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  1. ByTheSpirit

    The Hyksos connection to the Israelites in Egypt?

    Some historians (Manetho - an Egyptian, and Josephus - a Jew) see the two groups as one in the same. These actually make the claim the Hyksos, after being expelled from Egypt, went back to Canaan and founded the city of Jerusalem. More modern historians disagree, but there are a ton of...
  2. Chaleb

    Go : and sin no more

    - Paul teaches us that the born again are """dead to sin and alive to God."""" IF you are just water baptized, or similar, and were lied to about "water washes your sin away"... then reader, go to the Cross, and receive Jesus as your Savior, by Faith....today. Now, How did that happen?.... How...
  3. jinc1019

    Lutherans, Baptism, Falling Away in Book of Hebrews

    Hello All. I've been interested in Lutheranism for a long time, but I have not joined a Lutheran church. One of the things that has kept me from joining the Lutheran Church is a passage in the Book of Hebrews and how it relates to baptismal regeneration. How do Lutherans understand Hebrews...
  4. H

    Undeniable Proof that YHWH is not done with Israel

    Firstly it’s a Biblical fact that Abraham was born on 1948am, and YHWH revived Israel in 1948ad. Secondly there was the 6th day war with victory on the 7th day, in 1967. Just like the battle of Jericho, YHWH gave us victory on the 7th day, despite being totally outnumbered. then we have the...
  5. Sidon

    What is the unpardonable sin

    - Lets look at the unpardonable sin. What is it? Let start here : A.) The blood atonement... The shed blood of Jesus. God offers this, as John 3:16. To the "world".....to as many as "believe". So, that is GOD's pardon for everyone, offered 2000 yrs ago. If you reject this blood sacrifice...
  6. HenSoma-OneBody

    Remain On The Narrow Path, Holding Firmly To The End!

    He who has an ear, let him hear: "See to it, brothers, that none of you has a wicked heart of unbelief that turns away from the living God. But exhort one another daily, as long as it is called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ if...
  7. Behold

    Are you in the Faith, or are you on the Cross?

    The NT tells you, if you are born again, to be "in the faith".....to make certain of this.... 2nd Corinthians 13:5 It does not tell you to be "IN the commandments" or "IN the law", or anything that has to do with performance or self effort .. as how to be "IN the FAITH". Jesus gave you some...
  8. Matthew47

    Have I lost my salvation?

    I was baptised 3 years ago, went to church for 1 year, did everything as a good christian should, but... after this one year I felt away. Main reason for my bad behaviour was sin of lust. I was searching for a girlfriend to date and marry after some years but I couldn't find any and became...
  9. G

    Fallen Humans having Faith (Hebrews 11)

    Hello. I have an assignment on the topic of what it means for humans to have faith despite their faults looking particularly at Hebrews 11. The context of Hebrews 11 has the idea of encouraging persecuted Christians to continue having faith in God by giving examples of how people in the Old...
  10. DeepWater

    Your WORKS won't do it.

    There are NO verses in the Bible, both Testaments included... that say Jesus, once in you, will leave you if you are a bad Christian, etc. He is sealed in there, along with the Holy Spirit, unless the bible is lying. Jesus does promise you Eternal Life, and this promise has NO CONDITIONS, once...
  11. D

    Can a backslider return to God?

    I became a Christian when I was 13 years old but I backslid from the time that I was 15 until I was 18. At that point I came back to the Lord and rededicated my life to Christ. Over the years I've really struggled with certain passages in the book of Hebrews which seems to say that a person...
  12. Lords Man

    The Last Word...

    Hebrews 1:1-4 In giving us his only Son, God also gave us His final Word (John 1:1-4). In Christ, God spoke everything to us that He desired to speak, all at once and once and for all. Christ is the Alpha and the Omega, the heir of all things, by Whom also the worlds were made. Christ is the...
  13. Lords Man

    God Is....

    The King James Bible never uses the term 'exists' when speaking of God. Rather, it speaks of God in this manner; "But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6) It...
  14. mindlight

    Who wrote Hebrews?

    The book of Hebrews does not have a named author. In the Judaisers versus a gentile church conflict it came down with the latter. It was probably written in Rome back to a church in Israel and speaks of Jesus the High priest having fulfilled the law and temple requirement releasing the church...
  15. Jonaitis

    Haldane's Commentary on Galatians and Hebrews

    Commentary on Galatians and Hebrews (links) James Haldane (1768-1851) was a convert later in life and entered the ministry as a Scottish Presbyterian. Upon further study, he and his brother became Baptists. Through their evangelistic efforts they planted many churches in the area. Historian...
  16. N

    Am I too far gone?

    WARNING: This is going to be VERY long but would appreciate the help. I've been in the church my whole life. I grew up going to church every sunday with my family. We have all been believers our whole lives. When I was in middle school I started attending youth group at the vineyard community...
  17. L

    Willful sin.

    hebrews 10:26 - 31. I read this verse and I keep on willfully sinning. I haven't repented in a while, because I know I'm gonna sin again. I don't want to stop sinning. I don't fornicate, smoke, drink or drugs. I do the little things but those still matter, I haven't surrendered my will which is...
  18. L

    I have never felt so condemned in my life

    I had a conversation w/ a Freind. I am now convinced I committed the unpardonable sin, I went tom my Facebook feed and i seen this post about Hebrews 6:4-6 right when I was looking for someone to talk to. I feel so condemned. I can't beleive It and I'm so afraid I don't even know I'm just going...
  19. LowPost42

    All grace gospel and Hebrews 12:5,6

    So I'm fairly entrenched in the grace gospel camp (a step removed from full on universalism). I'm struggling to understand Hebrews 12:5,6 in light of grace: “And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not...
  20. J

    Afraid I blasphemed the holy spirit, Hebrews 10:26, Hebrews 6:3

    Im on my final strings. only God himself knows how much i have left in me, as i dont even know how much longer i can keep breathing. i will start this with how i first started my journey as a christian. i was either 11 or 12 when i gave my life to Jesus and was baptized with the holy spirit, i...