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For Lent, many Catholics traditionally like to give up a favorite food, give up social media, stop cussing, etc., even though Catholics are not required to "give something up". This year, we want to help you get started on having a great Lent by offering unique ideas on what to "give up", which we have crowd-sourced from others.
Ash Wednesday is March 5th this year.
40 Unique Penances for Lent
Ash Wednesday is March 5th this year.
40 Unique Penances for Lent
- Pray and fast for one particular person every day of Lent. Sometime in the Easter season, send them a message telling them what you did and why.
- If you struggle with identity or self-worth, then write down something nice about yourself every day.
- Only buy things you absolutely need to have
- Pray the rosary daily for someone that has caused you harm. Meditate on how much Jesus loves that person.
- Work out every day.
- Intentionally give sincere compliments to everyone you have a conversation with.
- Prepare all your own food instead of eating out.
- Only use screens for work / school.
- Turn off all noise and distractions for extended periods of time (hours at a time).
- Write a letter to 40 different people every day of Lent telling them what they mean to you.
- Call someone you don’t talk to regularly every day.
- Daily Mass every week day.
- 30 minutes (or 1 hour) of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every day.
- Pray morning, evening, and night prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours.
- Volunteer weekly at a shelter, soup kitchen, retirement community, etc.
- Host a donation drive for a local charity.
- Coordinate a day of service for a local charity
- Go on a retreat, whether for multiple days or just one.
- Let God choose your cross. In the morning, pray about what cross God has given you, then embrace it in faith as the will of God - to the best of your ability.
- Go to Confession every week.
- Gain an indulgence every week.
- Start a new monthly donation to a great ministry / apostolate that you have never donated to before (Hint hint).
- Offer daily prayers for your pastor and/or Bishop. Let them know what you did at Easter.
- Give up speeding for all of Lent.
- Fast from your favorite meal every day.
- Spend an hour a day reading Catholic books.
- Invite someone who has few friends to lunch or coffee. Do this every week.
- Surprise someone in your neighborhood with a gift of flowers, a meal, basket of goodies, etc.
- Make bags of food, water, socks, etc for others and hand them out whenever you see a person in need.
- Get 8 hours of sleep every night.
- If you have a long commute, then do it in silence and prayer.
- Daily games with family.
- Everytime you go to Mass - find someone you don’t know and introduce yourself.
- Increase your charitable giving or start tithing.
- Cut salt from all your food
- Pray in front of an abortion clinic for an hour a week.
- Resolve to ask more questions of others than they do of you.
- Choose something meaningful to donate daily.
- Go knock on the door of a neighbor every day. Introduce yourself. Before you leave their house, ask them for prayer requests.
- Have your family / friends come up with 3 suggestions and choose from the list.