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A Message of Hope for the New Year 2025


Disciple of Jesus
Jan 19, 2024
Marital Status
A Message of Hope for the New Year 2025

To all who are weary and burdened by the violence and corruption of this world, hear these words of hope: Though the darkness may seem great, the dawn is near. Look around and see the signs of the times; know that the reign of the King of Kings is drawing closer.

Do not let your hearts be troubled by the evil that surrounds you, for it is written that the kingdoms of this world will pass away, but the Kingdom of Heaven will endure forever. The Son of Man will return, not in secret, but in power and great glory, to set all things right. Every injustice will be undone, every tear will be wiped away, and righteousness will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

In this new year, let your hearts be steadfast and your minds fixed on the promises of God. Seek not the treasures of this world, for they will fade, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither corruption nor violence can reach. Walk in love, for love is the mark of those who follow the Way. Stand firm in truth, for the truth will set you free.

Let the light of your faith shine before others, that they may see the hope within you and glorify your Father in heaven. For though this world may tremble, the Kingdom is unshakable, and its King will reign forever in justice and peace.

Be watchful and ready, for no one knows the day or the hour, but the day will surely come. Until then, live as citizens of heaven, bearing witness to the hope of Christ’s return. His Kingdom is near, and He will reign forever as the true King of Kings.

Blessed are those who endure to the end, for they shall inherit the Kingdom prepared for them since the foundation of the world. Go forth in hope, for the King is coming soon.
