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A Love Song Playing about America with an Ominous Scene


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I just woke up today 09/25/2024 after having this dream and felt I needed to write this down because it incites strong emotions in me. I remember having a string of dreams but forgot most of the details. In one of my dreams before the last one I had, I remember I was with a man in a building or office, and he was helping me with something. He was talking to a guy on the other end who wanted to fax me papers. The man happens to be with me had a fax machine so the guy on the other end calls him on his cell phone connected to the fax machine with a cord to send the papers to me. The guy disconnected his cell phone from the fax machine to speak to the guy on the other end. Then connects it back to the fax machine so the papers can print. The guy with me was excited because he was helping me with this situation. I never saw the papers actually fax when the scene changes.

I am walking outside with a blanket. The most beautiful love song was playing in the background. A man in the background was singing a love song about America. It was as if he was singing about his lover. I was walking and looked back to see a foggy horizon with I think may be a factory or a work site with cranes in the back (not sure). I might have been at edge of the city. I turn ahead and saw a building to the left of me that looked like it was a victim of a bombing or another disaster because the walls from each apartment were blown off and you can see some of the different rooms looking from the outside. In one apartment, a man and woman were quietly eating in what was left of their kitchen with no walls to give them privacy from the outside. I continue to walk with just my blanket and look to my right and saw a group of people including children walking with minimum items in their hand. Some may have had blankets like me. I don't know why Jewish refuge came to my mind. This is what this group reminds me of but not 100% sure. They don't look like they have anywhere to go like myself. Maybe we were all trying to find somewhere to go to while the anonymous man sings a beautiful love song to his lover America. The dream ends. It was not a good dream from America despite how in love the man who was singing about his lover America was. Let me hear some insights please. God Bless you all.
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Richard T

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Mar 25, 2018
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I started down a couple of different paths but one stood out the most so I will go with that.
God is the one trying to Fax. The Fax itself represents the Holy Spirit. It is trying to get through and Jesus is the man helping, the mediator connecting you with God.

Sadly, the fax does not get through at least at this time because your dream shifts. The second part is pretty straightforward. America is looking at some rough times. I think that God wants revival, He wants to send the Holy Spirit, but time may run out and the tough times will move ahead. I would consider it a time to pray. That at a minimum the fax would get though, that people would get the message and repent.
As God is giving you this message I would pray this through. Perhaps you are missing something from the Holy Spirit? It could be personal, a spiritual gift. Check for grievances, if in the past you have hindered the Holy Spirit from working in your own life. There is no condemnation, but personally you are involved as well as the nation. Are you desiring spiritual gifts as Paul asks? Anyway don't be overburdened but use the time wisely. Try and get the Holy Spirit for yourself and for others as the time is shorter than you think. God bless!

Also, why the love song? Because the gifts operate through love? Concentrate on going all in on love and compassion for others. Be ready for the tough times and let your love guide you. Expect the anointing to help you, help others.

The Holy ghost is not done. what does the blanket represent? Here I was unsure so I googled: "what is a covering in the bible." "In Biblical context, covering holds symbolic significance. It represents God’s protection, shelter, and authority over individuals or groups. The concept of covering signifies a spiritual shield, offering guidance, peace, and safety under God’s watchful care." Source: The Biblical Significance of Covering: Unveiling the Hidden Symbolism - John Baptist Church This last part spoke the most to me.
The man and the woman eating quietly? Only God can give that peace.
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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
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I started down a couple of different paths but one stood out the most so I will go with that.
God is the one trying to Fax. The Fax itself represents the Holy Spirit. It is trying to get through and Jesus is the man helping, the mediator connecting you with God.

Sadly, the fax does not get through at least at this time because your dream shifts. The second part is pretty straightforward. America is looking at some rough times. I think that God wants revival, He wants to send the Holy Spirit, but time may run out and the tough times will move ahead. I would consider it a time to pray. That at a minimum the fax would get though, that people would get the message and repent.
As God is giving you this message I would pray this through. Perhaps you are missing something from the Holy Spirit? It could be personal, a spiritual gift. Check for grievances, if in the past you have hindered the Holy Spirit from working in your own life. There is no condemnation, but personally you are involved as well as the nation. Are you desiring spiritual gifts as Paul asks? Anyway don't be overburdened but use the time wisely. Try and get the Holy Spirit for yourself and for others as the time is shorter than you think. God bless!

