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Ex Opus Dei priest to Pope Francis: I should not be suspended for correcting your errors


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Criticism is not a canonical infraction; there is no canon in the Code of Canon Law that forbids criticism of the Roman Pontiff. In fact, you yourself told the Italian bishops on 21 May 2018: 'It’s not a sin to criticize the Pope, one can do it.'

The following is an open letter from Father Janvier Gbénou, also known as Father Jesusmary Missigbètò, to Pope Francis asking for his priestly faculties to be restored to him. Fr. Gbénou has publicly corrected the Pontiff’s theological errors, and as a result has been dismissed from his religious order and suspended. Fr. Gbénou is also in immanent danger of being dismissed from the clerical state.

In his letter, Fr. Gbénou observes that Pope Francis himself had told the Italian Bishops that it is not a sin to criticize the Pope, and also that a number of priests openly contradicted both John Paul II and Benedict XVI without losing their ministerial faculties.

Continued below.
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Bob Crowley

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There are two sides to the story.

Fr. Gbenou has been rebuked by his own order, Opus Dei, as well as others.
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