsts for God.
Where can I meet Him?

Why downcast?
Why downcast is
My soul within me?
Put your hope in God.

My tears have;
My tears have been
My food by day and by night.
“Where is God?”

I say to God, my Rock,
“Why have You forgotten me?
For, I’m burdened
By the enemy.”

My tears have;
My tears have been
My food by day and by night.
“Where is God?”

Why downcast?
Why downcast is
My soul within me?
Put your hope in God.

By day the Lord commands
His lovingkindness and
His song is with me at night,
Praise to Him.

Why downcast?
Why downcast is
My soul within me?
Put your hope in God.