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Search results

  1. comana

    Writing Groups

    Are you involved with a writing group/club? I just started meeting with one last night and I think it's going to be very good for my writing. The wealth of experience and talent is more than I could have imagined with many very successfully published, and I now have 30+ brains to pick...
  2. comana

    Heinz pulls mayonnaise ad over gay kiss furore

    The article has a link to the ad to view for yourselves. It seems quite obvious to me that this ad is not depicting a gay family and that some people are spending way too much time looking for the so called "gay adenda" in everything. And of course AFA has followed up with an action alert...
  3. comana

    Queen star hands in science PhD

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6929290.stm Good for him. :thumbsup:
  4. comana

    Armless, one-legged driver sentenced to prison

    Florida man to serve 5 years on felony drug, driving charges I guess he just really likes to drive.
  5. comana

    Ford recalls 3.6 million vehicles over switch

    Cruise control in more than a dozen models from ’92 to ’07 linked to fires http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20111687/
  6. comana

    Discredited Korean Embryonic Stem Cells' True Origins Revealed

    http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/08/070802121026.htm Another step forward in stem cell research. :cool:
  7. comana

    Workplace anger -- who wins?

    http://www.cnn.com/2007/LIVING/worklife/08/02/angry.men.women.reut/index.html Interesting and upsetting at the same time. Why the continued perception that women expressing anger is bad.
  8. comana

    Man mauled to death at Ving Rhames' homeStory Highlights

    http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/Movies/08/03/people.vingrhames.dog.ap/index.html :eek:
  9. comana

    Elvis’ teddy bear leaves building the hard way

    Guard dog rips head off Presley’s $75,000 toy in stuffed-animal rampage :D My dog could have done better (better at the destruction that is). ;)
  10. comana

    Mapusaurus roseae

    Huge meat-eating dinosaurs may have hunted in packs Linky Who can resist a giant carnivore. Enjoy. :cool:
  11. comana

    Huge meat-eating dinosaurs may have hunted in packs

    Very cool. :thumbsup: http://www.cnn.com/2006/TECH/science/04/17/big.dinosaur.ap/index.html
  12. comana

    Passions anyone?

    I started watching this show because it was too funny to stop. It's got to be the best parody of daytime soaps ever.
  13. comana

    Human fossils and the Flood

    Where are the human fossils from the flood? While proponents of Noah's flood spend much energy attempting to reconcile the fossil and geologic record with a literal Biblical interpretation, there is little speak of the glaring lack of modern human fossils. With the destruction of all but 8...
  14. comana

    Save the children...

    We've all seen the ads- a starving child living in filth and a well meaning spokesperson tugging at your heartstrings. Send a small amount of money per month to a given charity and this poor child will benefit. This is all well and good, but is it the right thing to do? You can give support to...
  15. comana

    Resources for pre-columbian history of Americas?

    I am looking for solid sources relating to ancient/pre-columbian history and archaeology of the Americas. (books and links) This is a new area of study for me so any suggestions would be greaty appreciated. Thanks :thumbsup:
  16. comana

    Cool site for science news!

    I found an awesome site for science news. All the latest and a good archive too. It can be found here Science Daily. And as a bonus here is a gem for Anthropology And another one for space stuff, Universe Today Enjoy! :thumbsup: :wave: :clap:
  17. comana

    Bill aims to bar women from direct ground combat

    WASHINGTON (AP) -- Women in the military would be barred from serving in direct ground combat roles, under a House bill that sets Defense Department policy and spending plans for the upcoming budget year. Link Edit: forgot link
  18. comana

    What is the purpose/meaning of life?

    Why is there life on earth and human consciousness? Is there an answer and if not does it matter? What if there is no purpose? We are all still here and nothing changes. I bring this up because I am currently embroiled in such a debate on another forum and thought it would be interesting here...
  19. comana

    Mom's lack of license blocks teen from driving

    So is this legislative incompetence? Or did the lawmakers really not see a situation like this coming? Family sues to allow another adult to supervise training
  20. comana

    Public education good or bad?

    This is to discuss whether or not the concept is good or bad. Not necessarily how the system is currently failing in some cities. Some thoughts: 1. Should it be the government's responsibility to guarantee an education for every child? 2. If not, how would a completely private system be...