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  1. Brihaha

    Perfect metaphor for maga movement

    It seems nobody had control of this maga movement either lol. I mean this is funny and ironic. It was only a couple days after Mr Trump was convicted in NYC. This reminds me of that...
  2. Brihaha

    Is everyone angry? Toxic Outrage Culture is consuming society.

    I came across this article this morning and feel it's a worthy topic for discussion. In some ways it does seem like everyone is angry nowadays. In reading the story it talks about the prevalence of social media worldwide. And how people like to be included in society. Social media heightens...
  3. Brihaha

    Florida bill banning kids from social media

    I learned Florida's House passed a measure that would ban children under 16 from joining social media platforms. There is research illustrating how social media is "an important driver" of our "national youth mental health crisis". I have mixed feelings about this. I agree social media is...
  4. Brihaha

    Satire: Florida State can still win the national college football title if Mike Pence has the courage. I couldn't stop laughing while reading this. So I will share the laugh. It's not real or true but it makes people chuckle.
  5. Brihaha

    Kindness is Contagious Lately I have been noticing this phenomenon. If I wake up and decide to have a positive outlook on life my day is happy and productive. If I am kind and polite to people they seem to reciprocate. The more I try to love others the better results I...
  6. Brihaha

    Would republicans use Trump to win the White House with plans to impeach and remove him?

    I'm interested in hearing what thoughts are on this topic. I have been wondering if politicians would do something that underhanded. It would seemingly alienate Trump voters, yet I wouldn't dismiss the possibility. Anything seems game for politicians to attain or retain power. I have been...
  7. Brihaha

    Anger and ideas for productive releases

    Anger can sometimes be difficult to process. As I age my anger has abated and I have learned to separate the anger from other emotions. Sobriety from alcohol allowed me to finally mature and grow up somewhat. And it has helped me to avoid stress and live quite happily, rarely ever feeling pure...
  8. Brihaha

    Buddhist monks test positive for meth in Thailand.

    A temple in Thailand was emptied recently because several monks and an Abbott tested positive for methamphetamine. The monks were forced into treatment for drug addiction. I wonder if American church leaders are forced to take drug tests? Other Americans have been forced to submit to these drug...
  9. Brihaha

    Deliberate use of courts to pursue a political agenda

    Trump Lawyers Sanctioned by Judge on Clinton Conspiracy Suit Trump's lawyers are finally being held to account for filing a frivolous, wasteful lawsuit against Hillary and others. The judge said 31 people and companies were summoned to court and forced into hiring lawyers to defend against...
  10. Brihaha

    Statistics don't kill people. But statistics show you are less safe with a handgun in your home.

    "People who live in a home with guns are at a higher - not lower - risk of homicide." This conclusion was derived from two research projects. One study was a survey of gun owners and why they buy firearms. The other was a lengthy study of California homicides. "The study also didn't find any...
  11. Brihaha

    Join the mooovement!

    The user @Devincow who gained notoriety on twitter is now forming a Political Action Committee to help elect democratic and progressive candidates to political office. I am not advocating voting for any of these candidates mind you. I find the tactic hilariously creative tho. I do think it has a...
  12. Brihaha

    The Time has Come...

    For America to make daylight savings time permanent. The Sunshine Protection Act passed in the senate. Now it heads to the House of Representatives. The bill is a bipartisan one that many Americans will surely support. I think it is essential to accentuate the positives we see in our government...
  13. Brihaha

    RT America shutting down production.

    RT America ceases productions and lays off most of its staff - CNN This could benefit America tremendously in the long run. Russian disinformation has divided willing Americans for too long. Now if we could minimize the Putin apologists on our cable networks it would also behoove America and...
  14. Brihaha

    The Unum Test and ideas to unite America once again.

    Eight in Ten Americans are Concerned About Partisanship. Here's How to Reunite America This idea of the Unum Test was published by Time magazine. It comes from the Latin e pluribus unum. Out of many, one. It's literally the opposite of today's tribal us vs them mentality. I found this article...
  15. Brihaha

    Faith, Hope and Love

    I recently finished reading the Bible during this isolation period and lock down. Probably the best use of my time I could imagine. It is so true how those with a little will be given more. I'm speaking of faith in God, of which I have always possessed some. I was saved during revival week as a...