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  1. The Liturgist

    Prayers for the Orthodox and fellow Christians in Syria

    All Christians in Syria, such as our Antiochian, Syriac and Armemian brethren and our friends in the Melkite, Syriac and Latin Catholic churches are in immediate danger due to the country having been taken over by an Islamist movement which has a history of persecuting Christians. Through the...
  2. mindlight

    Syrian Rebels capture Damascus

    https://www.bbc.com/news/live/cwy8xzxe0w7t With the collapse of Hezbollah in Lebanon (due to Israelis) and with the promise not to butcher Christians the Muslim rebels led by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) (A designated terrorist group) have now replaced Assad (Russia and Iran) as the protector of...
  3. AlexB23

    Syrian Christian Author & Photographer Writes about Leaving Syria (2013 - Old News)

    Hello folks. It has been almost a decade since hearing Syria on the news headlines, however, this article from 2013 shows that there are Christians in Syria who had to flee due to persecution, or to find more lucrative jobs. This article discusses a Syrian man who learned about Christianity from...
  4. AlexB23

    Christians in the Middle East and Asia: A Brown Priest [AI Art]

    Hello folks. In this time of great division, Christian art can bring solace to people. So, here is an AI generated art for a priest of Indian or Middle Eastern origin. The Middle East, and South Asia have low percentages of Christians, so this art will hopefully unite us all to the fact that...
  5. public hermit

    U.S. military airstrikes target militias backed by Iran in Syria, Iraq

    The U.S. military launched airstrikes against Iranian-backed militias in Syria in retaliation for drone attacks, the Pentagon announced Sunday evening. The strikes targeted sites that been used to launch drone attacks on U.S. personnel and facilities in Iraq, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby...
  6. dzheremi

    Turkish forces occupying N. Syria prevent Syriac Orthodox from worshiping in their church

    I'm not sure if it's related to today or not (all the videos on this press agency's channel appear to have been uploaded today), because I don't know the calendar of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Syria, but this short video tells of how the Turkish occupation of northern Syria is threatening the...
  7. dzheremi

    Talk on the active Syriac Orthodox monasteries in the Middle East by Dr. Gewargis Acis

  8. mindlight

    Turkish troops moving into Syria

    Turkey launches Syria offensive with air strikes Really angry about this selling out of a good a reliable ally to the West. Must we alienate everybody we call friends. Aside from the Jews the Kurds are probably the most deserving people in the Middle East to secure their own nation. So did...
  9. SummerMadness

    Iraqi refugee Nadia Murad to Trump: ISIS killed family. Trump responds: 'Where are they now?'

    [Iraqi refugee Nadia Murad to Trump: ISIS killed family. Trump responds: 'Where are they now?' The only thing he seemed to care about is the fact that she received the Nobel Prize.
  10. Dale

    Christian Woman Raped & Killed by Moslem Terrorists in Syrian Village

    << According to the website of International Christian Concern (ICC), “An autopsy revealed that Suzan was tortured and repeatedly raped over an estimated period of nine hours. She was then stoned to death.” >> Her full name is Suzan Der Kirkour and her body was found by members of her church...
  11. SummerMadness

    3 Americans killed in Syria suicide bombing claimed by ISIS have been identified

    3 Americans killed in Syria suicide bombing claimed by ISIS have been identified I thought Daesh was defeated, at least that's what the president has been saying. Maybe it's time for a congressional investigation into what happened.
  12. dzheremi

    Statement from the Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese of Beirut on the 5th anniversary of the kidnappings

    Please continue to pray for the safe release of the archbishops HE Mar Gregorios Youhanna Ibrahim and HE Paul Yazigi, as well as all the other victims of kidnapping in Syria, and all others affected by ongoing conflict. Lord have mercy.
  13. Ringo84

    Strikes Launched Against Syria

    Trump: US, France and UK launch strikes on Syria - CNNPolitics Wow....tonight's the night he became president [/sarcasm] Sarcastic Clap GIF by Debby Ryan - Find & Share on GIPHY Ringo
  14. Zoii

    Don't stop the war in Syria - We are making lots of money

    Have you ever wondered how it is, that a country like Syria, with a totally destroyed infrastructure, virtually no reliable exports, a destroyed economy, can afford a seemingly endless stream of sophisticated military might. Same too for the Rebels and IS. Where are they getting their arms and...
  15. H

    On Syrian refugees and Muslim registry

    I know I'm probably going to say some controversial things, but I don't care about being controversial, I care about being reasonable. I keep seeing articles like "Why a Muslim registry is wrong" and about Christians saying we need to gladly welcome Syrian refugees. I don't necessarily agree...
  16. W

    Vicar of the Lord on the earth or the devil's advocate?

    At present even dedicated optimists can`t contradict the fact that modern civilization faces the most serious challenge of present century – threat of the downfall of the world security system inherent in confrontation among nuclear states. This was facilitated by Russian aggression in Ukraine...
  17. Fish and Bread

    Catholic leader ready to help refugees settle in US despite Trump policy

    Link: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/18/trump-immigrant-refugee-policy-catholic-church
  18. Fish and Bread

    Demonstrators gather to support refugee resettlement

    Link: http://www.episcopalcafe.com/demonstrators-gather-to-support-refugee-resettlement/ Christian demonstrators in support of resettling Syrian refugees in West Virginia's capitol city.
  19. HarvestTheFields

    0.5% of Syrian Refugees (to America) are Christian, but 10% of Syria is Christian.

    Source: http://www.newsweek.com/us-bars-christian-not-muslim-refugees-syria-497494 "The United States has accepted 10,801 Syrian refugees, of whom 56 are Christian. Not 56 percent; 56 total, out of 10,801. That is to say, one-half of 1 percent. The BBC says that 10 percent of all Syrians are...
  20. cow451

    Russia and Iran Have a Lover's Spat; Russian Bombers Leave

    Briefly, Russian bombers were striking targets in Syria from a base in Iran. The use of an Iranian base caused the knotting of undergarments in the West, particularly in the US. Now, Iran has claimed that Russia was guilty of "kiss and tell" and are no longer intimate, but "just friends". This...