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  1. N

    Is this a sign from God? Or am I just crazy??

    (Long post, but I need to know that I'm not just crazy here lmao ) So first off, I've been agnostic most of my life...but as of a couple years ago, I'm not so sure anymore and am pretty positive God exists because of this thing my phone did, which I'll explain below...
  2. ashleyn90

    Genesis 1

    Hi everyone, I am embarrassed to ask this but I am having problems understanding Genesis 1. Would someone please clarify it for me? On the first day, God created light. However, on the fourth day, God created the sun, the moon, and the stars. Would light not be the sun? I am really...
  3. Karin12414

    Tech Advice for New Youth Worship Leader

    Hello all, I just started as the Youth Worship Leader at my Church. It has been pretty great so far, but we have run into an issue with some of our more outdated equipment. I am pretty Music Save, but when it comes to the equipment and technical sides, I am very much a beginner lol Do any of...
  4. anne97

    Best way to acquaint yourself with the bible?

    The bible is a big book and it's safe to say I'm a bit lost... What is the best way to read the bible? How can I get started studying the bible? And what are the advantages of starting with a certain book? I'm not sure if I should just start at Genesis or somewhere else. And are there any tools...
  5. Olivia C

    Hello everyone!!

    Hi all, I am just returning to my faith after turning my back on god 5 years ago. I regret turning my back on him and I am fully committed to building a strong relationship with him. I hope that this forum will be able to help me on my journey towards a stronger faith. I hope you all have a...
  6. sam_august_92

    A Little Help For A Newb

    Hi, I'm not Christian but respect and enjoying learning about all faiths. I've got a pretty basic question so please forgive me if it's been asked many times before! I'm also going to paraphrase a little bit on my understanding so please be patient if I over simplify. So in the beginning; 1...
  7. MatalicPebble

    I don't know where to start

    Side note: This is a little more of a "hey whats the next step," than it is an "oh dang it, my first thread out in the open failed." I reread it and noticed the angle I wrote it was more of a blog post. I think it was also due to the type of music and culture I was bringing up. EDM and disco in...