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  1. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    I believe the millenium is definitely real and is most definitely not symbolic its the last day of the creation that began with Noah. Love and Peace Dave
  2. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi these words come to mind ‭2 Timothy 2:14 ESV‬ [14] Remind them of these things, and charge them before God not to quarrel about words, which does no good, but only ruins the hearers. So shall we get back to Gods sabbath rest which I believe is a...
  3. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Diomond7 thank you for your post but I prefer to believe the word of God over the word of man and Gods word says Gen 7:19 And the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth; and all the high hills, that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Seams pretty clear to me the flood was...
  4. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Diomond7 thank you for your reply not much of what you say can be backed up by scripture and everything created before the flood was destroyed in the flood except for everything on the ark. The first Adam was destroyed in the flood there was no man in the image of God so God began to creat...
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    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Sabbathblessing thank you for your reply we can agree to dis agree but please do not misquote me I have never said creation was a 1000 years long what I have said is creation of man in Gods image is 7 days long and each day is a 1000 years long. Everything God created before the flood was...
  6. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Sabbathblessing thank you for your reply you What I am saying is neither verse uses the word Sabbath or 1000 years or future Sabbath rest. Thats the claim you made, but it's not what the scriptures say They don't have to say those things I base then on my interpritation of God creating man...
  7. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Sabbathblessing thank you for your reply but the verses i have provided mean exactly what they say if you have a better explanation please give it Heb 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he...
  8. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Sabbathblessing thank you for your reply I am not talking of the weekly sabbath I am talking of the fathers sabbath rest which is a future event. Jhn 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work So if the Father and Son were working up to the time of Christ when do...
  9. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi so lets put this thread back on track Gods sabbath rest which I believe is Christs millennial when he will reign for a thousand years one day with God everything is given to Christ to finish the creation The Father steps back and takes a well earned rest. So the millenium is Gods sabbath rest...
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    Man in the image of God

    Hi thank you all for your replies interesting reading so was the first and last Adam created in the same way we know the last Adam thats Jesus Christ will look like at his second coming he will be the Head of his body a whole multitude of believers so was the first Adam created in the same way...
  11. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Sabbathblessing you asked What is love to God according to scripture Love is the greatest power in the universe God is Love, love will eradicate all evil in the world Love and Peace Dave
  12. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Sabbathblessing thank you for your reply as for Christs rest I don't think he had one Heb 4:8 For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. Heb 4:9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God. Heb 4:10 For he that is entered into...
  13. D

    Man in the image of God

    Hi so what dose man in the image of God look like God tells us what he looks like Hos 11:1 When Israel was a child, then I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt So if Israel is Gods son then he would look like his father so it seams man in the image of God is not one man but a whole...
  14. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Sabbathblessing thank you for your reply Gods sabbath rest is the seventh day of creation eb 4:4 For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works. As I have said many times before the creation of man in the image of God in...
  15. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi him thank you for your reply as far as I can see there is only one rest for God the Father and that can only be Christ's millennial reign the last day of creation the Father will resume work after the millennium when he will create a new heaven and earth. Love and Peace Dave
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    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Studland thank you for your reply not sure what point your trying to make you said You are taking Heb. 4 out of context by claiming that it was written to justify despising God's Judgments, or polluting God's Sabbaths WHen did I ever claim these things the only thing I have said is Christs...
  17. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Diomond7 thank you for you reply the point I was trying make was it makes no difference if we are alive or dead when Christ begins his millennial reign if we are dead we will be raised up if we are alive we will be changed. Of course it matters to our loved ones if we live or die the same...
  18. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Him thank you for your reply if I have taken Hebrews 4 out of context please tell me what the context should be the way I see it Gods sabbath rest is a future event which we can enter into. Love and Peace Dave
  19. D

    Gods sabbath rest

    Hi Diomond7 thank you for your reply dose not matter if you are alive or dead if you are dead you will be raised up as a spiritual being if you are alive you will be changed into a spiritual being. There are two resurrection the first at the beginning of the millenium this is the resurrection of...