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  1. Christsfreeservant

    The Christmas Bells are Ringing

    The Christmas bells are ringing With people, carols singing With gifts for others bringing With groups of people mingling It’s time for games and laughter A time for lots of chatter For people, others flatter With many idols captor They worship a god Santa Who promises to grant a Wish, which...
  2. Tranquil Bondservant

    General Meme Thread #2

    Sometimes when we're feeling down or discouraged all it can take is a little smile or laugh to lift our mood. And some people just need a small distraction or 50 to debrief & settle down after work. I saw that @peaceful-forest had made a meme thread about singles/single life and I thought it...
  3. ActuallyFun

    52 Card Stick-Up | A hilarious, easy game if you've got a youth group or anything similar!

    If you're in charge of a youth group or any other similar thing, this is a unique game that will give your youth a great time!
  4. D

    Christian Board or Card Games

    I have stumbled upon 'OT Fantasy Draft' card game (OT=Old Testament) and 'Escape From Sin's Curse' (an escape room game) on kickstarter, and am happy with the concepts. This made me wonder what other Bible-based games might be out there. Would love to hear some recommendations for ages 10&up...
  5. Lavaduder

    Need Help Making a Christian Video Game

    I'm not the greatest story writer, or artist. I'm not even that great of a programmer. But I see that christian video games are... lacking. I am baffled by the existence of certain titles (Like Noah's ark 3d which has nothing to do with Bible.) Biblical based games should be focused more on...
  6. bèlla

    The Attraction Game

    Name one quality you'd like in a suitor. Add a blurb to your post. Easy peasy. :-) Rules ABC format You can't choose two Discussion is permitted Have fun! ~bella
  7. GaveMeJoy

    Entertainment and using time post divorce

    Hey, I have way more time now that my wife left and took my kids and I only get to see them a couple days a week ☹️ I’m filling lots of my time with fellowship and ministry and bible study and I listen to a lot of sermons... but late at night I used to watch TV constantly and because I don’t...
  8. public hermit

    Hobbies and Leisure-Time Activities

    Do y'all have hobbies or things you do for pure pleasure? I have a garden every year. I can grow things (the old folks used to say, "She can root a toothpick!" Hahaha). I live in the woods, so I have been practicing bush craft skills. I was never a boy scout (I was a cub scout for two weeks...
  9. Daniel Marsh

    LDS humor thread

    Pin on Miscellaneous
  10. Daniel Marsh

    Non-Trinitarian Jesus never washed his hands

    Luke 11:38 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) 38 But the Pharisee was surprised when he saw that Jesus did not wash his hands first before the meal.
  11. G

    Pet Photo Caption Contest

    If you had or have any pets show off the best pictures of them (one photograph per pet). It must be high quality and, if vertical, rotated 90 degrees to face up. Then as pictures are posted, write a fun caption for each one. Remember to identify each pet and say whether they live with you or the...
  12. Tone


    "A glittering generality (also called glowing generality) is an emotionally appealing phrase so closely associated with highly valued concepts and beliefs that it carries conviction without supporting information or reason. Such highly valued concepts attract general approval and acclaim. Their...
  13. Senkaku

    Kitty Habit's

    So this is more to satisfy my curiosities. I was with my cat the other day and I was tugging on her ear with my teeth when it made me wonder...what are some habit's we have with our pets. This is more for cat owners but others can jump in if you want. so, a few things I do to start off... fake...
  14. Senkaku

    Unleash Your Rage Game!!!!

    basically, a place to unleash your rage on the person above you, be it wrestling moves, memes, explosions, yelling, pictures or whatever you feel you need to release! I'm first So I will cower in a fetal position to prepare for the next person *Braces myself*
  15. Eisen Sphere

    What would you do? (Word game)

    Simply ask a what would you do question and the person below answers. What would you do to make a fun thread?
  16. N

    Draw a stick figure...

    Draw a stick figure of your current mood, thought, or what you are doing...
  17. Camila Smith

    ideas for short storys?

    my son is having a project in school where they will write short storys, any ideas on what he could write? trying to motivate him. love camila smith
  18. Camila Smith

    what can i do to help society?

    lookin for a way to help as many people as i can, any ideas?
  19. NiqueNique

    Nervous for no reason...

    But excited! Hi guys I'm Dom from AZ, USA just excited to get surrounded by a group of individuals like minded and searching for a deeper relation with God! I'm 23 male happy to see so many other young people here!
  20. Gdoll18

    Good Morning & Happy Monday Everyone

    Happy Monday! I know it is everyone's favorite day of the week :tongueclosed: I hope everyone had a pleasant weekend. Anyone do anything exciting? Please share below! I didn't do anything too exciting. I spend Saturday with my Boss she invited me up to her house, and let me tell you her house...