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Amaruca - Land of the Great Plumed Serpent

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Make me an instrument of Peace and Safety
Aug 22, 2008
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"A most strange FSB report is making its rounds in the Kremlin today that says over 20 US Soldiers from the United States Army’s 716th Military Police Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, tasked with providing security for the ancient Iraqi city of Babylon, and based in the Iraqi city of Hilla, have committed ‘mass suicide’ after their attempt to ‘link’ what is described as an ancient ‘stargate’ to CERN’s Large Hadron Collider [pictured 2nd photo left], and which is about to begin one of the most controversial science experiments in human history, and as we can read:"

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The poster formerly known as Acts6:5
Mar 24, 2002
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"A most strange FSB report is making its rounds in the Kremlin today that says over 20 US Soldiers from the United States Army’s 716th Military Police Battalion, 101st Airborne Division, tasked with providing security for the ancient Iraqi city of Babylon, and based in the Iraqi city of Hilla, have committed ‘mass suicide’ after their attempt to ‘link’ what is described as an ancient ‘stargate’ to CERN’s Large Hadron Collider [pictured 2nd photo left], and which is about to begin one of the most controversial science experiments in human history, and as we can read:"

Oy veh, where to begin.

I read through the entire article, and it seems to me that "Sister Maru Barraza" (whoever the heck she is) combined several seperate reports and created her own fictional news story out of them. According to the links she provided, the soldiers who (allegedly) committed suicide were not military police from the 101st Airborne Division; they were reportedly from the "57th Airborne Unit", a unit that was responsible for an (alleged) massacre of civilians a while back. The news report says absolutely nothing about an attempt on the part of the 57th Airborne to "link" artifacts with the CERN's Hadron Collider; the suicides supposedly happened 27 days ago because of their guilt over the killings.

Another article mentions (alleged) "rituals" conducted by the US military at the ruins of Babylon, but that (alleged) event took place in April of 2006, over two years ago. And the 101 Airborne had nothing to do with it. From what I have been able to find out, the 716th Military Police Battalion hasn't been in charge of Camp Babylon for several years; a Polish-led force turned the camp over to the "Iraqi Culture Ministry" back in 2005.

So Jelly, virtually nothing in the OP is an accurate representation of the information found in the links in the story you provided. Why post stuff like this when you obviously haven't varified the information for yourself?

In Christ,

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jellybean99 posted in message #1:

Amaruca - Land of the Great Plumed Serpent

Is "Amaruca" a reference to "America", as in North
and South America; and is "the Great Plumed Serpent"
a reference to Quetzalcoatl, the sky god of the
Aztecs, who lived in Mexico?

If so, "America", as in North and South America,
doesn't mean "Land of the Great Plumed Serpent", but
was named by a German cartographer after the explorer
Americus Vespucius (Amerigo Vespucci), who first
described North and South America as being separate
from Asia.

Regarding Quetzalcoatl, he has remarkable similarities
to Satan, for both are serpents (Revelation 12:9), and
both are associated with the sky (Ephesians 2:2) and
with the planet Venus, the morning star (Isaiah

If "Amaruca - Land of the Great Plumed Serpent" is
intended to mean "America - Land of Satan", know that
the whole world is the land of Satan, for he is the
"god of this world" (2 Corinthians 4:4); "the whole
world lieth in wickedness" (1 John 5:19), not just

Since the time of Adam, God has temporarily given the
whole world into the hands of Satan (Luke 4:5-6), who
will temporarily give the whole world into the hands
of the Antichrist (Revelation 13:7b,5b), who will
bring the whole world into the worship of Satan
(Revelation 13:4), although probably not under that
name, but under the name of Lucifer, whom the
Antichrist could present as the good God instead of
the fallen angel (Isaiah 14:12, Luke 10:18).

The Antichrist could even present Lucifer as Christ,
for Lucifer is the morning star (Isaiah 14:12) and
Christ is the morning star (Revelation 22:16). Of
course, the truth is that Lucifer fell from his office
of morning star (Isaiah 14:12) and became Satan
(Luke 10:18). Jesus has taken over the office of
morning star (Revelation 22:16).

But the Antichrist will deny that Jesus is the Christ
(1 John 2:22). He could say that the divine Spirit of
Christ only temporarily indwelt the man Jesus, like
wine only temporarily filling a glass, so that Christ
himself never became flesh (1 John 4:3; 2 John 1:7).
Of course, this is totally false for Jesus himself is
the Christ (Mark 14:61b-62); he is God himself made
flesh (John 1:1,14).
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Regarding Quetzalcoatl... Quetzalcoatl seems to be a mash-up of memories about an ancient race with some sort of links to reptiles, and the feathered serpent has a link to shamans from (oh no he's off).. Atlantis.. the link goes back to Armenia and the shamans who wore cloaks covered in feathers.. the facial features were north european and might have looked unusual to the locals..
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While the Bible nowhere teaches about "Atlantis", it
does suggest that there have been past civilization-
cycles on this earth, that is, before our current one
which began with the creation of Adam about 4,000 B.C.

Ecclesiastes 1:10 suggests that all the things we
think of as new inventions (e.g. computers, jets,
atomic weapons) were also invented in past
civilization-cycles. And Ecclesiastes 1:9 suggests
that we are not the last civilization-cycle which
will be on this earth.

Ecclesiastes 1:11 suggests that there is a complete
break between civilization-cycles, so that there is
no record left on the earth of previous cycles. This
could be accomplished by God completely melting the
surface of the earth between cycles so as to destroy
all the works of the intelligent creatures which lived
during each cycle (cf. 2 Peter 3:10-13). Because the
planet itself must last forever (Ecclesiastes 1:4),
each new cycle could be called a "new earth" (cf.
Revelation 21:1) in the sense of a completely new
surface to the earth, on which a newly created race of
intelligent creatures can begin to build their works.

The reptiles known as the dinosaurs existed on the
earth for millions of years. It's possible that at
least one of their species either evolved into
intelligence or was helped by God into intelligence
(i.e. through the augmentation of brain-development
genes). This intelligent dinosaur species could then
even have come into a spiritual consciousness and a
relationship with God. But then almost all of the
members of that species could have fallen into
rebellion against God, so that God punished it by
ending what may have become a reptilian civilization-

Satan is a reptile: he's a serpent (Revelation 12:9),
a scaly dragon (Job 41:15, Revelation 20:2) not
unlike a dinosaur. He literally has seven heads and
ten horns (Revelation 12:3). It's possible that he was
an amazing good-mutant (perhaps wrought by God) who
was born on the earth during the age of the dinosaurs.
He could have refused to join in a rebellion against
God perpetrated by almost all the other members of his
intelligent dinosaur species. He could have remained
loyal to God, who could have taken him into heaven
(and given him immortality) when God destroyed the
dinosaurs on the earth.

After millions of years of loyal service to God in
heaven as Lucifer, he could have been assigned as the
covering cherub in Eden (Ezekiel 28:13-15) to watch
over Adam and the entire civilization-cycle which
would spring from Adam on the earth. But Lucifer could
have chafed at his new assignment, seeing it as
infinitely beneath his dignity and glory to be sent
out of heaven and placed back on the earth as a baby-
sitter over some backward earth-bound race. And so he
could have fallen into rebellion against God, wanting
only to kill off Adam and Eve and return to heaven and
rule over all the angels there, indeed over all the
star-systems of the universe, just like God (Isaiah
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