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Search results

  1. C


    I listen to various audio books to try to help with anxiety. I often hear that we are supposed to have no fear, although I had a discussion with some people about the fear of god. I told someone that brave people have a fear of fear as they say “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself “...
  2. C

    The first amendment

    Part of the first amendment says “congress shall make no law respecting a religion”. I get the impression that lawyers and others believe a wider context but let me give an example. If a court has a plaque of the Ten Commandments or a government building has a Christmas tree then someone decided...
  3. C

    Jesus had other brothers and sisters ?

    The Bible mentions that Jesus had other brothers and sisters but there doesn’t seem to be specific clarification on this as to who was their mother or when they were born. From Protestants I seem to get that James was a half brother, I guess that means Joseph had a previous wife but the Bible...
  4. C

    Peter as the first Pope or bishop of Rome

    This was an interesting podcast episode. It says that evidence that Peter was the first pope is in part because Saint Peter’s Basilica is so very large compared to other tombs such as that of Paul etc
  5. C

    skinwalker ranch a government psyop operation ?

    skinwalker ranch a government psyop operation ? Wikipedia says: Kelleher and Knapp's book was read by Defense Intelligence Agency official James Lacatski, who contacted Bigelow and obtained permission to visit the ranch. Lacatski had a supernatural experience there, which Bigelow relayed to his...
  6. C

    Ad for leaf blowing on craigslist

    I posted an ad on craiglist saying I had a leaf blower and all I get is responses from people looking for gay sex. One response said "meet for cofee?". I responded that I could meet them some Sunday at a local church, indicating in some sense my attitude about the whole thing. They persisted...
  7. C

    A powerful worship song

    I find this song deeply touching
  8. C

    A little disturbing?

    This is sort of a slightly disturbing thing. I wonder if i should share it with some people at a church because it bothers me a little as well as other unmentionable things that were said: I know a person who said that they wished someone would murder trump. I heard her say it before. I was in...
  9. C

    Yogic breathing

    This is an interesting video. An x Buddhist says how yogic breathing is satanic etc. I guess I could see where it might be but on the other hand, certain breathing exercises can lower your blood pressure or oxygenate the body. This can be useful at night because blood pressure can rise at night...
  10. C

    Buddhist monks - love your enemies

    Jesus said to love your enemies, something that often seemed hard and yet when China invaded Tibet that is what some of the Buddhists monks did. This is one reason I find it hard to subscribe to different sectarian views, although i understand that such views are common everywhere in one way or...
  11. C

    Shorts on Trump stock before assassination

    This also happened before 911 https://finbold.com/1-billion-asset-manager-shorts-trump-stock-day-before-assassination-attempt/
  12. C

    Goliath was 9 feet 9 inches tall ?

    According to the Masoretic text that modern bibles are based on, we are told that many believe that Goliath was 9 feet, nine inches tall based on the cubit measurements given. Og King of Bashan's bed is noted as being 13.5 feet long. This seems to fit with the controversial book of Enoch and...