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Does it ever make you wonder if the scriptures are truly meant for humans?


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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"Your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes" - Matthew 5:20

There are accounts in the Bible that had strong parallels in historic astronomical events. It wasn't describing fallen angels with eyes and wings fighting mortal men but two galaxies colliding with one galaxy "victorious" over the other and completely absorbing it.

It seems to paint the picture that celestial bodies are alive in extremely long timescales that we are way too short-lived to observe any evidence of sentience.

If stars could talk, the entire thousands of years of human existence must have only existed with only vowel being enunciated, not even a word! Absolutely nothing to analyze and we'd assume, they're nothing more than lifeless matter in space.

That God and the angels are any one of those massive celestial bodies in space.....If we are created in His image then we'd also be like stars but we are not. We are flesh and bones and limbs then who are we?

Did we simply receive a copy of the scriptures for celestial bodies and decided to adopt it as our own that we humans are the ones it is talking about?
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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Who else would they be for?

"Stars that were cast down to Earth" (as reference to Satan and his fallen angels. The first thing that goes to the mind of a Christian is that it's not a literal.

But to someone familiar with astronomy, Similar events have actually happened in our own galaxy. Stars that were flung out would have come from somewhere, another galaxy. The dragon in the sky would be another galaxy - satan and his *starry* host as worded in the Bible.

If the angels are stars then who are the "men" to whom they came to? And then the scribes trying to fill in the gaps for they have not been truthful in their professions lacking in righteousness.
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Strong in Him

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"Stars that were cast down to Earth" (as reference to Satan and his fallen angels.
Why would the Scriptures be for Satan and his angels?
They hate God and are incapable of having a relationship with him.
But to someone familiar with astronomy, Similar events have actually happened in our own galaxy. Stars that were flung out would have come from somewhere, another galaxy. The dragon in the sky would be another galaxy
But that's got nothing to do with who the Scriptures were written for.
You think that all the prophets, the evangelists and the Apostles were writing for Satan and his angels??

If the angels are stars then who are the "men" to whom they came to?
Human beings - men and women, mankind - were created by God.

I don't know what your point is.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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Diviners, witches, and sorcerers worked with stars.

If they were just lifeless stars.... But both the Bible and occultist doesn't seem to refer to stars as lifeless objects.

"Nations and their guardian Angels" would be the astronomical equivalent of Solar systems. Earth would just be one of the many "nations" in our galaxy or the whole Solar System being just one nation or Star-planet relationship.

In our solar system, our Sun would be the Egyptian "Ra" and possibly a fallen angel.

Many nations are ruled by fallen angels. Earth is one of them (1 John 5:19)

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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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Why would the Scriptures be for Satan and his angels?
They hate God and are incapable of having a relationship with him.

I never said they were.

I still think the scriptures were meant for "humans"

but what are "humans" really. There are things written in the Bible that "humans" may not be flesh and blood. Physical beings but are not us but something else entirely.

Created in the image of God but God isn't flesh and blood.
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Strong in Him

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Mar 4, 2005
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I never said they were.

I still think the scriptures were meant for "humans"
Well of course they were.
but what are "humans" really. There are things written in the Bible that "humans" may not be flesh and blood.
But they are.
Physical beings but are not us
Well I'm certainly human; I don't know about you.
Created in the image of God but God isn't flesh and blood.
"In the image of" doesn't mean "of the same substance as".
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d taylor

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Oct 16, 2018
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I never said they were.

I still think the scriptures were meant for "humans"

but what are "humans" really. There are things written in the Bible that "humans" may not be flesh and blood. Physical beings but are not us but something else entirely.

Created in the image of God but God isn't flesh and blood.
Who do you believe Jesus is.
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Maria Billingsley

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Oct 7, 2018
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"Your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes" - Matthew 5:20

There are accounts in the Bible that had strong parallels in historic astronomical events. It wasn't describing fallen angels with eyes and wings fighting mortal men but two galaxies colliding with one galaxy "victorious" over the other and completely absorbing it.

It seems to paint the picture that celestial bodies are alive in extremely long timescales that we are way too short-lived to observe any evidence of sentience.

If stars could talk, the entire thousands of years of human existence must have only existed with only vowel being enunciated, not even a word! Absolutely nothing to analyze and we'd assume, they're nothing more than lifeless matter in space.

That God and the angels are any one of those massive celestial bodies in space.....If we are created in His image then we'd also be like stars but we are not. We are flesh and bones and limbs then who are we?

Did we simply receive a copy of the scriptures for celestial bodies and decided to adopt it as our own that we humans are the ones it is talking about?
It is best to have a deeper understanding of Jewish culture their use of idioms, hyperbole and imagery before jumping to conclusions that are out of this world.
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David Lamb

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May 30, 2024
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"Your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes" - Matthew 5:20

There are accounts in the Bible that had strong parallels in historic astronomical events. It wasn't describing fallen angels with eyes and wings fighting mortal men but two galaxies colliding with one galaxy "victorious" over the other and completely absorbing it.

It seems to paint the picture that celestial bodies are alive in extremely long timescales that we are way too short-lived to observe any evidence of sentience.

If stars could talk, the entire thousands of years of human existence must have only existed with only vowel being enunciated, not even a word! Absolutely nothing to analyze and we'd assume, they're nothing more than lifeless matter in space.

That God and the angels are any one of those massive celestial bodies in space.....If we are created in His image then we'd also be like stars but we are not. We are flesh and bones and limbs then who are we?

Did we simply receive a copy of the scriptures for celestial bodies and decided to adopt it as our own that we humans are the ones it is talking about?
The bible does not says that stars have life, nor that God and the angels are stars. The only verse I could find where angels and stars are linked is this one:

“"The mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands which you saw are the seven churches.” (Re 1:20 NKJV)

However, that was a dream or vision. All the commentaries I have read on Revelation say that the angels of the seven churches are their pastors. Nowhere does the bible say that God is a star, even in a vision.
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