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40 Unique Penances for Lent


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Feb 5, 2002
United States
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For Lent, many Catholics traditionally like to give up a favorite food, give up social media, stop cussing, etc., even though Catholics are not required to "give something up". This year, we want to help you get started on having a great Lent by offering unique ideas on what to "give up", which we have crowd-sourced from others.

Ash Wednesday is March 5th this year.

40 Unique Penances for Lent

  1. Pray and fast for one particular person every day of Lent. Sometime in the Easter season, send them a message telling them what you did and why.
  2. If you struggle with identity or self-worth, then write down something nice about yourself every day.
  3. Only buy things you absolutely need to have
  4. Pray the rosary daily for someone that has caused you harm. Meditate on how much Jesus loves that person.
  5. Work out every day.
  6. Intentionally give sincere compliments to everyone you have a conversation with.
  7. Prepare all your own food instead of eating out.
  8. Only use screens for work / school.
  9. Turn off all noise and distractions for extended periods of time (hours at a time).
  10. Write a letter to 40 different people every day of Lent telling them what they mean to you.
  11. Call someone you don’t talk to regularly every day.
  12. Daily Mass every week day.
  13. 30 minutes (or 1 hour) of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every day.
  14. Pray morning, evening, and night prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.
  15. Volunteer weekly at a shelter, soup kitchen, retirement community, etc.
  16. Host a donation drive for a local charity.
  17. Coordinate a day of service for a local charity
  18. Go on a retreat, whether for multiple days or just one.
  19. Let God choose your cross. In the morning, pray about what cross God has given you, then embrace it in faith as the will of God - to the best of your ability.
  20. Go to Confession every week.
  21. Gain an indulgence every week.
  22. Start a new monthly donation to a great ministry / apostolate that you have never donated to before (Hint hint).
  23. Offer daily prayers for your pastor and/or Bishop. Let them know what you did at Easter.
  24. Give up speeding for all of Lent.
  25. Fast from your favorite meal every day.
  26. Spend an hour a day reading Catholic books.
  27. Invite someone who has few friends to lunch or coffee. Do this every week.
  28. Surprise someone in your neighborhood with a gift of flowers, a meal, basket of goodies, etc.
  29. Make bags of food, water, socks, etc for others and hand them out whenever you see a person in need.
  30. Get 8 hours of sleep every night.
  31. If you have a long commute, then do it in silence and prayer.
  32. Daily games with family.
  33. Everytime you go to Mass - find someone you don’t know and introduce yourself.
  34. Increase your charitable giving or start tithing.
  35. Cut salt from all your food
  36. Pray in front of an abortion clinic for an hour a week.
  37. Resolve to ask more questions of others than they do of you.
  38. Choose something meaningful to donate daily.
  39. Go knock on the door of a neighbor every day. Introduce yourself. Before you leave their house, ask them for prayer requests.
  40. Have your family / friends come up with 3 suggestions and choose from the list.
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