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Search results

  1. J

    The people in my church are not singing!!!

    Worshipping God in Spirit and truth comes from knowing how Glorious and wonderful He is that one cannot help but raise their hands and voices in worship of Him. Like think about someone you love in life and see them as good and beautiful, or even just a piece of art and you are singing their...
  2. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I did have one more thing afterall. I didn't look into the other Christian black metal music because the first one felt like opening the door to negative energy and i did not see Christ nature in it, so i closed and locked the door. As Jesus said, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord your God." I...
  3. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    It was a short vision, but with the finer details it went like this: i saw a leg and all of a sudden a roach came from what may have been under it, but unsure, just remember it looking that way, and it began to crawl on the leg. At the end i recognized the leg as a female leg and honestly can't...
  4. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    The difference i see with the dream here is that the dreamer knew his life, even if just spiritual life, was in danger and cried out for help. And he received it as He was able to rouse out of it. And he closed, and believe he said locked the door to what he sensed as danger. If that was...
  5. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Forgot to mention that during that time she did have a lot of meltdowns with several trips to the hospital. She can still get that way, but as far as i know it is much fewer and far between, and it is more about obsessive compulsions.
  6. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    This is a long story, but i would tell her mom what the Lord was showing me and she didn't seem to take it too seriously as the things were things she knew already, she was just challenged on how to resolve it. Yet i felt if the Lord was pointing them out, He was bringing attention to it for a...
  7. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    It belonged to someone i know that the Lord can often use in my dreams to represent the body of Christ, although this was a vision. I just don't care to see symbolism as set in stone. I realize He can mix it up so we don't become dependant on ourselves for interp. And we know He created...
  8. J

    God gives us the power to choose

    Believe i replied here already and keep finding myself at the end so can't read original post, but I'll go by title and say, Yes, God gives us the power to choose. The problem with fallen man is he gravitates to the fallen nature. Pulled that way. So we have the power to choose, but not well...
  9. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Hoping we can get more on the three men. I had some thoughts on what they may represent, but nothing substantial. Things I'd prayerfully consider is if you can relate the feelings you had at seeing them and not wanting to let them in. If you can relate it to anything in your waking life. And...
  10. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I also believe that the actions of your father in the dream shows that he really does care for you and wants to comfort you. Parents are human and make mistakes too. It's easier to be more understanding when we get older and see our own weaknesses and mistakes. Another take on the parents...
  11. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Hey Steven. If you don't mind I'd like to try and help you with this one, and you can prayerfully ponder with the Lord. The heart attack may speak of in danger of losing your heart. Not real heart, but like your heart becoming hardened You are aware that you are in serious danger of dying, the...
  12. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Lord i love this one. Let our faith arise ...
  13. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Have a little time this afternoon to just say to thr IDK what this means, These things can take time to be revealed. It can be as i said i believe, something unclean, or maybe it is a confirmation regarding the mental state you are currently in, or both, Or none of the above. And maybe it...
  14. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I know others diagnosed with schiz. I see them as very sensitive to the spiritual realm so they do need to be careful what they see and listen to. God can show you dor your situation. I have a relative diagnosed with autism and when she was young I'd get concerned of all the time she spent on...
  15. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    Just remember the devil knows scripture too and he often uses it, but the Lords spirit in us can help us what spirit is in operation. One of my favorite examples of this is the girl with a spirit of divination that followed the apostle paul and his companion proclaiming that they were the...
  16. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    So i didn't have a dream last night ... Can't remember which one thought i would, but before i went to bed i claimed the blood of Jesus over my life and home. This morning, i did have a vision of a single roach crawling on a leg. I believe the roach represents things (or possibly something as...
  17. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    This is the original song i purchased the dvd for. Still love it so ... I have dreams all the time from the Lord, and quite a few involving witches and they always go running at the name of Jesus. And not saying you are a witch. I'm not afraid in case that is your game. And I'm not going...
  18. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I didn't use profanity, but i did use the dictation feature on my phone. It doesn't always understand me. It's possible it put the wrong word in there so i apologize if i was off. I'm not listening to anymore because it really felt like an open door to hell. Call me close minded. I suspect you...
  19. J

    Story, had a dream I died and went to hell

    I didn't use profanity, but i did use the dictation feature on my phone. It doesn't always understand me. It's possible it put the wrong word in there so i apologize if i was off. I'm not listening to anymore because it really felt like an open door to hell. Call me close minded. I suspect you...