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  1. S

    Please Help? How Do I Fully Surrender My Life to God and Leave My Old Ways Behind

    I’ve spent a lot of time in my younger years studying the Bible, and after a long period away from faith, I’ve recently returned to it with renewed focus. My studies have especially centered around topics like Satan, demons, music, hypnosis (likely a reason I fell away from faith for a while)...
  2. S

    From Heavy Metal to Faith & Believing

    Hello. I’d like to share my story and introduce myself. Short Story: I was raised with the teachings of the Seventh-day Adventists but became deeply involved in heavy metal music, sin, and destructive behaviors. After a difficult period of emptiness and depression, I encountered God's word...
  3. Christsfreeservant

    Heavy Burdens

    A story of Depression Heavy burdens hard to bear Many idols not to wear Many lives are in despair Feel life treats them so unfair Not the way they hoped life be Happy, and from troubles free Slipped a mickey in their drink And from there their lives did sink Walked away from what was true...
  4. Through the Shadow

    Here is My Born Again Christian Testimony

    Hello all! I finally got around to making a testimony video. I am putting it here in case anyone wants to watch! THANK YOU JESUS FOR GIVING MY SOUL REST! Trigger warning: I talk about alcohol, depression and suicidal thoughts.
  5. J

    Struggles with pornography and alcohol, and mental illness

    I suffer from incredibly debilitating mental illness. I have what are called "intrusive thoughts", that is blasphemous, self harming, or otherwise generally disturbing thoughts that never go away. I feel very alone and trapped in this, it has made me ill and started to affect my life to a point...
  6. E Hess

    A Few Things to Discuss (A Bit Long)

    The SDA Church This is something that I've not been able to understand personally. Why do many people consider SDA to be a cult? I grew up in the church and the beliefs are different, though many people have different beliefs hence why we have so many different denominations. Although I do...
  7. Bacey92

    Everyone's opinion on alcohol??

    Hi everyone, I would like to hear everyone's opinion on alcohol? if drinking of any alcohol allowed? as well as what "appearance of sin" is? in the biblical, Godly sense Thank you
  8. pantingdeer

    How to not be lonely

    I am quite a lonely person and I’m very shy in general. I find it hard to speak to people for the first time and so there’s many people I see everyday who I’ve never spoken too - is this odd or normal? I still have a couple of friends from when I was at school but I hardly see them anymore since...
  9. E

    Is husband controlling??

    I want some real non biased truthful opinions here. I really want to get to the truth of what is healthy and what is not. My husband and I were both raised in Christian homes, though still very differently. He was brought up extremely fundamentalist. No movies, no dancing, no alcohol. I was...
  10. pantingdeer

    Is it ok for christians to go to nightclubs

    I feel like I've really missed out on experiences at university to make friends. I don't drink, talk to women, have good friends. What are your thoughts on going to nightclubs and having a drink or two to become more social and meet new people?
  11. F

    Bible condones poisoning yourself with ethanol?

    I drank that horrendous, lethal poison for the second time in my life last night. It is ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING! First it felt kind of good, but memorizing that, it was more about losing self-control than being happy. I possibly lost my reputation by sending drunken messages to everyone, in the...
  12. DavidAnderson1985

    A New(?) Argument Against Drinking Alcohol--Any Good Challenges?

    I believe drinking alcohol is not a sin (that is important to remember), but Christians should not drink, should actively encourage the church community to refrain from drinking, and would do well to restrict the use of alcohol as much as possible in their surrounding communities. This is the...
  13. SummerMadness

    Officer shoots, kills armed security guard outside south suburban bar

    Officer shoots, kills armed security guard outside south suburban bar
  14. SummerMadness

    Girl killed while looking for help after surviving dad's drunk-driving crash

    Girl killed while looking for help after surviving dad's drunk-driving crash, police say
  15. D

    Brief life story... how do I grow in my walk

    Hello! I recently found this forum and have been hooked reading testimonies and advice. A little intro on me.. I'm a 30 year homeschool/sahm. I have four beautiful amazing children. I've been married for close to 7 years with my husband. Foreward: I don't ever remember anyone talking about God...
  16. stardreamer

    Broke Up Due to Alcohol

    Last night my boyfriend ended our relationship because of his drinking habits. He said he didn't want to get me upset anymore by drinking even though he loved me. And that he didn't want to lie to me by saying that he drank less or wasn't drinking. But he also justified his drinking and said...
  17. C

    Teetotaling Family Issues

    A bit of background: Neither of my parents ever drank when I was growing up. My grandparents were alcoholics before becoming Christians, and my parents were united in rejecting alcohol on that basis, along with growing up in a strict Pentecostal church. As a result, I was very fearful of...
  18. Celebrating With A Medieval Drink

    Celebrating With A Medieval Drink

    I went to confession today, both, because I had committed several mortal sins, and because have been having a really hard time with anger issues this week. After I went, I felt really great, and even though I struggled with temptations at first, I clung tightly to Our Blessed Mother, and...
  19. MDuce

    Merry Christmas and a question

    Merry Christmas to all of you. My best whishes in this blessed day. A question (I'm afraid this is not the right place for this question but I don't know which is): the bread dipped in wine shared in Orthodox's ceremonies has alcohol? Is that wine alcoholic? I do not mean the Eucharist but...
  20. J

    How intoxicated does one need to be, in order for it to be sinful?

    Hey everyone, At dinner tonight, I decided to try a Bourbon. Afterwards, I have been a bit clumsy, and a tad more absent-minded and loose in thoughts. I think I'm okay, but I just want to ask, how intoxicated does one have to be, in order for it to be sinful?