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  1. AlexB23

    A Conversation about Solar Panels

    Hello folks. As most of you guys know, I am for ethically sourced clean energy, and am really liking the newest generation of solar panels. If only the condo that I live at had panels on it. The apartment complex near my condo has a few solar panels on it though. Back in the 1970s-1980s, solar...
  2. AlexB23

    Countries consider pact to reduce plastic production by 40% in 15 years

    Finally, we can start reducing plastic usage as a society. A 40% reduction is not enough in my opinion. Plastic usage should be reduced by 50-70% in the next 15 years. Here is the article link: Countries consider pact to reduce plastic production by 40% in 15 years Short summary of the...
  3. AlexB23

    Temple of the Holy Spirit: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Study

    Let's discuss 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. Man, this verse is a heavy one for some people. A lot of us Christians, myself included have a degree of recklessness. While I do not smoke, or do any drugs, I sometimes did risky stuff due to my poor executive skills (ADHD and impulsivity, so I do not...
  4. bèlla

    Side Hustle Central

    The purpose of this thread is to provide support and encouragement for industrious pursuits through the exchange of ideas, personal projects and prayer. Financial self-sufficiency is the goal with the Lord at the helm. Feel free to ask questions or request feedback. I've included biblical...
  5. AlexB23

    Stewardship of the Earth & Climate Change (Genesis 2:15, Isaiah 24:4-6, Jeremiah 2:7)

    With Earth Day just around the corner, on April 22nd, it is imperative for us Christians to be good stewards of the Earth. These are three verses straight out of the Bible that urge us to take care of Creation. Rules: No debates allowed. Date April 21, 2024 Verse Genesis 2:15: "The LORD...
  6. bèlla

    Are You Ready?

  7. Mr. M

    Defile the Land, It Pukes Up Man

    I appreciate concern for stewardship over the earth, for this dishonors the Creator. Revelation 11:18 The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear...
  8. mindlight


    With all the new initiatives on the environment my church discussion group will be discussing Christian stewardship. I hoped to raise some of the questions here and get some reactions. How would you define a Christian understanding of stewardship? What is the nature of the problem facing our...
  9. Mr. M

    God Assessment

    Job 10:12. You have granted me life and favor, and your visitation has preserved my spirit. The word visitation-pekuddah (H6486) from pakad (H6485)-to visit, provides a basis for understanding the nature of covenant promises and the hope of prophecy. The Israelites for 400 years in...
  10. Pavel Mosko

    Standing Watch For Salvation: Sunday Reflection ED MORRISSEY

    I've been reading conservative political commentator Ed Morrisey for a decade or so who posts on the Political Blog, "Hot Air". He is a Catholic deacon and has been doing a kind of homily like post every Sunday based on the Gospel lectionary reading of the day. I shared his post on my...
  11. Monna

    Reflections On This Past Summer

    "Summer" in Sweden is not generally very long and varies somewhat in the amount of rain, sunshine and warmth. This summer was different. Sweden, expecially the southern half, has suffered from a serious drought, worsened by record number of sunshine hours and temperature. July was the hottest...
  12. Fish and Bread

    Season of Creation marks month of eco-contemplation for Christians

    Link: https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/eco-catholic/season-creation-marks-month-eco-contemplation-christians Included in this article is a link to a pdf file containing a lengthy proposal by a Columbian priest to add this as an official liturgical season like Advent or Christmas. I will admit...