Also, why the love song? Because the gifts operate through love? Concentrate on going all in on love and compassion for others. Be ready for the tough times and let your love guide you. Expect the anointing to help you, help others.

The Holy ghost is not done. what does the blanket represent? Here I was unsure so I googled: "what is a covering in the bible." "In Biblical context, covering holds symbolic significance. It represents God’s protection, shelter, and authority over individuals or groups. The concept of covering signifies a spiritual shield, offering guidance, peace, and safety under God’s watchful care." Source: The Biblical Significance of Covering: Unveiling the Hidden Symbolism - John Baptist Church This last part spoke the most to me.
The man and the woman eating quietly? Only God can give that peace.
Awesome response, agree 100%. Great insight into spiritual warfare and yes a perfect analogy in Missy's dream.

To affirm one particular area of insight in your reply, I would like to offer this for both of your consideration.

Yes, for all it's wonderful freedoms, I too believe America is being called to repentance.

America has become, in my opinion, the world's leader in idol worship. And is spreading it to the entire world. At the top of America's idols is "freedom" and "liberty". We even have a statue welcoming all to our shores by the name of "liberty". Little known is that she was fashioned in the image of a Roman goddess named "Libertas". I figure the statue now represents a standing rebuke to a nation who lauds itself as "One nation under God", yet seriously compromised from its inception. Look what America has done with this freedom - used it as a license to fall into and promote the vilest of sins in the name of personal choice and it's true motto, "do what thou will."

You're exactly right, will the message get through in time? We all know what happens to nations when they refuse to repent for too long.

Encouraging to me, though, is that in the midst of all this is that I absolutely agree that the Spirit is calling for revival, and in fact believe it is already here. No nation, however wicked, can thwart His purposes!

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Joseph G

Saved by the grace of Jesus Christ
Dec 22, 2023
United States
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I just woke up today 09/25/2024 after having this dream and felt I needed to write this down because it incites strong emotions in me. I remember having a string of dreams but forgot most of the details. In one of my dreams before the last one I had, I remember I was with a man in a building or office, and he was helping me with something. He was talking to a guy on the other end who wanted to fax me papers. The man happens to be with me had a fax machine so the guy on the other end calls him on his cell phone connected to the fax machine with a cord to send the papers to me. The guy disconnected his cell phone from the fax machine to speak to the guy on the other end. Then connects it back to the fax machine so the papers can print. The guy with me was excited because he was helping me with this situation. I never saw the papers actually fax when the scene changes.

I am walking outside with a blanket. The most beautiful love song was playing in the background. A man in the background was singing a love song about America. It was as if he was singing about his lover. I was walking and looked back to see a foggy horizon with I think may be a factory or a work site with cranes in the back (not sure). I might have been at edge of the city. I turn ahead and saw a building to the left of me that looked like it was a victim of a bombing or another disaster because the walls from each apartment were blown off and you can see some of the different rooms looking from the outside. In one apartment, a man and woman were quietly eating in what was left of their kitchen with no walls to give them privacy from the outside. I continue to walk with just my blanket and look to my right and saw a group of people including children walking with minimum items in their hand. Some may have had blankets like me. I don't know why Jewish refuge came to my mind. This is what this group reminds me of but not 100% sure. They don't look like they have anywhere to go like myself. Maybe we were all trying to find somewhere to go to while the anonymous man sings a beautiful love song to his lover America. The dream ends. It was not a good dream from America despite how in love the man who was singing about his lover America was. Let me hear some insights please. God Bless you all.
Missy, thanks so much for sharing this dream. Just a added tidbit in support of Richard's suggestion that your dream is chockful of useful metaphors.

I have experienced this kind of spiritual warfare and attempts at interference in real life, with my cellphone.

One of my closests and dearest friends is my Sister in Christ, Janie. She lives 2 hours away from me and we talk or text every day.

We have grown into a season in our journey were we edify and support each other in several areas: as prayer warriors, sounding boards for developing our mutual ministries, doing devotionals together in aiding each other in spiritual growth, and frankly at our advanced age just provide comfort in bearing increasing physical challenges (one of Satan's favorite areas of attack).

