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  1. FrThadd

    Healing Nearness

    Unknown to most of us American Orthodox, the huge majority of us live way too far from the parish we attend and our Orthodox Christian friends (God bless you all that are close!). Many community studies suggest that 10 minutes travel is ideal, but there's never been a study of why this is, or...
  2. AlexB23

    Confession, Integrity & Honesty

    Hello folks. Confessing our sins is important to do, as we all sin. For the first time in two years, I have confessed my sins to a priest, as he offered guidance to me. We can confess directly to Jesus, but sometimes a priest can give us some tips from a human perspective. Date July 13, 2024...
  3. L

    Confession Compulsion, or Necessary?

    I cannot believe I'm here writing this, because I am appalled at myself. But I'm spiraling, so here we go. Almost a year ago, in November, I moved in to a friend's house (in their basement). My room was down there with the 6 month old baby's room, we shared a wall but to get to the baby's room I...
  4. L

    Compulsion to Apologize

    Hi all. I broke up with my ex on May 13th. I've been thinking lately about how he's told me he'd gone to other people asking for advice on our relationship, and how I'm pretty sure he's told people about a bad thought I confessed to him. A few times, we went "pretty far," physically, but not all...
  5. T

    Conviction or Ocd?

    Hello everyone! I have a history of ocd /really bad scrupulosity and because of that have felt much condemnation. Especially for pre-conversion sins. Some of them should be "corrected" /require restitution. Because of ocd, I attempted to do that, but for all the wrong reasons (fear mostly). It...
  6. EtainSkirata

    Confession - compulsion or necessary? Please, somebody help me

    Some people on here have seen my post in the past about the day I grabbed my boyfriend's hurt thumb when we were wrestling, or the day I gave in to a mean impulse and poked him lightly in the eye with my glasses. I was so torn up and felt so wretched about these incidents. I had tried to make...
  7. BrotherJJ

    The Eternal Sin Atoning Blood of Jesus the Christ

    Every Old Testament book point toward the Great Sacrifice that was to come. Jesus’ sacrificial giving of His own life/blood on every believer's behalf. Lev 17:11 is the Old Testament’s central statement about the significance of blood in the sacrificial system. God, speaking to Moses...
  8. G

    We need to be praying for peoples' struggles, not just our own, not just for a moment

    Hi there! So I could explain where I got the inspiration for this, but suffice it to say that a woman of great faith explained that her daughter had a condition and nothing could explain why, but God. The lesson I learned from this, was that even if I had a completely different condition to the...
  9. EtainSkirata

    Struggling with same sex attraction

    Hello, I've battled SSA for about 14 years now. I've never had a girlfriend, never kissed a girl, but it's an attraction that I've been aware of for a long time. Sometimes it's barely a passing thought, but lately I've been acutely aware of the issue. I feel as though I have to police my brain...
  10. BrotherJJ


    KJV Dictionary Definition: JUSTIFICATION; In theology, remission of sin and absolution from guilt and punishment; or an act of free grace by which God pardons the sinner and accepts him as righteous, on account of the atonement of Christ. (MY PARSING of KJ dictionary: ABSOLUTION from GUILT &...
  11. aiki

    Harold And The Old Lady

    He'd prayed the same thing for days now, and had determined that this would be the very last time he would ever pray this prayer. "God make me love you," Harold pleaded, head bowed, eyes squeezed shut and every fiber of his being quivering with intent. "I really mean it, God. I want you to make...
  12. G

    I was in despair, "how can I be saved, once and for all?" then I saw Heavenly Word:

    Hi there, I was in despair, saying to myself "how can I be saved, once and for all?" because it seemed that there was no end to my sin - only more repentance, without end... and I saw this Heavenly Word on the images page of a search for immutable mercy: ...and I realised, it is actually an...
  13. The Liturgist

    On The Sacrament Of Confession

    This sacrament has been of huge benefit to me. It has freed me from guilt, assisted me in bereavement following the death of my father, and delivered me from a lifelong irrational fear and hatred of hearses, among other spiritual benefits. There are two ways to do confession, the first being...
  14. G

    Believer, hear O believer: you are going to have to repent, to the end, to have been saved

    Hi there, So I have struggled with this so much, and I can save you time: it won't make a difference - your salvation - unless you repent to the end (you really must commit). This is the seed that brings forth a hundred, sixty and thirty fold - the seed that takes root, and goes beyond...
  15. G

    Christ grows more sensitive, to sin - not less!

    Hi there, So for all you backsliders out there, consider for a moment what you are really losing, when it comes to the Lord and sin. You are not surprising God, in turning from one sin to another and forgetting Him. There is no point at which God says "I have been mindful of sin, but now as the...
  16. G

    Trip or gimmick? Commit your life to the Holy Spirit??

    Hi there! So we have a demonic tradition, that we sacrifice ourselves to Christ and "give our life" to Him - when what we should be doing is confessing - and then we "make Him" Lord - when what we should be doing is taking up or cross: that's fine (as long as we are not forcing others to do...
  17. G

    Questions about Confession

    Hello, I'm exploring Eastern Orthodoxy and have a question for "real" EOCs. I read that many EOCs only go to confession a few times a year. What is the Church's belief about what happens if a person dies with unconfessed sin? (For example, tomorrow morning you yell at your spouse or kids, and...
  18. Andrewn

    What is confession?

    This question is NOT for Catholics or Orthodox. The Bible recommends confession of sins: Jam 5:16 So confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, in order that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is able to do much because it is effective. 1Jo 1:9 If we confess...
  19. Christsfreeservant

    Fellowship in The Spirit

    “This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.” 1 John 1:5-6 ESV The message the apostles heard was given to them...
  20. Christsfreeservant

    Easy Believism

    “…because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.” Rom. 10:9-10 ESV I believe this passage of scripture in...