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Search results

  1. EverydayBread

    Relationship Advice: Re-Marriage

    That is complicated. We know that Jesus said that whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. But in my opinion, this commandment is meant to discuss divorces in a larger perspective. Think about it, someone could just remarry, divorce, remarry, divorce, remarry etc. Why would God allow...
  2. EverydayBread

    Can one demon fraudulently cast out another demon?

    I ran across this one, and I thought it would have a lot of wisdom on this topic. Mark 9:38-42 38 Now John answered Him, saying, "Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us." 39 But Jesus said, "Do not forbid...
  3. EverydayBread

    Do I have a spiritual gift?

    Hey, come on. 1 Corinthians 13, the one you quote, let's see it further. Why be so impatient? After all, this is a Christian forum, and we all believe in the same Lord, so please let's be respectful and not accusive. 1 Corinthians 13 1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but...
  4. EverydayBread

    What if God's plan for your life isn't what you really want or isnt motivating at all.

    Yes, I apologize, of course, God can bless financially. But love of money is different than to simply gain wealth because of God's blessing. There are greedy desires behind the prosperity gospel. We are told not to love the things of this world, because our treasure is in heaven. That is why I...
  5. EverydayBread

    My OCD madea prayer to God against my wishes for something I really dont want, will he answer it?

    Hello! I am just wondering, how can OCD give prayers? My dear, you are a person that God loves, and He knows everything. OCD is nothing compared to the love God has for you. If you prayed for something you think is messed up and you don't want it, God knows all of this. And why would He answer...
  6. EverydayBread

    Do I have a spiritual gift?

    Hello! You don't believe there are prophesies anymore? That's fine. But how do you think the Holy Spirit works in the church in our day and age? If we don't have gifts, which God gave us so we could serve Him the best, how exactly are some chosen to be leaders and others ministers? And sure...
  7. EverydayBread

    What if God's plan for your life isn't what you really want or isnt motivating at all.

    Hello. I'm sorry but that's a ridiculous claim. To preach prosperity gospel and gain wealth? What world do we live in...? The Bible tells us that the love of money is root of all evil. But of course some are very self-centered and like to do these things and gain money and buy their mansions...
  8. EverydayBread


    You would like to be released from..? Oh my goodness, you will be released from them! God's Spirit, which dwells amongst us believers, works in our hearts. And just keep repenting (don't give up), also don't give room to the enemy by falling over to vain things. Remember that God is powerful...
  9. EverydayBread

    Do I have a spiritual gift?

    Hi. The symptoms do sound like anxiety or maybe anxiety disorder. I don't indeed believe in coincidence, because God knows everything and He is Alpha and Omega. But still before these things happening you don't know what will happen, so I don't see how could it be useful to have this kind of...
  10. EverydayBread

    Help, I need some serious mental help

    Hello!! If you need mental help, don't be afraid to seek therapy or counsel. Speaking with a professional is really helpful. Have you told your caretakers and/or your close friends about your state of mind? I know it is sometimes hard for them to understand or have the capacity to handle the...
  11. EverydayBread

    Like attracts like

    "The Universe" doesn't give us anything. As christians, believing this kind of belief is just weird. Because God is the one who has everything in His hands, the whole universe. He created the whole universe and us, so He is the one charge of our lives after all. But we are the ones making...
  12. EverydayBread

    How do are you supposed to feel before and during witnessing to someone?

    Hello! I totally understand your concern. We as christians are excited to share something that we feel so blessed about. And I am sure, a lot of people who aren't christians are very interested to hear us. Of course, because we are not forcing anyone to listen! For example for a few times...
  13. EverydayBread

    Why do we have dreams, and do they have meaning?

    I believe it is very possible, because God speaks to us in different ways. During dreaming we are most available, not by our phones, doing work or studying or being distracted.... Personally I feel that God has spoken to me due to few dreams in my lifetime. Maybe you feel this way too? If you...
  14. EverydayBread

    Should I use a smartphone or not?

    This feels like a deeper issue than using an iPhone. Make sure to pray and seek whether the ways of your heart are pure, as I'm sure you already do . If you have a conviction about not using phone, and you can live without it, you should do it. But nowadays living without phone is impossible...
  15. EverydayBread

    Can/should a Christian have meaningful friendships with non-Christians? What limits should there be with non-Christian friendships?

    How else can we understand another person, unless we are close to them 'as a friend'? Wasn't Jesus said to be the friend of sinners, even though He did not sin? We are all sinners, therefore we are not better than anyone we see on the street. We have messed up and fallen short, just as badly or...
  16. EverydayBread

    Am I guilty of covetousness?

    Well, wanting what SOMEONE ELSE has, but it is his/her, not yours. We want many things, like marriage, children, home to live in, we want to go to meet Jesus... These are not covetousness.
  17. EverydayBread

    Fears of playing musical instruments

    No, you got it wrong, my friend. In the Bible it reads, whatever you do, do it to the Lord! So when you play or sing you do it for the glory of God right? 1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:26 and Psalm 24:1 The...
  18. EverydayBread

    Did God...

    People have commented here very well. But just in case you want Bible verses for an answer, I have a few in my pocket. Remember always that Bible as a whole is full of advice and commands on how we should live our life accordance with God's will! About our lifestyle as a christian: Colossians...
  19. EverydayBread

    Well yes we do actually. In our church we remembered to pray for Turkish and Syrian people. So...

    Well yes we do actually. In our church we remembered to pray for Turkish and Syrian people. So, maybe it is just in your church this was not done? God sees all and everything. We are just as evil, just as sinful, just as forgiven as they are there... And what comes to fasting, yes, fasting...
  20. EverydayBread

    . Because the Spirit and flesh work contrary to each other. Flesh desires food, so in fasting we...

    . Because the Spirit and flesh work contrary to each other. Flesh desires food, so in fasting we don't eat, or at least not so much.......... But maybe if fasting gives you more anxiety or stress, you should maybe deal with those first, and when you are stronger, you could fast? But if you are...