Can you provide documentation for your statements?
Are you sure that there are no connections between Origen and the Textus Receptus?
'textus receptus' (official text) was prepared by Erasmus in the XVI century in a hurry to print the first greek Bible.
Now it is considered full of mistakes by all modern scolars: Erasus based this text on one or two very late middle age codex.
More: some parts were translated back in greek from latin!!!
There is no a direct connection between Origen and the Textus Receptus: in fact such a text was built without any even little study to prepare it.
But it was a best-seller!
The KJV is based on the the greek text of Stephanus , who used, unfortunatly, mainly the uncorrect "textus receptus" (well, sometime also the Complusentian text, a serius critical edition of the Vatican codex was used): anyway for sure the KJV is a traslation of a un-correct greek NT text.
Those of us who believe in the reliability of the Alexandrian over the TR usually follow the guidelines proposed by Westcott and Hort about gauging the age and authenticity of a given text. KJV-only thinkers refute the guidelines.
No...Westcott and Hort were against the Alexandrian

The Alexandrian family of texts inclide the codex Vatican B, Codex Sinaticus alfa (discovered only in 1844) and codex Alexandrinus A.
Westcott and Hort, on the other side, prefered the 'Occidental' family of texts (the codex of Beza D, the syrian translations of the NT, the veterus latin traslations of the NT).
Both these two positions are anyway seriuos and based on a work of research, while the TR was simply a text prepared without any study, made in a hurry to sell a best-seller
Recent discoveries of II century papyrs are towards the Alexandrine family and clearly demostrate that the TR (and the KJV) is completly unreliable.