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Search results

  1. ViaCrucis

    Trump EO eliminates Birthright Citizenship; 18 states and civil rights organizations sue to stop implementation, pointing to the 14th Amendment

    What made him evil? Hitler isn't evil because his name is "Adolf Hitler". It's things he believed, said, and did--those are what constitute evil. Should it be concerning when someone says things, and seemingly believes things, that sound a lot like what certain evil people in the past did...
  2. ViaCrucis

    Trump EO eliminates Birthright Citizenship; 18 states and civil rights organizations sue to stop implementation, pointing to the 14th Amendment

    At what point does one actually become "like Hitler"? Is a comparison ever possible by any metric? Because, like, when someone says Hitlery things, I don't know, "Hey, that kinda seems Hitlery" seems like it's probably a fair assessment? -CryptoLutheran
  3. ViaCrucis

    Is loving God a work?

    Context is a good thing. He also said, "Take up your cross and follow Me". Hint: crosses aren't known for being pleasant. -CryptoLutheran
  4. ViaCrucis

    Is loving God a work?

    Name someone who doesn't struggle with forgiving people, or struggle with loving others. Other than Jesus of course. I'll give you a twenty dollar bill for every person you mention for whom this is actually true. -CryptoLutheran
  5. ViaCrucis

    Canada follows Mexico -- tariffs paused for 30 days

    Why would a company buy domestic at a higher cost than imported? If it is still cheaper to buy imported even with the tariffs, then what's the incentive to buy domestic? If our industries don't have enough domestic materials and need to supplement domestic materials with imported materials...
  6. ViaCrucis

    Trump Considers big cuts to the Department of Education

    Well maybe lil Suzy should be learnin how to fold clothes, while Jimmy gets to the mines. Oh, sure, perhaps if ma 'n pa gots the time they can teach 'em some countin--but don't be learnin too much. Too much learnin will get to your head ya see. Then you be gettin into them books and who knows...
  7. ViaCrucis

    Trump EO eliminates Birthright Citizenship; 18 states and civil rights organizations sue to stop implementation, pointing to the 14th Amendment

    Section I of the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge...
  8. ViaCrucis

    Trump Considers big cuts to the Department of Education

    I'm glad. Kids should be working the coal mines, not doing them book learnins. -CryptoLutheran
  9. ViaCrucis

    Canada follows Mexico -- tariffs paused for 30 days

    Yeah, but they didn't start doing it until after the November election. Obviously that's a Trump win. My car insurance didn't pay to fix my car until after the November election, that's obviously thanks to Donald Trump. Even though it was in December when my car got hit, and that's why my...
  10. ViaCrucis

    Canada follows Mexico -- tariffs paused for 30 days

    The tariff was never going to hurt Canada as much as it hurts the US. How do people not get that tariffs hurt the importers? A tariff is a expenditure added to the importing of foreign goods, it is paid by the importer. If an American company is paying 2.99 on an item from X country, and then a...
  11. ViaCrucis

    Three persons... One God..

    Is there something I can clarify from my earlier post? -CryptoLutheran
  12. ViaCrucis

    Three persons... One God..

    Using analogies for the Trinity is a double-edged sword, usually they end up getting things very wrong. The analogy of states of matter has the unfortunate consequence of leading us toward a non-Trinitarian view of God--toward a Modalistic view; a singular Divine Being who, looks like this way...
  13. ViaCrucis

    Is loving God a work?

    Faith is God's gift and work, faith is extra nos, from outside ourselves ("not of yourselves, it is the gift of God" of Ephesians 2:8). Faith working through love is the appropriation of the faith we receive put into action. Without faith we could not love (at least, not the sort of love which...
  14. ViaCrucis

    Is loving God a work?

    Yes. Love is a work that is brought forth out of the newness of life we receive in Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit. Or as St. John puts it, "We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19). St. John reminds us also that God is, Himself, love; and so love is a reflection of God; in...
  15. ViaCrucis


    Obviously not. That expression is foreign to me. My faith doesn't make Christ's atonement effective; Christ suffered and died, the just for the unjust. That happened. Period. Full Stop. Faith receives the already efficacious and finished work. The Cross stands where it stands, the One who...
  16. ViaCrucis


    Jesus "was delivered up for our trespasses, and raised up for our justification" -Romans 4:25 "Just as man is appointed to die once, and after that to face judgment, so also Christ was offered once to bear the sins of many; and He will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring...
  17. ViaCrucis


    There is a man on the street corner who has no food, he hasn't eaten in three days. You give him food. Is that just? In English justice and righteousness is the difference between Anglo-Saxon and Latin. In the Bible they are the same thing. Replace "justice" with "righteousness", replace...
  18. ViaCrucis


    And the case is true that, when we look at Luther's own writings, we see all of these motifs. The Atonement is multi-faceted. Christ took our place in death, He made satisfaction where we could not, and He has defeated the powers and principalities, He has defeated sin, death, hell, and the...
  19. ViaCrucis

    Oklahoma's Most "Un"Christian Christian legislative agenda

    "The homeless have to suffer because there are dangerous brown people afoot." -CryptoLutheran
  20. ViaCrucis

    Would you pray for Putin?

    I share your sentiments about Putin. And I know all to well the anxiety I experience seeing the hypocrisy in the Church today. Having said that, God does not desire the death of the wicked, but that the wicked repent and live. According to an ancient tradition associated with St. Mary...