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  1. G

    Here's a Definitive Answer for The Great Tribulation and The Day of The Lord

    Hello friends, I would like to share with you what that Lord has revealed to me concerning The Great Tribulation and The Day of The Lord. What He has shown me was so profound that I knew I needed to write about it and share it with as many people as possible. If you take the time to read it...
  2. AlexB23

    Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible

    Hello folks. While the Bible is not a scientific textbook, there are some verses which predate modern scientific discoveries by over 2200 years. Pretty neat, isn't it? Date July 17, 2024 | Scientific Foreknowledge in the Bible + God's Omniscience Verse Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV): "‘For my...
  3. lisiu

    Share a little bit of research on prophecies of Daniel

    From Abram came to Canaan to Jacob came to Egypt is 215 years(Abram entered Canaan at the age of 75, gave birth to Isaac at the age of 100, Isaac gave birth to Jacob at the age of 60, and Jacob went to Egypt at the age of 130.), from the Israelites came to Egypt to their exodus is 430 years...
  4. BlessedCreator

    The "Third Temple" Prophecy Refuted

    Edit: Please remember to do your own diligent research on doctrines/prophecies that God has given us. Make sure everything lines up with what God has revealed to you. I may be wrong and do not want anyone to believe something as not %100 true, so please do your further research of your own and...
  5. BlessedCreator

    The false "7 year tribulation" doctrine

    Let's examine scripture. The seven year tribulation doctrine does NOT come from the following verse. Revelation 7:14 "And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of...
  6. BlessedCreator

    Best subforum for talking about prophecies?

    As the title states. Can't seem to find a prophecies subforum? Is there one? If not which subforum would best suit discussions concerning prophecies, specifically ones surrounding these end times?
  7. M

    Prophetic Dreams or Not?

    Hi, I'm new on this website so I might be posting in the wrong thread but I've been having dreams about tsunamis and floods over the years and recently they have become more frequent. In the dreams, I am either with family and friends, other Christians or alone. However, God always delivers me...
  8. wisdompersonified

    Is the Beasts in Revelation 13 about 2 Popes?

    There's a Beast that comes from the sea and a Beast that comes from the earth. I think the Beast from the sea is The Roman Empire. But the Beast that has the deadly wound is one of it's heads. Revelation 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was...
  9. T

    Ezekiel and the Third Temple

    I know that Eastern Orthodoxy considers Zionism to be heretical. But, how do we reconcile the prophecies of Ezekiel, especially about the physical descriptions of the sacrifices and the third temple, with Eastern Orthodox position against Zionism (I am asking this not only for some protestants...
  10. TheSinningServant

    Who believes we are in the latter days and that the Rapture will happen in our lifetime?

    I apologize if this question has already been asked. I am wondering if anyone believes that we are in last days based on prophecies and why. If you do not think so, I would also like to know why you think this. Thanks in advance!
  11. HenSoma-OneBody

    Part 6 - The Prophecy Of A Savior

    The death of Moses happened somewhere around the year 1407 BC. Between that time and the birth of the Christ, the Israelites continued to be a disobedient people proving repeatedly that they could not keep the Law of God handed down to Moses for the people of the Creator. It was for this reason...
  12. A

    Dream of Archangel Gabriel

    A few months ago I had a dream of the Archangel Gabriel. In my dream I was out in my driveway with my husband, my cousin and a friend of mine and fireballs started coming from the sky it was really dark and cloudy and then I see this strange little glow come out of the sky (I remember thinking...
  13. ovis90

    Bothered by Psychic words about my future

    So since I went to my last years of school when I was 17 my teacher. Said she can see the future and she told to all my class mates there future and many things came true. As well she said she was a Christian. She told me about me what she see and what is waiting for me. She said I will become a...
  14. searcher24

    Can we pray for shortening the days of the Second Coming?

    As Christians, at least some of us are looking forward to the return of Jesus (call it Rapture, Second Coming or any other way and regardless the different interpretations of the intermediate events) Now usually, we pray the Lord for good things that we would like in our lives because Jesus has...
  15. P

    Earthquake Dream

    Hey everyone, I had another dream LOL. I do not want to get to personal revealing everything but I had this dream on October 26, 2017 clocking it at 12:21 P.M. I was inside and a family member was doing cleaning and I believe it could have been garbage night because I was handling garbage...
  16. P

    Indonesia Volcano Eruption Dream

    Hey everyone, this is P from C 416. I want to start posting some of my dreams on here that I believe are from the Lord. I had this dream today October 24, 2017 and woke up around 2 PM Eastern time lol. One of my dreams was I was in a house looking through a window. There was a different culture...
  17. Radrook

    Irresponsible use of terms near and soon.

    Many years ago I was told that the world was about to come to an end. When asked exactly how long it would be, I was confidently told that it was very near and that we could expect it to be very soon and at any time so we should better be ready. The biblical texts used in support of that...