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Search results

  1. P

    Can some be predestined and others have free will

    We all have free will. When looked from Gods timeless perspective it seems we don’t but that perspective is quite much more complex and beyond our comprehension. The fact that God can see our future does not mean He intervenes with our free will. Bible says God is love and love requires free...
  2. P

    Cross Dressing

    It is always important to be aware that God is good and He loves us. He did not say those things to please himself but for his peoples sake, for our own good. Just look at society now, it is a mess and people getting more and more depressed.
  3. P

    How to know that it is God talking to you - an example.

    I was depressed and I cried to God that please Father let me feel your love. Next day a drunken guy I knew a little needed a lift. He knew I am a beliver and started t cry and asked why you help a guy like me. After dropping him off I just realized God had answered me. You will not just receive...
  4. P

    A bad place

    You will come out of this and you will have deep understanding of yourself and others in same condition. This i say in the name of Jesus.
  5. P

    A bad place

    a practical advice. I suffered from depression for years and started getting up little by little after changing my diet and lifestyle. I started to eat lots of salad, whole meat/chicken/fish, no bread, no sweets, no junk foods, no sweetened beverages. In addition to that some light excercise...
  6. P

    It’s All Good!

    I can testify indeed that He turns everything to good. But rest assured that your mistakes will still be mistakes and hurt hurts but it will all draw you closer to God. When the three guys in Old Testament were pushed to hot oven they had Jesus with them and the fire did not burn them. They did...
  7. P

    North Korea conducts first "nuclear trigger" simulation drills, state media says

    Yes it could be kind of hilarious. If it would not make north koreans life so miserable.
  8. P

    What will happen to Christians who reject the Sabbath?

    Sabbath is made for us to let us rest. It is set by our Father who loves us and wants best for us.
  9. P

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    Again you are repeating the words of forced narrative and it is very different from unbiased history that can be verified from independent news agencies and sources. Russia started bombing innocent civilians who posed no threat. In your narrative NATO is a threat then why nato seems more like...
  10. P

    The Land Plan

    Russia facing superior foe will end the war
  11. P

    Absolute proof.. can't deny.. the earth is flat

    When I go to our lake the bottom part of boats are under horizon a few miles away. Very simple way to verify roundness of earth with that method.
  12. P

    This is interesting. GPS errors on the Finland Russia border.

    Russia uses every method available to bring instability to west. Every small bit helps. This is what they do.
  13. P

    North Korea conducts first "nuclear trigger" simulation drills, state media says

    Life is getting boring in Kim’s sandbox so he wants to create some war
  14. P

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    That narrative comes from Russia where you go to jail for not agreeing. Free press from free speech countries tell more likely true. If you want to compare news from different agencies check ground news which lets you that. But your narrative is in line with Russian narrative which comes from...
  15. P

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    There is absolutely no doubt when you ask yourself: do I believe news from multiple independent sources under countries with free speech, free press and democracy or do I believe sources from countries where wrong opinions get you to jail or death row. Why even bother explaining Russian...
  16. P

    Nuclear Strike "most likely" Coming!

    Ukraine tries to fight back but west says it is not allowed. They can just defend but not too much to actually restore their homeland. This is like a boxing match where other side is free to punch with no rules and other side is taking punches hands tied behind back, being patched up as fight...
  17. P

    The Pro Palestinian protests and news thread

    Interesting detail: pro palestinian activists claim Israel is doing this and that, shooting people getting food or killing hospital people or whatever. Same time there are complaints that reporters are not let to Gaza. Where do these activists get their detailed information? Nobody cares, just...
  18. P

    The Pro Palestinian protests and news thread

    Why nobody is protesting against real genocides happening in the world. This is not a thread for it but it kind of makes Palestine issue more bizarre. was is in Ethiopia where body count is hundreds of thousands or even millions?
  19. P

    Israel-Hamas Thread II

    Israel and Jews has been the target of Arab hatred since 1920s. It has been going on until this day. A dozen times has Israel given their trust to the Arabs but every time they have been met with violence. Israel just wants to live. On the other hand Hamas has a signed declaration to destroy...
  20. P

    Russia is ready to “swallow” Europe whole?

    As a born again Christian believer I understand also that the conflict and its parties are led by secular parties and the whole mess is a disaster for every side and something that should not ever exist. Therefore commenting on it is kind of waste of time but interesting debate anyway.