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  1. Marilyn C

    The Converging of God`s 3 Purposes.

    God has appointed times and I believe we are fast approaching the convergence of God`s 3 purposes.
  2. Marilyn C

    The Unity of Faith. What do you believe?

    The Unity of the Spirit by the Holy Spirit and for us to keep by our right attitude one to another otherwise we disqualify ourselves. `I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with...
  3. Marilyn C

    The Unity of the Spirit. What do you believe?

    The Unity of the Spirit by the Holy Spirit and for us to keep by our right attitude one to another otherwise we disqualify ourselves. `I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with...
  4. Marilyn C

    Tribulation Calculations.

    For Israel and the Nations but not for the Body of Christ.
  5. Marilyn C

    What is the `something better` for us?

    What is the `something better ` for us? `And all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise, God having provided something better for us, that they should not be made perfect apart from us.` (Heb. 11: 39 & 40) `Something better,` Greek - `keitton...
  6. Marilyn C

    What is the `better resurrection?`

    What is the `Better Resurrection.` Hebrews 11 is about the Old Testament saints who all had faith in what God promised them – a better resurrection. And that is better than life on this earth. `These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, they...
  7. Marilyn C

    Not made for the Trifling things of Time......

    1 Not made for the trifling things of time, But to live for eternity, Created to know the things sublime In the presence of God are we. Refrain: Made for a life that never ends, Made for the home of love; Made for a better land than this, Made for the glorious world above. Made to commune with...
  8. Marilyn C

    The Times we Live in and what we need to do.

    The Times we Live in and what we need to do. Many of us realize that the times of the Gentiles ruling is coming to an end. We see them futilely attempting to form a central world government thinking they can bring peace upon the earth. However, we know man can only seek to control others either...
  9. Marilyn C

    What will the `catching away ` be like?

    1. `In the twinkling of an eye.` (1 Cor. 15: 52) We are changed that quick that no one will see. 2. We will have the same body as the Lord`s that is able to go through dimensions. Remember that the Lord came into the room where the disciples were without going through the door. So no visual...
  10. Marilyn C

    The Names and Titles of the Lord Jesus Christ.

    What is Jesus really like? HIs names reveal His true character. When we understand His love, compassion, and mercy, we will put our total trust in Jesus. Let`s write one name or title and see how far we can go with exalting our Lord Jesus. Just one at a time please so others can contribute...
  11. Marilyn C

    Bible Overview.

    I find timelines very helpful in expressing complex thoughts simply. Hope this timeline helps you and promotes good discussion.
  12. Marilyn C

    From Gaza to the Golan Heights in 3 Steps.

    1. The world turns against Israel. (already happening) 2. Israel wins the war against Hamas. 3. God turns Russia away from the Ukraine and brings them (& others) down to the Golan heights and deals with them there. I give it about 3 months. Any thoughts? Revision - As things are unfolding I...
  13. Marilyn C

    The Key to God`s Timing for Israel.

    Now I believe the key to God`s timing for Israel (& thus us) is the 15th of Adar, their National Deliverance Celebration. This is seen in Esther 9: 21, the Feast of Purim. (Note in Jerusalem it is on the 15th of Adar.) Hope you can follow this time line. 1,260 days of A/C ruling. (Rev. 13: 5...
  14. Marilyn C

    What I see might occur after this war with Israel and Hamas.

    I thought I`d give some thoughts on what I see might occur following the `war` now in progress with Israel and Hamas in Gaza. First there needs a bit of background concerning the two sides of Islam. The Sunni and Shi-ites. When Mohammed died the Shi - ites believe that his son-in-law was the...
  15. Marilyn C

    The Main Truths for the Body of Christ.