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Search results

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    Pilgrim's Progress

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    Pilgrim's Progress

    Can anyone recommend a version of Pilgrim's Progress in modern English? I know there are children's versions, but they miss out so much detail and so much of the story. I know several people who have expressed an interest in reading the book, but English is their second language and I think they...
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    Any avid runners in here?

    I try to run for about 30 minutes 3 times a week. It doesn't always happen, but I do like listening to sermons while I run.
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    Anyone Read JI Packer's Knowing God?

    I was recommended to read it about 20 years ago but never got round to it. I bought a copy about 5 years ago and it sat on my shelf gathering dust until this summer. I'm now reading a chapter a day and can't imagine why it's taken me so long to start reading it. It's biblically based and argued...
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    The Disciple Jesus Loved

    Sorry, that just doesn't fit with the lists of disciples in any of the gospels. Don't you agree that Jesus loved more than one person?
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    The Disciple Jesus Loved

    It's John, as in the writer of the gospel. He was one of the 'sons of thunder' but became known as the apostle of love. I don't think that he refers to himself as 'the disciple whom Jesus loved' because he was loved more than the others, rather because he felt the love due to the transformation...
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    Divided family

    My sister and I are not close. Sometimes I feel like giving up on the relationship because it's always me that has to initiate any communication. However, it is my mum who is more often hurt by my sister's apparent desire to cut herself off from us. My mum has always been there for both of...
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    A Coat of Saint

    Very thought provoking. "Change my heart, O God! :amen:
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    Single's Scrabble (2)

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    when you feel depression coming on...

    It depends - I think the difference with the young children is that I end up being absorbed in what they are doing/keeping them happy, while just meeting with a friend can end up being a self-pity session. Friends who love unconditionally are in short supply where I live now.
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    What book are you reading right now?

    Started it yet? I've read it about 6 times. My favourite bit is about Doubting Castle.
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    Single's Scrabble (2)

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    when you feel depression coming on...

    A good 'quick cure' I've found is to visit a friend with young children. Being able to play with young children/read them a story/accept their unconditional love is a great way of distracting myself from my own problems. Fresh air and exercise are also good, but it's often hard to force myself...
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    What are you reading?

    Prayer by O'Hallesby.... about 20 years after it was first recommended to me!
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    Six letter word, that begins with the last letter of the last word (7)

    entire sorry - changed my last one when I realised I couldn't count...
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    First thing you think of! (2)