Well... I can't begin to tell you all the ways the devil tries to prevent or delay our means of communicating, especially on the cell phone, and particularly when there is an urgent need or we are participating in a significant move of the Spirit.

Examples: For no good reason, unable to hear each other at all (even insuring we haven't hit the mute button), getting strange interference while talking - perfect example from last week when we were praying together and what I would call a distorted scrambled voice from I don't know where perpetually interrupting so we can't hear each other - it sounded quite literally like a demon if I could imagine what one would sound like. I just kept rebuking it until we could resume. It eventually stopped and we both had a good laugh at the pathetic attempt. This because God has delivered us through impossible barriers and threats so many times, making a way through or around - sometimes at the last minute - that the weaker attempts are easily flicked off in comparison.

Lots of other challenges using texting, email and posting on forums as well. So yeah, you guys are spot on about this dream. Hope this encourages you both. Blessings!
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Richard T

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Awesome response, agree 100%. Great insight into spiritual warfare and yes a perfect analogy in Missy's dream.

To affirm one particular area of insight in your reply, I would like to offer this for both of your consideration.

Yes, for all it's wonderful freedoms, I too believe America is being called to repentance.

America has become, in my opinion, the world's leader in idol worship. And is spreading it to the entire world. At the top of America's idols is "freedom" and "liberty". We even have a statue welcoming all to our shores by the name of "liberty". Little known is that she was fashioned in the image of a Roman goddess named "Libertas". I figure the statue now represents a standing rebuke to a nation who lauds itself as "One nation under God", yet seriously compromised from its inception. Look what America has done with this freedom - used it as a license to fall into and promote the vilest of sins in the name of personal choice and it's true motto, "do what thou will."

You're exactly right, will the message get through in time? We all know what happens to nations when they refuse to repent for too long.

Encouraging to me, though, is that in the midst of all this is that I absolutely agree that the Spirit is calling for revival, and in fact believe it is already here. No nation, however wicked, can thwart His purposes!

Thanks for your encouragement. Your comments are spot on about liberty, possible judgment and revival. What puzzles me some is if Trump is elected and the judgment comes? Would he be a great choice of President while America is judged on materialism? It might be just. There is no bigger idol than money and Trump has represented that his entire life. So its a scary thought. Even worse, they would blame him for all the problems when in reality it was Obama -Biden that brought much of this on. God bless you as well.
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Jul 17, 2020
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I just woke up today 09/25/2024 after having this dream and felt I needed to write this down because it incites strong emotions in me. I remember having a string of dreams but forgot most of the details. In one of my dreams before the last one I had, I remember I was with a man in a building or office, and he was helping me with something. He was talking to a guy on the other end who wanted to fax me papers. The man happens to be with me had a fax machine so the guy on the other end calls him on his cell phone connected to the fax machine with a cord to send the papers to me. The guy disconnected his cell phone from the fax machine to speak to the guy on the other end. Then connects it back to the fax machine so the papers can print. The guy with me was excited because he was helping me with this situation. I never saw the papers actually fax when the scene changes.

I am walking outside with a blanket. The most beautiful love song was playing in the background. A man in the background was singing a love song about America. It was as if he was singing about his lover. I was walking and looked back to see a foggy horizon with I think may be a factory or a work site with cranes in the back (not sure). I might have been at edge of the city. I turn ahead and saw a building to the left of me that looked like it was a victim of a bombing or another disaster because the walls from each apartment were blown off and you can see some of the different rooms looking from the outside. In one apartment, a man and woman were quietly eating in what was left of their kitchen with no walls to give them privacy from the outside. I continue to walk with just my blanket and look to my right and saw a group of people including children walking with minimum items in their hand. Some may have had blankets like me. I don't know why Jewish refuge came to my mind. This is what this group reminds me of but not 100% sure. They don't look like they have anywhere to go like myself. Maybe we were all trying to find somewhere to go to while the anonymous man sings a beautiful love song to his lover America. The dream ends. It was not a good dream from America despite how in love the man who was singing about his lover America was. Let me hear some insights please. God Bless you all.
Hi :heart: This is what came to my heart
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I started down a couple of different paths but one stood out the most so I will go with that.
God is the one trying to Fax. The Fax itself represents the Holy Spirit. It is trying to get through and Jesus is the man helping, the mediator connecting you with God.

