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Search results

  1. F

    Favorite "Christian" bands?

    I'm not sure if they were mentioned yet but I really enjoy 33 Miles music.
  2. F

    Hello again

    Not new to the forums, but been gone for quite awhile. My relationship with God has been getting weaker and less active, so I am coming back as I would like to build my relationship with God as much as I can. Just wanted to say hello before I begin browsing around. God Bless
  3. F

    Hello everyone!

    Hi everyone I use to use this site every day, but I got out of it a while ago. Hopefully I'll use it more now to grow my faith with everyone here. Seems like a lot has changed since I was here last. Looks good though!
  4. F

    A question

    Try reading different versions of the Bible. You may find one you can understand easier.
  5. F

    What do Christians mean by "putting God first"

    Simple, putting God first would mean you would do what God wants you to do, regardless of what your family, friends and even you yourself would want to do.
  6. F


    I agree with this as well.
  7. F


    I agree. Just because your friends are dating does not mean you have to. Trust in God and He will guide you.
  8. F

    Are you having a good day today?

    Yes, Praise God!!!
  9. F

    Am I being unfair here? Should I be leery of politicians in general?

    The government talks the talk quite often. But I don't see much of the walk the walking.
  10. F

    Does school honestly prepare/help young kids for life???

    What bothers me most is when people begin to use your grades and the classes you take to determine what type of person you are or will become. Just because someone is not good in school does not make them a bad person, nor do grades say anything about us. They are simply letters.
  11. F

    Does school honestly prepare/help young kids for life???

    Be honest here, does school really help prepare kids for what they will face in the future? I find there is a huge lack of hands on in schools today. There is little to no education based on things such as filing taxes, preparing for a job interview, stuff of that nature. For some reason we are...
  12. F

    Gossip or defending ethics?

    I feel she was discriminated against. You are doing the right thing standing up for her. And God Bless you. Great choice to leave the team, due to you not feeling right about it. Stand up for what you believe. God Bless
  13. F

    Am I being unfair here? Should I be leery of politicians in general?

    I feel that the US goverment is a huge mess, and I really care 0% about it at all. Just my opinion. God Bless
  14. F

    Have race relation at least in the US, REALLY gotten worse?

    I'm not sure if its gotten worse, being that I'm still young. However, I do feel that it is very unnecessary when people use race as an excuse or something of that nature. I believe race should never determine what jobs you get or who your friends are or what sport you play.
  15. F

    School and God

    Very true. I do appreciate how I am blessed to go to a safe school and go to school at that matter.
  16. F

    Answer a question with a question (3)

    What is it that they did not have?
  17. F

    How would you handle a Christian video game?

    Very interesting idea, Disney Dude. God Bless
  18. F

    School and God

    Actually, worship and prayer, and God's help has gotten me very far in life. God Bless