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1844 Resolved.

Adventist Heretic

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Sep 18, 2006
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I am officially announcing that I have resolved the conflicts over 1844.
1. I can accept and teach that the 2300 days are years and they do tie to the 70 weeks, just in a different way.
2. The prophecy can be understood without using the day-year time principle.
3. And the SDA church is the fulfillment of part of this prophecy.
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Adventist Heretic

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Sep 18, 2006
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I'll bite. Tell me your resolution.

I am writing it up, but I am moving right now. When I get settled I will tell you.
The announcement was to let people know the major objections to SDAism and the major pillar of SDAism's existence have been reconciled.

to reconcile the prophecy you have to overcome the following objections.
1. Why are the 2300 evenings and mornings not split in half?
2. Can you interpret the time signatures to reach 1844 without importing the day-year principle? the Book of Daniel should tell us how to interpret the numbers. Can
the calculation of years can be deduced by using another method other than day-year.
3. Why is Rome a horn rather than a beast? If you take that Rome is the little horn of Daniel 8 can you account for the missing beast?
4. Can you explain how to reconcile Antiochus and Rome and the Little Horn?
5. Can you explain how to link Daniel 8 & 9, together?
6. What is the significance of the Chazon & Marea?
7. How many visions are in Daniel 8.
8. Can you explain the connection between the vision in Daniel 8, Daniel 9, and Daniel 10-12.
9. Can you explain Why Rome comes from a Greek Goat?
10. Can you explain the Host and the Star and their connection to one another in the meaning of the 2300 days?
11. can you explain the connection between the "cleansing" and "daily"
12. Why does the sanctuary not appear in the Hebrew? It is the general word for "holy things"
13 can you explain Why the Messiah the Prince, are 2 people, not one?
14. How many 70-week prophecies are in Dan 9?
15. Where do you find the time signature for the 1290 & 1335?
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I am writing it up, but I am moving right now. When I get settled I will tell you.
The announcement was to let people know the major objections to SDAism and the major pillar of SDAism's existence have been reconciled.
Wow. That is a lot to unpack. I attend a SDA church, and I realize that early church founders put much time and thought into their theories of how to understand Daniel and Revelation. But I have not held them as "gospel truth." I would, however, like to hear your take on this. From reading some of your other posts, I think you also like to think outside the box, and disagree on traditional SDA teaching. That is why I was surprised to hear that you feel there has been reconciliation. Perhaps this was just tongue-in-cheek?

If you want to go through it all with me, could we take it in small bites? No big walls of text please. :)

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Adventist Heretic

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Again, I will write it up at some point, but this is a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH and affirms the SDA Church. It is the work of almost 20 years so I want to be careful and write it out thoroughly. I want to put the conclusion simi scholarly format.
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