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syriac orthodox

  1. The Liturgist

    Prayers for the Orthodox and fellow Christians in Syria

    All Christians in Syria, such as our Antiochian, Syriac and Armemian brethren and our friends in the Melkite, Syriac and Latin Catholic churches are in immediate danger due to the country having been taken over by an Islamist movement which has a history of persecuting Christians. Through the...
  2. The Liturgist

    The Ecumenical Agreement Between The Antiochian Orthodox And Syriac Orthodox Church

    A Synodal and Patriarchal Letter. To All Our Children, Protected by God, of the Holy See of Antioch: Beloved: You must have heard of the continuous efforts for decades by our Church with the sister Syrian Orthodox Church to foster a better knowledge and understanding of both Churches, whether...
  3. The Liturgist

    The Syriac Hymn Haw Nurone as a Confession of Eucharistic Faith

    I believe and confess, as Coptic priests proclaim in the liturgy after the Epiklesis, that in a properly conducted sacramental liturgy, that the bread on the Paten or Diskos consecrated by the presbyter or bishop truly becomes the actual body of Christ, and likewise the wine in the Chalice truly...
  4. dzheremi

    Fr. Dr. Renjan Matthew and Dr. Susan Ashbrook Harvey in conversation on the Syriac tradition

    From the YouTube channel Urho (The Way), established to educate on and explore the Syriac Orthodox tradition, here is a very interesting discussion between priest Fr. Dr. Renjan Matthew and scholar Dr. Susan Ashbrook Harvey, the Willard Prescott and Annie McClelland Smith Professor of History...
  5. dzheremi

    HG Archbishop Athanasius Touma Daoud (UK) tests positive for Coronavirus

    Distressing news from the Syriac Orthodox Church of the UK, via the Democratic Syriac Solidarity Council (Lebanon): .نتمنّى الشفاء العاجل لنيافة الحبر الجليل مار اثناسيوس توما داود، راعي ابرشية المملكة المتحدة للسريان الأرثوذكس، لاصابته بوبأ كورونا We wish our beloved Archbishop Athanasius...
  6. dzheremi

    Coptic and Indian Orthodox praying together in Israel, chanting a Greek text with Coptic melodies

    In case you're ever told that we OO exist for ethnic chauvinism reasons... :D See also: Ethiopian Orthodox prayer in the monastery of St. Bishoy, Wadi El Natrun, Egypt HH Ignatius Aphrem II of the Syriac Orthodox Church attends and prays at Holy Etchmiadzin, the mother Church of Armenia...
  7. dzheremi

    Turkish forces occupying N. Syria prevent Syriac Orthodox from worshiping in their church

    I'm not sure if it's related to today or not (all the videos on this press agency's channel appear to have been uploaded today), because I don't know the calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Syria, but this short video tells of how the Turkish occupation of northern Syria is threatening the...
  8. dzheremi

    History of Christianity in Qaraqosh, Mesopotamia (modern northern Iraq)

    I couldn't sleep and was reading through Geoffrey Khan's grammar of the Neo-Aramaic dialect of Qaraqosh (Brill, 2002) last night and found the following interesting information on the history of Christianity (Orthodox and otherwise) in the area in the book's introductory material (p. 2-6). I...
  9. dzheremi

    Feast of the Resurrection (Syriac Orthodox) ܩܝܡܬܐ ܦܪܘܩܝܬܐ

  10. dzheremi

    2020 Nativity Celebrations (LIVE from Ethiopia and more)

    CHRIST IS BORN! First from Lalibela, Ethiopia, the Beza Kulu celebration (I'm not sure exactly what this is, but it is apparently connected to Ethiopian nativity, since it comes up in searches when you organize by date), because it is live right now as I am posting this, and very impressive...
  11. dzheremi

    A cute little video to teach numbers and vocabulary in Turoyo/Surayt (Neo Aramaic)

    Numbers, greetings, and a little love story:
  12. dzheremi

    Hosanna in the Highest: Hosanna Sunday in Oriental Orthodox Churches

    While the Western Christian world is celebrating the Resurrection today, today is Hosanna Sunday for us, so we are celebrating the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. So today in the Coptic Orthodox Church we sing one of the ancient Greek hymns that the Church has preserved, "Evlogimenos"...
  13. dzheremi

    Statement from the Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of Beirut on the 5th anniversary of the kidnappings

    Please continue to pray for the safe release of the archbishops HE Mar Gregorios Youhanna Ibrahim and HE Paul Yazigi, as well as all the other victims of kidnapping in Syria, and all others affected by ongoing conflict. Lord have mercy.
  14. dzheremi

    The boundaries of the OO world in the 10th century re: Severus Al Ashmunein

    Hi everybody, I woke up early this morning so I've been doing some reading from Severus Al Ashmunein's The Lamp of the Intellect (what little of it I can actually read; due to a binding error, most of the pages of Ebeid and Young's 1975 English translation are fused together). It brought up...
  15. dzheremi

    Divine Liturgy/Qurbono at the Monastery of Mor Abrohom the Hermit on Mt. Alfaf in Nineveh, 5/2/14

    Syriac Orthodox worship in northern Iraq, celebrated in Syriac and Arabic.
  16. dzheremi

    Ruben van der Kaap: From Dutch Reformed to Syriac Orthodox seminarian

    A wonderful recent story that I missed because I don't know Dutch. Translated by Google (I still don't know Dutch) from the Dutch-language website www.nieuwwij.nl, here is an interview about the young man's path, conducted by Femke van Loo. The twenty (year old) Ruben van der Kaap traded in...
  17. dzheremi

    Assassination attempt on HH Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II in Qamishli, Syria leaves two dead

    This just came across my Facebook feed, courtesy of the Democratic Syriac Solidarity Council in Lebanon, though it was originally reported in Swedish by the Syriac Aramaic Association of Sweden. What follows is Facebook's automated translation of the main report. AFP: an attempt on the life of...