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Statement of Purpose Covenant Theology Statement of Purpose

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Covenant Theology Statement of Purpose

Please read General Theology Statement of Purpose.
This forum is for discussing and debating the theological topic of Covenant Theology. Covenant Theology is a specific conceptual and interpretive framework for understanding God's dealing with mankind. It is a theology mostly found in Protestant theology, most in Reformed churches.

Covenant Theology - The Gospel Coalition

In brief, Covenant Theology teaches that God has established two great covenants with mankind and a covenant within the Godhead to deal with how the other two relate. The first covenant in logical order, usually called the Covenant of Redemption, is the agreement within the Godhead that the Father would appoint his son Jesus to give up his life for mankind and that Jesus would do so (cf. Titus 1:1-3).

The second, called the Covenant of Works, was made in the Garden of Eden between God and Adamand promised life for obedience and death for disobedience. Adam disobeyed God and broke the covenant, and so the third covenant was made between God and all of mankind, who also fell with Adam according to Romans 5:12-21.
This third covenant, the Covenant of Grace, promised eternal blessing for belief in Christ and obedience to God's word. It is thus seen as the basis for all biblical covenants that God made individually with Noah, Abraham, and David, nationally with O.T. Israel as a people, and universally with man in the New Covenant. These individual covenants are called the "biblical covenants" because they are explicitly described as such in the Bible.​

This forum is not for Sabbath debates. It is specifically for Covenant Theology. To further learn about Covenant Theology, see:

Reformation Theology: What Is Covenant Theology?

All members who participate in the Covenant Theology forum are self-identified Christians through adherence to the Christian Forums' Statement of Faith and the Trinitarian nature of God. It is expected that people who post in this forum will respect all members of the Christian faith.
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