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armenian apostolic church

  1. The Liturgist

    Prayers for the Orthodox and fellow Christians in Syria

    All Christians in Syria, such as our Antiochian, Syriac and Armemian brethren and our friends in the Melkite, Syriac and Latin Catholic churches are in immediate danger due to the country having been taken over by an Islamist movement which has a history of persecuting Christians. Through the...
  2. T

    The Different Beliefs (Unlimited Atonement vs Limited Atonement)

    Hello siblings, I will first start by stating that I believe in unlimited atonement. I came across an article: https://davidtay81.wordpress.com/2012/03/11/the-church-fathers-on-limited-atonement/ This article quotes early Church members, and some of these quotes seem to hint that limited...
  3. dzheremi

    Coptic and Indian Orthodox praying together in Israel, chanting a Greek text with Coptic melodies

    In case you're ever told that we OO exist for ethnic chauvinism reasons... :D See also: Ethiopian Orthodox prayer in the monastery of St. Bishoy, Wadi El Natrun, Egypt HH Ignatius Aphrem II of the Syriac Orthodox Church attends and prays at Holy Etchmiadzin, the mother Church of Armenia...
  4. dzheremi

    US lawmakers recognize killing of Armenians as genocide

    The US House of Representatives adopted a resolution on Tuesday, officially recognizing the mass killing of Armenians by the Ottoman Empire from 1915 to 1917 as genocide. Similar measures had been introduced in both chambers of the US Congress for decades, but never passed due to concerns of a...
  5. dzheremi

    "Christ is born and revealed!" -- Armenian celebration of the Nativity and Epiphany today, January 6

    "Hisoos dzunav yev haytnetsav!", as they say according to the Armenian tradition, which keeps the very old practice of celebrating the Nativity and Epiphany on the same day. And today is that blessed and holy day! Let us glorify Him Who is born and revealed! Khorhoort medz yev uhskanchelee...
  6. dzheremi

    The Sunrise Worship Service of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church

    From Armenian Youtube user Kristapor Aintabtsi (for those of us like me who don't speak or read Armenian, he left these helpful comments to explain the video): And on the Cathedral in which this glorious and holy service is filmed: How sweet it is! It truly is a foretaste of heaven. God...