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  1. P

    Toxins in cosmetics

    Just for your info... Florine; A pale-yellow, highly corrosive, poisonous, gaseous halogen element, the most electronegative and most reactive of all the elements, existing as a diatomic gas (F2) and used in a wide variety of industrially important compounds. More than half the cosmetics sold...
  2. P

    Charged Words

    Charged words like racist are over used for effect. They’re accusations designed to stop conversation. He’s a racist. Children and the lazy minded seem to do it naturally. If we sling enough mud, some of it will stick. Misogynist, homophobe. How about atheistic, misandrist, heterophobes...
  3. P

    Were Adam and Eve Saved?

    We can toss scripture at each other until we bleed. I have a few things on this subject which I will simply post here. They deal more with the character of God and His foreknowledge and reason for creation. The sacrifice of His Son prior to creation. Were Adam and Eve saved? I’ve found some...
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    Time, Creation and the Big Bang

    The details of how God created this universe, I will never understand. He Did. To some the answer to that question is a life long pursuit, one I enjoy watching and reading about. Keep it up. To me however, the more important question is why. While I am curious about, and amazed by His work, why...
  5. P

    The fear of the Lord

    Phobos Below are the Strongs definitions for fear. Following are scriptures that will help us understand which usage is implied in different instances. 1. Fear, dread, terror. 2, That which strikes terror. 3. Reverence for one’s husband. Hebrews, 10:26 “For if we sin willfully after that we...
  6. P

    Is Christianity a Socialistic structure?

    Is Christianity a socialistic structure? In Galatians, 6:10 we read, “So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith.” And in Proverbs, 3:27, “Do not withhold good from those who deserve it, when it is within your...