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Search results

  1. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    I've seen a few. But I don't like doing things that drop my IQ, so I avoid it.
  2. C

    So....what's going on?

    Thanks Vis. Nice to see you here too!
  3. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    This is not Christian. Argue all you want. It's not.
  4. C

    MJ Only Chanukah and Oral Torah

    Funny, I don't really see Chanukah as part of the Oral Torah, but part of tradition nonetheless. I think (for me) it's easier to equate the Oral Torah as that which teaches us about the Torah or helps us live by it. Chanukah for me is outside of that definition, and is really a cultural...
  5. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    I don't want you to read my mind- I want you to read your BIBLE. Prayer, word, sacrament, good deeds- these are the pursuit of righteousness. If God commands us to go to war (as He once did), then of course it is the legitimate use for violent force. Likewise if He sees fit to destroy...
  6. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    If you don't know what pursuing righteousness means, then really, you need to get your spiritual house in order, brother. It's no wonder that you would fail to see the negativity of violence for entertainment.
  7. C

    So....what's going on?

    Interesting. I think I visited the Mishkan site a couple of times, but frankly, the whole thing is not really my kind of thing. It's not bad either, it's just....I don't know, let's just say that I prefer to do other things with my spare time these days.
  8. C

    So....what's going on?

    Yeah, I have been noting it. There is a direct correlation between the rise of anti-semitism and the influx of unvetted Middle-Eastern and other Muslim immigration. It's a shame really.
  9. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    Christians. We're here to pursue righteousness. Yes they are. MMA is not pillow fighting. I think the other posters on this thread have done a great job at answering this already.
  10. C

    So....what's going on?

    I know there were attempts to create new forums- but I can't remember them or anything. For a while it was tough to post here, but everything has a season.
  11. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    Seriously? Sanctification is not found in martial arts. Nor is justification (unless of course one is justifying their own urges to fight- or watch people fight in your case). We're here to grow spiritually, get ourselves in order and correct our fallen nature through intimacy with God in...
  12. C

    So....what's going on?

    Hey there! Of course I remember you. Anyway- get stuck into work on that book! You won't regret it. Enjoy the open door before you, and carpe diem!
  13. C

    So....what's going on?

    Both are true. I copped a very minor ban for a while, but I needed it. I realized I was investing too much time and energy on the forum. So I took it as a cue to take some time off and focus on life. Oh brother! Been there. I had one person in my last congregation speak against the church...
  14. C

    So....what's going on?

    Hey there....I can't recall much from those days, but thanks for saying hi and the compliment about my posts...not sure I am proud of all of them but what can I say? I'm human. :-)
  15. C

    So....what's going on?

    Well, to answer you and CherubRam, I've just been remarkably busy and working myself to near exhaustion this year. It's tough to juggle religious life and secular work, but that is the path I have chosen. I have a lot of extra responsibility these days, and finding time to be on the internet...
  16. C

    So....what's going on?

    Would love an email!
  17. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    Emotive reaction is the carnal urge to want to see a guy or girl get beaten up, and the worse, the better. Viewers cheer on who they want to see win, don't they? And winning is by the use of violence, is it not? Furthermore, a participant wants personal victory by beating up someone else...
  18. C

    Is watching Mixed Martial Arts wrong?

    FWIW, I think watching this kind of stuff is not terribly edifying and I know the emotive reaction is creates in its viewers. I would reconsider my meditation on this stuff if I was a regular viewer. It seems like the Christians who partake are also compromising in worldly values.
  19. C

    Sex Lessons From a Russian Jew?

    Better to get your advice on anything from the Bible. This was not a frum piece of advice.
  20. C

    So....what's going on?

    Hi Folks! Long time no see. Any news? How's the forum? Contra