Sadly, the fax does not get through at least at this time because your dream shifts. The second part is pretty straightforward. America is looking at some rough times. I think that God wants revival, He wants to send the Holy Spirit, but time may run out and the tough times will move ahead. I would consider it a time to pray. That at a minimum the fax would get though, that people would get the message and repent.
As God is giving you this message I would pray this through. Perhaps you are missing something from the Holy Spirit? It could be personal, a spiritual gift. Check for grievances, if in the past you have hindered the Holy Spirit from working in your own life. There is no condemnation, but personally you are involved as well as the nation. Are you desiring spiritual gifts as Paul asks? Anyway don't be overburdened but use the time wisely. Try and get the Holy Spirit for yourself and for others as the time is shorter than you think. God bless!

Also, why the love song? Because the gifts operate through love? Concentrate on going all in on love and compassion for others. Be ready for the tough times and let your love guide you. Expect the anointing to help you, help others.

The Holy ghost is not done. what does the blanket represent? Here I was unsure so I googled: "what is a covering in the bible." "In Biblical context, covering holds symbolic significance. It represents God’s protection, shelter, and authority over individuals or groups. The concept of covering signifies a spiritual shield, offering guidance, peace, and safety under God’s watchful care." Source: The Biblical Significance of Covering: Unveiling the Hidden Symbolism - John Baptist Church This last part spoke the most to me.
The man and the woman eating quietly? Only God can give that peace.
You said some good amount of stuff that helps me to understand this dream more. Thank you for the insight, you certainly hit some things that are important in this dream.
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Awesome response, agree 100%. Great insight into spiritual warfare and yes a perfect analogy in Missy's dream.

To affirm one particular area of insight in your reply, I would like to offer this for both of your consideration.

Yes, for all it's wonderful freedoms, I too believe America is being called to repentance.

America has become, in my opinion, the world's leader in idol worship. And is spreading it to the entire world. At the top of America's idols is "freedom" and "liberty". We even have a statue welcoming all to our shores by the name of "liberty". Little known is that she was fashioned in the image of a Roman goddess named "Libertas". I figure the statue now represents a standing rebuke to a nation who lauds itself as "One nation under God", yet seriously compromised from its inception. Look what America has done with this freedom - used it as a license to fall into and promote the vilest of sins in the name of personal choice and it's true motto, "do what thou will."

You're exactly right, will the message get through in time? We all know what happens to nations when they refuse to repent for too long.

Encouraging to me, though, is that in the midst of all this is that I absolutely agree that the Spirit is calling for revival, and in fact believe it is already here. No nation, however wicked, can thwart His purposes!

I very much agree to your insight. There will be a last great revival for believers just before the Great Tribulation. This I believe greatly.
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Missy, thanks so much for sharing this dream. Just a added tidbit in support of Richard's suggestion that your dream is chockful of useful metaphors.

I have experienced this kind of spiritual warfare and attempts at interference in real life, with my cellphone.

One of my closests and dearest friends is my Sister in Christ, Janie. She lives 2 hours away from me and we talk or text every day.

We have grown into a season in our journey were we edify and support each other in several areas: as prayer warriors, sounding boards for developing our mutual ministries, doing devotionals together in aiding each other in spiritual growth, and frankly at our advanced age just provide comfort in bearing increasing physical challenges (one of Satan's favorite areas of attack).

Well... I can't begin to tell you all the ways the devil tries to prevent or delay our means of communicating, especially on the cell phone, and particularly when there is an urgent need or we are participating in a significant move of the Spirit.

Examples: For no good reason, unable to hear each other at all (even insuring we haven't hit the mute button), getting strange interference while talking - perfect example from last week when we were praying together and what I would call a distorted scrambled voice from I don't know where perpetually interrupting so we can't hear each other - it sounded quite literally like a demon if I could imagine what one would sound like. I just kept rebuking it until we could resume. It eventually stopped and we both had a good laugh at the pathetic attempt. This because God has delivered us through impossible barriers and threats so many times, making a way through or around - sometimes at the last minute - that the weaker attempts are easily flicked off in comparison.

Lots of other challenges using texting, email and posting on forums as well. So yeah, you guys are spot on about this dream. Hope this encourages you both. Blessings!
Thank you for the insight words!
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