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In all you do, do it for Christ and w/ Him in mind
Apr 12, 2004
Bossier City, LA (removed from his native South C
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:( My condolences, Stacy. I will keep you and your husband in my prayers.

You are doing the right thing in searching for answers with God instead of turning away. Many would not do so, and you are doing what is right.

First, know that the child is in Heaven. Try to focus on the goodness of where your child is rather than the loss you are suffering. (John 9 tells us not to look at the problem but to look at how God works through the problem) Mark 10:14- the kingdom of God is theirs (the children's).

God bless,
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:hug: Hi Stacy first my condolences. After reading your posts I talked with my mom who has had several miscarriages. She recommends the book Empty Arms by Pam Vredevelt. There's several good books on this. Also if you can find a local church that has the GriefShare program it will help you and your family also. My church has this program and it has help a lot of people you might even suggest to your church staff that they look at using it for the members. You can find more info about them online. :prayer: Praying for you. :angel:
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Jesus is Lord of ALL! (Not asking permission)
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Jun 6, 2002
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It is totally normal to feel sorrow at the loss of a child... or any loved one. Pray forth out of that sorrow. Let it flow to God. It will not bring the child back, but you will find peace.
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My heart goes out to you. I just recently finished a bible study by Lifeway that's offered at a local church for lost pregnancies. I lost my daughter at 13 weeks. The name of the Bible Study is Threads of Hope, Pieces of Joy, I can't recall the author, I can get it for you if you need it. If you can't find a formal study for this book, I still recommend going through the study on your own. We did a chapter a week- I wouldn't recommend going through it any quicker than that. It involves a lot of scripture reading, a lot of journaling, and a lot of praying.
If you would like to share your thoughts while going through it, let me know. It's truly an awesome study and I highly recommend you going through it.
Another book I found helpful is "I'll Hold you in Heaven" by Jack Hayford. I got my copy from the Focus on the Family website.
Don't get discouraged if your hubby doesn't quite understand what you're going through- that seemed to be the common consensus in my group- but there were a few exceptions.
God loves you and just know that he holds your son in Heaven- listen to the song- "Glory Baby" by Watermark- that also brought me great comfort- knowing that the only home my daughter would know was heaven and that angels sang her to sleep.
Good luck to you and I pray God brings you comfort and hope:pray:
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Jan 29, 2003
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Hi Stacy,

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'll add you to my daily prayers.

Please do a study of 2 Samuel 12 (especially vs. 15-24). It is the story of David and Bathsheba's loss of their first child. It will lift your heart. The situation with their loss was of course different from yours but it teaches a great truth. This is the passage that you need to study. If you need any other direction or anything please don't hesitate to PM me. My wife and I suffered through a miscarriage last year.
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