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  1. S

    Please Help? How Do I Fully Surrender My Life to God and Leave My Old Ways Behind

    I’ve spent a lot of time in my younger years studying the Bible, and after a long period away from faith, I’ve recently returned to it with renewed focus. My studies have especially centered around topics like Satan, demons, music, hypnosis (likely a reason I fell away from faith for a while)...
  2. S

    From Heavy Metal to Faith & Believing

    Hello. I’d like to share my story and introduce myself. Short Story: I was raised with the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventists but became deeply involved in heavy metal music, sin, and destructive behaviors. After a difficult period of emptiness and depression, I encountered God's word...
  3. AlexB23

    Jordan Korer - Two Lines [Indie, Country] (2024-09-29)

    Hello folks. The YouTube algorithm knows that indie music piques my interest, so it found a country song by a new artist named Jordan Korer. Country is typically not my thing, unless it it old-school 1970s-early 2000s country. However, Jordan Korer's song "Two Lines" seems to go back to the...
  4. Christsfreeservant

    Broken Cord

    August 29, 2018: Last night I sat down with paper, pencil and my Bible, and I inquired of the Lord if he would be pleased to give me a song to write. I had not written any for about two years, because I did not have the space needed in order to do that. But now that he has blessed me with that...
  5. TheCabinetGuy

    What do you think of AI generated music?

    Artificial Intelligence is now being used to generate music. Some see this as a good thing, others see it as very negative. What do you think? I recently was trying out Udio. The first time I tried a song I've written called "Let There Be Light." What it came up with was... strange. Then I...
  6. AlexB23

    Dancing in the Bible

    Hello folks. To dance, or not to dance, that is the question. Let's delve in to the Bible, to find out if we are allowed to dance all the time, never at all, or dance with discernment. Date May 22, 2024 | Faith on the Dance Floor Verse Psalm 149:3 (NIV): "Let them praise his name with...
  7. AlexB23

    Dance music with male vocals: Post your favorites here

    Hello folks. Since a teen in the early to mid-2010s, dance has been one of my favorite styles of music. This is the start of a thread for dance songs with guys vocals. Will start a similar thread later this week for dance songs with womens vocals. Dytone - Never Wanna Leave (ft. Stevyn) [House]...
  8. AThaddeus

    Secular classical music

    Is it a sin to listen to secular classical music?
  9. gerard_chew


    According to many relevant bible verses such as Deuteronomy 31:8, Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 3:23, Psalm 121:8, etc., our earthly travels can be blessed with God's guidance, presence and protection.
  10. gerard_chew


    According to many relevant bible verses such as Deuteronomy 31:8, Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 3:23, Psalm 121:8, etc., our earthly travels can be blessed with God's guidance, presence and protection.
  11. gerard_chew


    According to many relevant bible verses such as Deuteronomy 31:8, Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 3:23, Psalm 121:8, etc., our earthly travels can be blessed with God's guidance, presence and protection.
  12. gerard_chew

    Can our travels have God's guidance, presence and protection?

    Yes, according to many relevant bible verses such as Deuteronomy 31:8, Psalm 32:8, Proverbs 3:23, Psalm 121:8, etc., we can indeed have them! But only when we receive these verses in our hearts by faith and believe. Here is a lyric and music video celebrating our life in Jesus through travel...
  13. J

    Amanda Nolan - For Such A Time As This

  14. HoundFate

    Behold the Beloved - Playing with Fire

  15. U

    Can a Christian listen to Berlioz and Liszt?

    Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique describes a diabolic Witches' sabbath, Liszt's Faust Symphony is about someone that sold his soul to the Devil (the same is done by Berlioz's La Damnation de Faust), Liszt's Dante symphony describes Hell and we have the Mephisto-Walzer. But at the same time, it is...
  16. pen_and_poetry

    Learning guitar (achievement unlocked!)

    So I'm learning acoustic guitar and I'm struggling with music theory buuuuut I'm sort of understanding chord progressions within the major scales. I am super proud of myself right now, hehe. I like folk songs; I had a tab of a song that was too high (I'm a woman who sings tenor in choir). I...
  17. I

    Looking for partners "Praise Scottsdale"

    I have a history in the secular music industry, I ran record labels, have won awards for my record production work and am a published songwriter. Now, all I care about is music to sing God's praise. That is why I am starting "Praise Scottsdale". Our mission will be to bring more people to the...
  18. Lybrah

    How important is church?

    Can you still be saved if you don’t go to church? My church is so boring. I find myself drifting away. I hate singing and standing. I don’t mind listening to the music and I like the songs and I can follow the lyrics in my heart but I hate singing. The sermons at my church are pretty good. I...
  19. BioHazardFan03

    The March Of The Templars.

  20. P

    relaxing piano music

    Hi there, I recorded some piano music based on Christian songs and melodies. I hope you enjoy!